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AP Human Geo. Chap.4

Chapter 4 vocab and more

Taboo A restriction on behavior imposed by social customs
Folk Culture The Lifestyle of a culture
Habit The Repetitive act that a particular individual performs
Terroir The sum of Effects of the local environment on a particular food item
Custom A group pattern of habitual activity usually transmitted from one generation to another
Popular Culture Culture found in a large, heterogeneous society that shares certain habits
Acculturation Cultural changes of a society on contact with a different one
Assimilation The Merging of cultural traits; The loss of original differentiating traits
Cultural Core/Periphery Pattern The notion that as one region expands in economic prosperity, it must immerse outlying regions to ensure ongoing economic/political success
Cultural Ecology The studies between a given society and its natural environment and it's inhabitants
Cultural Identity Ones belief in belonging to a group or certain cultural group
Cultural Landscape Portrays how humans have used and adopted natural resources over time; agriculture or settlement
Cultural Realm Entire Region throughout which a culture exists
Culture The behaviors, beliefs, and characteristics of a particular social, ethnic, or age group
Formal Culture Region Region marked by relative uniformity of characteristics
Functional Culture Region Area organized around a focal point
Vernacular Culture Region Area that people believe to exist as part of their cultural identity
Diffusion Types The process of the spread of a feature/trend from one place to another
Expansion - Diffusion Spread of a feature/trend among people from one area to another; snowballing process
Hierarchical - Diffusion The spread of a feature/trend from one key person
Contagious - Diffusion The rapid widespread diffusion of a feature/trend throughout a population
Stimulus - Diffusion The spread of an underlying principle even though a specific characteristic is rejected
Relocation - Diffusion The spread of a feature/trend through bodily movement of people from one place to another
Innovation Adoption The study of How, Why, and What rate new technology spreads throughout a culture
Maladaptive Diffusion The diffusion of a process negative side effects or what works well in one region may not in another
Sequent Occupance The general understanding that societies leave their "people" on a place each contributing to cultural landscape
Adaptive Strategies Society's system of economic production
Characteristics A distinguishing trait
Built Environment A man-made surrounding that provides the setting for human activity
Folk Culture The lifestyle of a culture
Folk House The housing stock predominantly reflects styles of building of the aboriginal residents
Folk Songs The traditional songs of a cultural group
Folklore the body of expressive culture including tales, music, dances, legends, oral history, jokes, popular beliefs, customs, etc.
Material Culture The art, housing, clothing, sports, dances, foods, & other similar items constructed or created by a group of people.
Traditional Architecture Folk Culture homes and Vernacular Landscapes
Created by: khelne008
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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