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origin muscles

trapezius (origin,insertion, action) origin: Starts at base of skull. Ends at last thoracic vertebra. insertion:Scapula and clavicle elevation. action:Elevates and lowers pectoral girdle. Also moves scapula towards the spine.
latissimus dorsi (insertion, action) insertion:humerus action: Brings shoulders and arms back to body
pectorals major (origin, insertion, action) origin: sternum insertion: humerus action: moves humerus to chest
serratus anterior (action) action: protracts and stabilizes scapula laterally and forward chest wall,prime mover in all forward reaching and pushing action, assists in upward rotation.
deltoid (origin, insertion, action) origin: Clavicle, deltoid tuberosity, acromion and scapula insertion:Deltoid tuberosity (humerus) action:Raises and rotates arm in all directions.
biceps brachii (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin:short head: scapula. long head: supraglenoid tubercle insertion: radial tuberosity and bicipittal aponeurosis action:flexes elbow and supinates forearm antagonistic: triceps brachii
triceps brachii (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin:long head: scapula lateral head: posterior humerus medial head: posterior humerus insertion:olecranon process of ulna action:extends forearm, long head adducts shoulder antagonistic: biceps brachii
erector spinae (action, antagonistic) action:extends the vertebral column antagonistic: rectus abdominus
gluteus maximus (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin ilium, lumbar fascia, sacrum, sacrotuberous ligament insertion: femur, iliotibial tract action: external rotation & extension of the hip joint, supports the extended knee, antigravity muscle in sitting antagonisti Iliacus, Psoas major, Psoas min
sartorius (origin, action, insertion) origin:inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine insertion:anteromedial surface of the upper tibia action: Flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation of the hip, flexion of the knee
quadriceps femoris (origin, action, insertion, antagonistic) Origin: combined rectus femoris and vastus muscles Insertion:tibial tuberosity Actions:Knee extension; Hip flexion antagonistic: hamstrings
rectus femoris (origin, action, insertion, antagonistic) Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine and the exterior surface of the bony ridge, iliac portion of the acetabulum Insertion:inserts into the patellar tendon as one of the four quadriceps muscles Actions:knee extension; hip flexion Antagonist:Hamstring
vastus lateralis (origin, action, insertion, antagonistic) Origin:Greater trochanter, Intertrochanteric line, and Linea aspera of the Femur Insertion:patella,tibial tuberosity, lateral &medial condolyes of tibia Actions:Extends leg and stabilizes knee Antagonist :Hamstring
vastus medialis (origin, action, insertion, antagonistic) Origin femur Insertion :patella,tibial tuberosity, lateral &medial condolyes of tibia Actions extends leg: keeps patella in grove
vastus intermedius (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) Origin: anterior & lateral surface of femoral shaft Insertion:patella,tibial tuberosity, lateral &medial condolyes of tibia Actions extends knee
gracilis (action, antagonistic) action: flexes, medially rotates tibia at knee
tensor fasciae latae (action, antagonistic) action: extends knee, laterally rotates tibia, abduction and medial rotation of femur, steadies pelvis
bicep femoris (action, insertion, origin, antagonistic) Origin:long head ischial tuberosity short head line aspera & supercondylar of femur Insertion:head femur Actions:flexes knee, extends hip, elevates trunk, rotates tibia on femur, counteracts forward bending of hips Antagonist:Quadriceps muscle
semitendinosus (action, antagonistic) action - flex knee, medially rotates tibia on femur, counteracts forward bending of hips antagonistic - quadricep muscle
gastrocenemius (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin: condyles,capsule of knee joint, lateral supercondyle of femur insertion: calcaneus action:plantar flex, flex knee, antagonistic:tibialis anterior muscle
soleus (action, antagonistic) action:plantar flex, steady leg on ankle while standing antagonist: tibialis anterior
tibialis anterior (action, antagonistic) action: dorsiflexes & inverts foot, resist backward tipping anatgonistFibularis longus, Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Plantaris, Tibialis posterior
diaphragm (action, synergistic) action:inspiration(2/3 air intake)contracts for sneezing, coughing, etc, compresses abdominal viscera in childbirth & expeulsion of feces/urine synergestic: transverse, rectus, external oblique and internal oblique, intercostals
external intercostal (action, antagonistic) action: elevate/protract ribs 2-12, expands thoracic cavity, creates vacuum, antagonistic intercostales interni muscles
internal intercostal (action, antagonistic) action: elevates ribs, expands thoracic cavity for inspiration, expiration depresses/retracts ribs compresses thoracic cavity, (only in forceful breathing, not relaxed) Antagonistic - external intercostals
massester (origin, insertion, action antagonisic) origin: zygomatic arch insertion: lateral surface of mandibular ramus and angle action elevation of mandible, small roles in protraction/retraction/lateral and medial excursion antagonistic:platysma muscle
digastric (origin, insertion, action synergestic) origin: mastoid notch of temporal bone, digastric fossa ofo mandible insertion:hyoid bone action:depresses mandible when hyoid is fixed, opens mouth widely, elevates hyoid when mandible is fixed synergistic mytohyoid
orbicularis oculi (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin: lacrimal bone, adj regions of frontal and maxilla, medial angle of eyelid insertion: upper and lower eyelids, skin around margin of orbit action: sphincter of eyelids Antagonist: levator palpebrae superioris
obicularis oris (origin, insertion, action, synergistic) origin: modiolus of mouth insertion: submucosa and dermis of lip action: encircles mouth, closes lips, protrudes lips, speech synergistic: zygomaticus
zygomaticus major (origin, insertion, action, synergestic) origin:zygomatic bone insertion:superolateral angle of mouth action:draws angle of mouth upward and laterally in laughing synergistic: temporalis
platysma (origin, insertion, action, antagonistic) origin: fascia of deltoid, pectorals major insertion: mandible, skin & tissue of lower face action: draws lower lip angle of mouth, downward expression
sternocleidomastoid (origin, insertion, action, syngerstic) origin: manubrium of sternum, medial 1/3 clavicle insertion:mastoid process/lateral 1/2 of superior nuchal line action: tilts head upward and to opposite side, rotates head left or right, draws head straight forward and down syngeristic: trapezius
external oblique (action) supports abdominal viscera against pull of gravity, stabilizes vertebral column during lifting, maintains posture, compresses organs, expulsion of urine, fecal, childbirth
rectus abdominis (origin, insertion, action) origin: pubic sympysis insertion:xiphoid process, costal cartilage 5-7 action:flexes lumbar region of vertebral column, forwarding bending
Elevates Jaw? Depresses jaw? masseter closes jaw, playsma opens jaw
flexes vertebral column? rectus abdominus
adducts the humerus? latissmus dorsi, pectoralis major
antagonistic to latssmus dorsi & pectoralis major deltoid
which two muscles used for plantar flex of foot gastrocnemius, soleus
which muscle is used for dorsiflexion tibialis anterior muscle
which muscle adducts the thigh gracilis
which two muscles act syngeristically in inhalation? diaphragm and external intercostal muscles
which muscle is antagonistic in inhalation? internal intercostal muscles and rectus abdominus
adducts, rotates and hyperextends the arm? latissmus dorsi
elevates depresses and adducts the scapula extends head trapezius
aids in lateral rotation of the body external obliques
3 muscles that extend the thigh (hip) bicep femoris semitendinosus gluteus maximus
2 muscles that flex the thigh rectus femoris, sartorius
4 muscles extend leg at knee rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius
antagonist to the muscles rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus, intermedias, vastus lateralis biceps femoris, semitendonosis, sartorius
flexes the forearm bicep brachii
antagonist for bicep brachii tricep brachii
which muscle flexes the head sternocleodmastoid
which muscle is used for reaching and pushing serratus anterior
Created by: 1669174116
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