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Stover Chapter 21

Absolute Monarchs

What three things encouraged the development of absolute monarchs? cities, colonies, kingdoms
Which war was sparked by religious differences,ended with a stronger France, a weaker Spain and Austria, and destroyed Germany? Thirty Years War
The Edict of Nantes was a declaration of religious toleration
Who was the first Russian czar to westernize Russia? Peter the Great
What religious faith did the Glorious Revolution bring back to the English throne? Protestantism
What type of government had England become by the end of the 1600's? constitutional monarchy
Which monarch lost the English Civil War? Charles I
Which weak king did Cardinal Richelieu serve? Louis XIII
Who started a war to gain a warm water port for Russia? Peter the Great
Which monarch was sentenced to death by a Puritan government? Charles I
Who founded the Bourbon dynasty and issued the Edict of Nantes? Henry IV
Who came to power in England as a result of the Glorious Revolution? Mary
Who, as the minister of finance under Louis XIV, embraced mercantilism? Colbert
Which Protestant prince converted to Catholicism after becoming king of France? Henry IV
Which Puritan leader abolished the English monarchy and ruled as a military dictator? Cromwell
Which hardworking monarch and devout Catholic ruled the Spanish empire in the late 1500s? Philip II
Which French writer embraced skepticism and developed the essay form of literature? Montaigne
Which king began his reign at the age of five and became France's most powerful monarch? Louis XIV
Which king of Prussia started the War of Austrain Succession? Frederick II
Which Calvinist king of Scotland inherited Elizabeth's English throne? James I
Who was the minister to Louis XIII that strengthened the monarchy at the expense of the nobility? Cardinal Richelieu
The English government by the late 1600s had become a _______________ monarchy, whereas the French government remained an ___________ monarchy. absolute
The English monarch had to share power with _____________, whereas the French monarch had ____________ power. Parliament, total
What were the three most important changes that took place in Russian in the late 1600s and early 1700s? westernization, warm water port, capital moved to St.Petersburg
What belief did monarch's use to justify their absolute rule? divine right
What type of government did the Netherlands establish after gained their independence from Spain? republic
Who suffered the greatest loss of power under the reign of Ivan the Terrible? nobility
What law was passed in France to end violent religous conflicts? Edict of Nantes
Who were the most powerful nations in Central Europe following the Thirty Years' War? Austria, Prussia
What did the Restoration restore to power in England? monarchy
Who was known as the Sun King? Louis XIV
What king oversaw the building of St. Petersburg? Peter the Great
Which French king cancelled the Edict of Nantes? Louis XIV
Which Russian czar began a campaign to westernize Russia? Peter the Great
Which monarch was executed after losing the English Civil War? Charles I
Which Puritan led England after the end of the English Civil War? Cromwell
Whose policies drove the French nobility to rebel against the child king he served? Cardinal Mazarin
Which Catholic King of England was overthrown in the Glorious Revolution? James II
Who defended Austrian territoes seized by Prussia in the War of Austrian Succession? Maria Theresa
Which Dutch artist painted The Synics? Rembrandt
Who wrote the Spanish novel Don Quixote about a poor nobleman who battled windmills? Cervantes
Which Russian czar began a campaign of cruelty against his people after his wife died? Ivan the Terrible
Which Spanish monarch felt duty-bound to defend Catholicism from its enemies? Philip II
Who was the French writer and thinkder who believed no one can ever be sure of anything? Descartes
Who successfully fought to free the Netherlands from Spanish control and then later shared the English throne with his wife Mary? William
By the 1600s England had a ____________ monarchy, whereas Russia had a ______________ monarchy. constitutional, absolute
England's monarch had to share power with ______________, whereas Russia's monarch had ______________ power. Parliament, total
Name three ways the kings of France limited the nobles power. nobles forced to live at court, take down walls of castle, increased power of intendents
How did the Russian czar's limit the nobles power? secret police killed them, took their land
Created by: dwstover
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