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Muscles Wk4-6 202

O: top of manubrium & medial 1/3 of clavicle I: mastoid process of temporal bone & lat portion of sup nuchal line of occiput A: lat flex head/neck to same side, rotate head to opp side, bilat flex neck, elevate ribcage during inhale N: C1, 2, 3 sternocleidomastoid
O: transverse process of 3-6 cervical vertebrae I: First rib A: unilaterally flex head and neck, same side, rotate head and neck to opp side N: C3, 4-8 anterior scalene
O: transverse process of 2-7 cervical vertebrae I: first rib A: A: unilaterally flex head and neck, same side, rotate head and neck to opp side N: C3, 4-8 middle scalene
O: transverse process of 6-7 cervical vertebrae I: second rib A: A: unilaterally flex head and neck, same side, rotate head and neck to opp side N: C3, 4-8 posterior scalene
O: zygomatic arch I: angle and ramus of mandible A: eleveate mandible (TMJ), may assist to protract TM joint N: Trigeminal (V) mandibular division masseter
O: temoral fossa and fascia I: coronoid process and anterior edge of ramus of mandible A: eleveate mandible (TMJ), retract TM joint N: Trigeminal (V) nerve mandibular division temporalis
O: fascia covering superior part of pec major I: base of mandible, skin of lower part of face A: assist to depress TMJ, tighten fascia of neck, draw down corner of the mouth N: facial VII platysma
O: galea aponeurotica I: skin superior to eyebrows A: raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead N: facial VII frontalis
O: medial surface of lateral pterygoid place of sphenoid bone and tuberosity of maxilla I: medial surface of ramus of mandible A: unilaterally: laterally deviates mandible to opposite side bilaterally: elevates and protracts mandible N: Trigeminal V medial pterygoid
O: sup head: infratemporal surface & crest of greater wing sphenoid bone inf head: lat surface of lat pterygoid plate sphenoid bone I: articular disc & capsule of TMJ A: laterally: deviate mandible to opp side, bilaterally protract mandible N: V lateral pterygoid
O: Encircle of the mouth I: Angle of the mouth N: facial nerve VII temporal branch A: pressing together, tightening and thinning, rolling inward, thrusting outward corrugator Supercilii
O: Frontal and maxilla I: skin around the eyelids A:blinks and squints the eye N: Facial nerve VII orbicularis Oculi
O: Maxilla and mandible I: orbicularis oris A: presses lips together for blowing, sucking and whistling N: Facial nerve VII buccal branch Buccinator
O: Incisive fossa on anterior aspect of mandible I: Skin of chin A: Elevates and wrinkles skin of chin and protrudes lower lip N: Facial nerve VII mandibular branch mentalis
O: medial half of clavical, sternum & cartilage of 1-6 ribs I: crest of greater tubercle of humerus A: adduct & medially rotate shoulder, elevate thorax forced inhalation, flex & extend shoulder N: C5-8, T1 pec major
O: 3-5 ribs I: medial surface of coracoid process of scapula A: depress, abduct and downwardly rotate scapula, assist to elevate thorax during forced inhalation N: C6-8, T1 pec minor
O: 1st rib and cartilage I: inferior surface of middle 1/3 of clavicle A: depress and draw clavicle anteriorly, elevate 1st rib during inhalation, stabilize sternoclavicular joint N: C5-6 subclavius
O: lateral 1/3 of clavicle, acromion & spine of scapula I: deltoid tuberosity A: abduct, flex, extend, medially & laterally rotate shoulder N: C5-6 deltoid
O: bodies & transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae I: lesser trochanter A: flex & laterally rotate hip, flex trunk and tilt pelvis anteriorly N: L1-4 psoas major
O: iliac fossa I: lesser trochanter A: flex and laterally rotate hip, flex trunk toward thigh and tilt pelvis anteriorly N: L1-4 iliacus
O: body & transverse process of 1st lumbar vertebrae I: superior ramus of pubis A: assist to create lordotic curvature in lumbar spine N: L1-2 **only 40% of people have this muscle psoas minor
O: pubic crest, pubic symphysis I: cartilage of 5-7 ribs and xyphoid process A: flex vertebral column, tilt pelvis posteriorly N: T5-12 rectuc abdominis
O: external surface of 5-12 ribs I: anterior part of iliac crest, abdominal aponeurosis to linea alba A: laterally flex vertebral column to same side, rotate to opp side, flex vertebral column, compress abdomen N: T5-12 external oblique
O: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest & thoracolumbar fascia I: internal surface of lower 3 ribs, ab apon to linea alba A: laterally flex vertebral column to same side, rotate to opp side, flex column & compress abdomen N: T7-12, L1 internal oblique
O: lateral inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia & internal surface of lower 6 ribs I: ab apon to linea alba A: compress abdomen N: T7-12, L1 transverse oblique/abdominis
O: inferior ramus of pubis, ramus of ischium & ischial tuberosity I: medial lip of linea alba & adductor tubercle A: adduct thigh N: L2-5, S1 adductor magnus
O: pubic tubercle I: medial lip of linea aspera A: adduct thigh N: L2-4 adductor longus
O: inferior ramus of pubis I: pectineal line & medial lip of linea apera A: adduct thigh N: L2-4 adductor brevis
O: superior ramus of pubis I: pectineal line of femur A: adduct thigh N: L2-4 pectineus
O: inferior ramus of pubis I: proximal, medial shaft of tibia at pes anserinus tendon A: adduct thigh N: L2-4 gracilis
O: iliac crest, posterior to ASIS I: iliotibial tract A: flex, medially rotate and abduct the hip N: L4-5, S1 Tensor Fasciae Latae (TFL)/Iliotibial Tract (IT Band)
O: RECTUS FEMORIS:AIIS VASTUS MEDIALIS: med lip linea asp VASTUS LATERALIS: lat lip linea asp, gluteal tuberosity, great troch VASTUS INTER: ant & lat shaft of femur I: tibial tuberosity via patella & patellar ligament A: extend knee, flex hip N: L2-4 quadriceps femoris group
O: anterior superior ilias spine (ASIS) I: proximal, medial shaft of tibia at pes anserinus tendon A: flex & laterally rotate hip, flex knee and medially rotate flexed knee N: L2-4 sartorius
Created by: VSauci404
Popular Massage Therapy sets



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