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Global History Exam1

Imperialism the policy of extending the power of a nation by either conquest or establishing direct or indirect economic or cultural authority over another country; usually driven by economic self-interest along with other different motives
Indirect rule powerful outside country focuses on controlling military and economic control of the other country that is being controlled; changing traditions and lifestyle of the people is not important
Direct rule priority by the outside country is not only for control of the economy and military of the dominated country, but also an attempt to directly control all levels of government operation and politics
Accommodation adjustment, as of differences or to new circonstances; adaptation, settlement, or reconciliation; describes the collaboration with local elites while leaving local traditions alone; perserve some degree of freedom and choice for internal fairs of country
Assimilation process in which a group adopts the customs and attituds or a prevailing country
Folk culture refers to lifestyle of the average local people; demonstrates old ways and sense of community
Free trade trade between nations without protective customs tariffs; nations able to trade with each other without interference from government; eliminates high taxes on imported/exported goods
Nationalism strong identification of a group of individuals with a political entinity defined in national terms; citizens very patriotic and supportive of their country; sense of national consciousness based on awareness of being part of a nation
New Imperialism refers to colonial expansion adopted by Eurpoes powers and Japan and the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries; expansion of colonies was a result of tyranny on part of European powers
Economic imperialism goals include gaining new markets to sell manufactured goods and obtaining access to needed raw resources; rather than being controlled by the government, this was formed by businessmen and corporations
Self-determination wants the right to establish own autonomy rather than be subject to a minority in a multinational state
Neocolonialism act of developing colonies or territories into countries; country itself developing individually without assistance from former dictatorship
Urbanization becoming or taking on the characteristics of a city; process by which societies grow or become more developed; large numbers of people becoming permanently concerted in relatively small areas and forming cities
Romanticism intellectual outlook that influenced literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, histography in Western civilization from late 18th to mid 19th centuries
Conservatism political philosophy that favors institutions and practices that evolve gradually with continuous statbility; based on tradition that perfers gradual development to abrupt changes; ex: call for lower taxes, limited government regulation
Laissez-faire government had minimum interference in economic afairs of individuals and society; function of state was to maintain order and securing and to avoid interference with initiative of an individual
Liberalism theory in economics that favors social progress by improvement and by changing laws rather than by revolution; emphasizes individual freedom from control; based on free competition and self-regulating market, protection of civil liberties
Revolutionary socialism Karl Marx advocated for change through means of working class (proletariat); want to achieve socialist society to control government and production processes
Industrial middle class made up of factory owners who enjoyed new wealth accompanied production of industrial revolution; received profits that workers provided for them
Landed elites provision of money and economic stability; those who profit by renting their land and facilities to others for a service fee; convenient and easy way to accumulate income
secularization directed society's focus away from the utopia and back to reality; promoted individual, modern, and rational thought about society and government; strict role or religion, authority and discipline
Realism rejected romanticism, utopian imagery, emotional language; exposed everyday life; scientific method became truth
Balance of power distribution and opposition of forces among nations so no single nation is strong enough to dominate others
Isolationism national policy of voluntaring a country's from political economic affairs with other countries; abstain a country from involving their countriy with others by denying trade, commitments, agreements
Militarism desire of government of people that a country should maintain a strong military capability and be prepared to use it aggressively to defend or promote national interests
suffrage right to vote in a political election/petition
total war every available weapon is used and the nation's full financial resources are spent on war
War Guilt Clause derived from Treaty of Versailles; states that war was started by Germany alone and that Germany should pay reparations to US and other European countries they fought against
League of Nations group of countries that was formed after WWI who promoted world peace and cooperation
Ethnic reunification war was a way to bring people back together
Propaganda form of information spread with intention of inspiring harmful actions against a particular group of people or nation; used to motivate or gain support for a cause
Armistice agreement between warring countries to cease fighting; how WWI ended
Utopian socialists led by Robert Owen; demanded major reform of industrial revolution; believed in equal distribution of wealth according to people's needs; relocate industrial production to rural areas to improve living conditions of cities
Duma elected legislative body in Russia; Nicholas II dissolved duma because army troops began to form mutiny against goverment when told to arrest factory works
Bourgeoisie upper class of society in Russia; own land and factory
Proletarians represent lower class of Russia; workers in factories and farms; Lenin wanted them to criticize government led by bourgeoisie and gain control
Treaty of Brest-Litovak peace settlement for WWI between Russians and Central Powers; Russia lost 1/4 of European territories, 1/3 of population, 80% of iron and coal reserves
White Russians monarchists, aristocrats, Liberals, Socialist SR members, Mensheviks, Cossacks; supported by Allies; opposition to Red Russians; had no leader; pro law and order
Red Russians/Bolsheviks Communist force; disciplined, leadership, larger; wanted revolution
Romanovs last imperial family to rule Russia; brutally murdered; Nicholas II was Tsar and treated working class poorly
Politburo executive committee for Communists in Russia; Lenin, Trosky, Stalin
Decolonization process by which colonies become independent of colonizing country; involved violence and revolution
Fascism radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology; seek to rejuvenate nation based on commitment to national community as organic entity; promotes violence and war that create national spirit
Mandates legal status for certain territories transformed from control of one country to another
Nation-state group of people with same history, traditions, language, usually ethnicity
Political democracy fair and equal process for election periods of time of representative governments; no corruption
Socialism country should control means of production or the public should own them
Totalitarian state controlled by one or a small group of people that has complete control of government; try to control anything and everything
Holocaust persecution and murder of approx 6 million Jews, gypsies, POWs, Polish and Soviet civilians, homosexuals, handicapped, Christians
Genocide intentional and organized elimination of an ethnic, racial, religious, national group
Concentration camps isolated areas in which people are restrained or confined and exposed to brutal conditions without choice
"Final solution" genocide of Jewish people in 1942
Anti-semitism "jewish-hatred"
Semites members of people who speak any semitic language; interconnected traditions, cultures, ethnicities, histories of the languages; derogatory insult for Jewish people
Created by: 1604610062
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