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Phys 1 final review

Massage therapy

Intracellular fluid Fluid on the inside of the cell
Cytosol fluid on inside of cell
Cytoplasm contains all organells of the cell
Metabolism the sum of all reactions in a cell
Anabolism building up of a substance in a cell
Catabolism breaking down of a substance in a cell
reduction anabolic reaction - building up
Oxydation catabolic reaction - breaking down
Endocrine system system that secrets hormones
Paracrine hormone that locally stimulates
Autocrine Hormone that stimulates itself
Integumentary System Skin, nails, hair...
Homeostasis regulated by the endocrine system - the body always maintaining an equilibrium
ATP Energy source for muscles
ATP+P+E Produces work and heat
where is glucose metabolized? Mitochondria
Pyruvic Acid What glucose breaks down in to
Lactic Acid What glucose turns into w/out oxygen
Krebs cycle where glucose goes in the presence of oxygen
Electron Transport Chain After Krebs cycle to produce ATP
Amino Acids Building Blocks of Proteins
Peptide Bond Type of covalent bond found between Amino Acids
Monosacharides building blocks of Carbohydrates
Glycogen stored form of glucose
Where is glycogen stored? In the liver
Fatty Acids Building blocks of lipids
What makes an organic substance The presence of carbon
Triglycerides Lipids
Gluconeogenesis New glucose formed from a non-carb source - In Liver
2nd messenger Water soluble hormone that activates a substance inside of the cell
G-protein activates Adenylate Cyclase - ATP made - cAMP activated - activates an enzyme inside cell that changes the phys of that cell
What substances are able to pass thru the cell membrane? Lipid soluble
lipid soluble hormones target... DNA
Transcription DNA transcribes data onto mRNA - 1st
Translation mRNA passes thru nucleus membrane and translates data to collect the proper building blocks
Mitosis somatic cell division - parent into 2 identical daughter cells
Meiosis reproductive cell division
Myoglobin binds o2 to skeletal muscle and gives it a red color
Sarcoplasmic reticulum stores calcium in the skeletal muscle
Actin thin fibers involved in muscle contraction
What releases the action potential the release of ACH diffusing into the sarcolemma
Neurotransmitter Chemical between synapse and sarcolemma
sarcolemma Cell membrane of skeletal muscle
Sarcomere unit divided by z lines that contains Actin & Myosin
z lines separate sarcomeres - give skeletal muscle striated look
Passive Transport simple diffusion - down the transportation gradient - no energy used
Active transport Sodium/potasium pump - up the concentration gradient - uses energy
hydrophobic lipid soluble
hydroliphic water soluble
lipophobic water soluble
lipophilic lipid soluble
lysosome breaks down waste - contains digestive enzymes
Cell Membrane Phospholipid bylayer
Nucleus contains DNA & RNA - all genetic material for the cell
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum has ribosomes - produces protein
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum manufactures steroids/lipids
golgi apparatus packages/sorts proteins/lipids - UPS
mitochondria powerhouse of the cell - produces ATP
na sodium
k potassium
o oxygen
n nitrogen
c carbon
glycogen lasts in liver... 4 hours
Pancreas produces insulin & glucagon
where is glycogen stored in the liver and skeletal muscle
glycogen that can't be stored becomes... adapose/fat
atoms in nucleus protons & neutrons
atoms outside nucleus electrons
lipogenesis creation of lipids-insulin
glucogenesis conversion of glucose to glycogen
what type of muscle found in walls of blood vessels smooth
what organ detoxifies amonia liver
cAMP most common second messenger
Krebs cycle happens in mitochondria
Krebs cycle breakdown of glucose which builds up coenzymes
Electron transport chain energy from coenzymes make atp in this process
glycogenesis glucose to glycogen (reduction reaction)
Glycolosis breakdown of glucose into 2 pyruvic acids
glycogenolysis glycogen to glucose
deamination breaking off an amino acid
monosacharide building blocks of carbs
amino acids building blocks of proteins
Amonia waste byproduct of protein broken into urea & shipped to the kidneys
glucagon raises blood sugar/convers glycogen to glucose
Pancreas produces... glucagon & insulin
Adrenaline produced in... medulla of adrenals
Corticoids produced in... cortex of adrenals
Osmosis movement of water - passive
symport/antiport 2ndary active transport - piggyback
synaptic vessicles contain... neurotransmitters
Smooth muscle appearance long spindles with single nucleus
Striated muscle has ... single nucleus
Intercollated discs are found in... cardiac muscle
Striated multinucleus skeletal muscle
z lines separate sarcomeres
ACHE (acetocholine esterase) breaks down ach and stops the action potential
neuromuscular junction motor neuron & sarcolemma
ribosomes make proteins
phagocytosis cell eating - active process mainly done by white blood cells
smooth Endoplasmic reticulum makes lipids, steroids
Created by: goodbunn
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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