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Muscle tissue.

skeletal tissue and fibers

what are three types of muscle tissue? skeletal, smooth, and cardiac
skeletal muscle voluntary with stripes, ex. bone
smooth muscle involuntary without stripes, ex. walls of hallow organs
cardiac muscle involuntary with stripes, ex. heart
what are the function of muscle tissue? movement, maintenance of posture, joint stabilization, and heat generation
what are the three functional features? contractility, excitability, extensibility, and elasticity
contractility muscles cells shorten and generate pulling force
excitability electrical nerve impulse stimulate the muscle cell to contract
elasticity can recoil passively after being stretched, resume resting length
sarcolemma plasma membrane
cytoplasm sarcroplasm
what are the three connective tissue binds with skeletal muscles and its fiber together? epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium
epimysium dense regular connective tissue surrounding entire muscle
perimysium surrounds each fascicle (groups of muscle fibers)
endomysium a fine sheath of connective tissue wrapping each muscle fiber
each skeletal muscle supplied by branches of... one nerve, one artery, and one or more veins
origin less movable attachment
insertion more movable attachment
fleshy attachments connective tissue fibers are short
indirect attachments connective tissue forms a tendon or aponeurosis (flat tendon)
sarcromeres a long row of repeating segments, ex. Z disc (Z line), thin (actin) filaments, and thick (myosin) fliaments
Z disc (Z line) boundaries of each sarcromere, where the cell membrane connect each other
thin (actin) filament extend from Z disc toward the center of the sarcromere
thick (myosin) filament located in the center of the sarcromere
A bands full length of the thick filament, includes inner end of thin filament
H zone center part of A band where no thin filament occur
M line in center of H zone, contain tiny rod that hold thick filaments together
I band region with only thin filament, lies within two adjacent sarcromeres
what are the three types of skeletal muscle fibers? slow oxidative fibers (Type I), fast glycolytic fiber (Type IIx), and fast oxidative fibers (Type IIa)
slow oxidative fibers (Type I) red color due to abundant mygobbin obtain energy from aerobic metabolic reactions contain a large number of mitochondria richly supplied with cappilaries contract slowly and resistant to fatigue fibers are smaller in diameter
fast glycolytic fiber (Type IIx) contain little myoglobin and few mitochondria about twice the diameter of slow-oxidative fiber contain more myofilaments and generate more power depend on anaerobic pathways contract rapidly and tire quickly
fast oxidative fibers (Type IIa) have a an intermediate diameter contract quickly like fast glycolytic fibers are oxygen-dependent have high myogglobin content and rich supply of capillaries somewhat fatigue-resistant more powerful than slow-oxidative fibers
Created by: adriana9
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