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GS vocab

GS exam 4

Abdominal peritoneum The serous membrane lining the walls of the abdominal cavity
Direct inguinal hernia A hernia that results from an acquired weakness in the inguinal floor
Epigastric A term referring to the region of the abdomen above the umbilicus
Evisceration Protrusion of the viscera outside the body as a result of trauma or wound disruption
Fascia In the abdomen, a tough, fibrous tissue layer between the parietal peritoneum and muscle layers
Fistula An abnormal tract or passage leading from one organ to another or from an organ to skin; usually caused by infection
Hernia A protrusion of tissue under the skin through a weakened area of the body wall
Hesselbach triangle The area bounded by the recuts abdominis muscle, the inguinal ligament, and the inferior epigastric vessels. This region is most commonly associated with inguinal hernias
Hypogastric A term referring to the region of the abdomen below the stomach
Incarcerated hernia Herniated tissue that is trapped in an abdominal wall defect. Incarcerated tissue requires emergency surgery to prevent ischemia and tissue necrosis
Incisional hernia The postoperative herniation of tissue into the tissue layers around an abdominal incision. This may occur in the immediate postoperative period or later, after the incision has healed.
Indirect inguinal hernia A hernia that protrudes into the membranous sac of the spermatic cord. This condition usually is due to a congenital defect in the abdominal wall.
Linea alba A strip of avascular tissue that follows the midline and extends from the pubis to the xyphoid process
McBurney incision An incision in which the oblique right muscle is manually split to allow removal of the appendix
Mesh A pliable synthetic or biosynthetic material used to bridge the tissue edges of the abdominal wall. It is used during hernia repair.
Paramedian incision An abdominal incision lying parallel to the midline
Pelvic cavity The lower abdominal cavity, which contains the bladder, uterus, and adnexa
Pfannenstiel incision A transverse incision below the umbilicus and above the pubis; it generally is used for pelvic surgery
Quadrants Four designated regions of the abdomen
Strangulated hernia A hernia in which abdominal tissue has become trapped between the layer of an abdominal wall defect. The strangulated tissue usually becomes swollen as a result of venous congestion. Lack of blood supply can lead to tissue necrosis
Subcostal A term referring to the area of the abdomen that follows the slope of the tenth costal cartilage. A subcostal incision is made in this area
Subcutaneous tissue The fatty (adipose) tissue layer lying directly under the skin of the abdominal wall and other areas of the body
Transverse incision An incision that is perpendicular to the midline of the body
Ventral hernia A weakness in the abdominal wall, usually resulting in protrusion of abdominal viscera against the peritoneum and abdominal fascia
Viscera The organs or tissue of the abdominal cavity
Created by: Lacey0720
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