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nutrition studyguide

health chapters 10

Give an example of a way in which a person's cultural background could influence that person's food choices. Jewish are not allowed to eat an animal that doesn't have split hooves.
List the 6 basic nutrients carbohydrates, water, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals
how much of your daily calories should come from fat? less than 25- 35%
how does fiber benefit your body? it moves waste through digestive system, promotes fullness, prevents overeating, reduces heart disease and type II diabetes
why is it dangerous to consume too much of a fat-soluble? fat-soluble vitamins are stored in body fat, where they can build up to toxic levels
why does you body need more water when you are active? to replace what you lose through sweat
your body uses carbohydrates by breaking them down into ______. sugar
what's the body's main source of energy? carbohydrates
consuming saturated fats and trans fats can increase the levels of ________ in your blood cholesterol
what are the elements found in foods that are used by the body? minerals
which food group band in MyPyramid is the largest? grains
which method of preparation tends to make food high in fat? frying
______ may be used to keep food fresh longer, to boost nutrient content, or improve its taste, texture, or appearance food additives
it is important to clean utensils and surfaces carefully to prevent ____, the spread of pathogens from one food to another cross-contamination
what are the 4 steps in food safety? clean, separate, cook, chill
what are the 5 basic food groups? grains, veggies, fruits, milk, meat and beans
compare and contrast nutrients nutrients are the substances your body needs. nutrition is the process in which your body takes in food and uses it
healthy foods can help reduce the risk of what 5 chronic diseases? cardiovascular disease, certain cancers, stroke, osteoporosis, type II diabetes.
what are the 6 environmental influences of what you choose to eat? family, culture, friends, time, money, advertising
know the roles of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. carbs.- main source of energy. proteins- build and maintain cells and tissues. fats- concentrated form of energy
what health risks are associated with being overweight heart disease, cancer, asthma, osteoarthritis, gall bladder disease, type II diabetes
what might cause teens to have a negative body image? being picked on at school, because of the way you look
why are fad diets generally not safe or reliable? any weight lost is usually regained, and they may not provide adequate energy or nutrients for the body.
the process by which your body takes in and uses food nutrition
substances in food that your body needs to grow, to repair itself, and to supply yourself with energy nutrients
a unit of heat used to measure the energy your body uses and the energy it receives from food calorie
the natural physical drive to eat, prompted by the body's need for food hunger
the psychological desire for food appetite
starches and sugars found in foods, which provide your body's main source of energy carbohydrates
a tough complex carbohydrate that the body cannot digest fiber
nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues protein
a waxy, fat-like substance cholesterol
compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes vitamins
elements found in food that are used by the body minerals
a condition in which the bones become fragile and break easily osteoporosis
a set of recommendations about smart eating and physical activity for all americans dietary guideline for americans
mypyramid and interactive guide to healthful and active living
a high ratio of nutrients to calories nutrient-dense
substances added to food to produce a desired effect food additives
food poisoning foodborne illness
treating a substance with heat to kill or slow the growth of pathogens pateurization
the spreading of pathogens from one food to another cross-contamination
a condition in which the body's immune system react to substances in some foods food allergy
a negative reaction to food that doesn't involve the immune system food intolerance
the process by which the body breaks down substances and gets energy from food metabolism
a measure of body weight relative to height body mass index (BMI)
heavier than the standard weight range for you height overweight
having an excess of body fat obese
below the standard weight range for your height underweight
the way you see you body body image
weight-loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time fad diets
a repeated pattern of losing and regaining body weight weight cycling
extreme, harmful eating behaviors that can cause serious illness or even death eating disorders
an eating disorder in which an irrational fear of weight gain leads people to starve themselves anorexia nervosa
an eating disorder that involves cycles of overeating and purging, or attempt to rid the body of food bulimia nervosa
an eating disorder in which people overeat compulsively binge eating disorder
a person who eats mostly or only plant-base foods vegetarian
products that supply one or more nutrients as a supplement to, not a substitute for, healthy foods dietary supplements
substances that boost athletic ability performance enhancers
dietary supplements containing plant extracts herbal supplements
very large amounts mega doses
Created by: missyprissi96
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