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6th HAM Unit 1 Test

Mr. Stickler's 6th Grade HAM Unit 1 Test flashcards

What does the word "Neolithic" mean? The word means "New Stone Age".
What does the word "domesticated" mean? The word means "to tame animals and keep them in herds".
What are "hunter-gatherer" societies? These are primitive groups of people who do not plant crops, but instead they gather fruits, nuts, berries and other things from forests and hunt wild game for food.
What three things must be present in order to have a "civilization"? 1.) A surplus of food, 2.) A division of labor, 3.) Must have built cities.
What is "irrigation"? This is a way of re-routing (or "diverting") water from rivers, lakes, or streams to a person's crops for agriculture.
How many years are in a decade, a century, and a millennium? 10 years, 100 years, and 1,000 years.
What do the letters "B.C.E." stand for? "Before Common Era".
What do the letters "C.E." stand for? They stand for "Common Era".
What was the "Neolithic Agricultural Revolution"? This was the point in prehistory when early humans learned how to plant crops successfully.
Why is the "Agricultural Revolution" important? This is important because early humans became less nomadic and began creating permanent settlements near rivers and seas. Also, clans had a surplus of grain, which they stored to use later.
What is the relationship between the "Agricultural Revolution" and the size of early human clans? When early humans grew crops, there was extra. They used the extra to avoid starvation, so they lived longer. Males and females were healthier, so they had more children. This increased clan size.
How did the "Agricultural Revolution" effect the division of labor in clans of early humans? Men stopped hunting so much and began farming, a job that used to be held by women. This changed the clan power structure. Now males had more power due to the importance of farming and women had less power.
What two rivers was "Mesopotamia" between? The Tigris and the Euphrates rivers in the Iran/ Iraq area.
What is the Equator? An imaginary line that circles the center of the globe horizontally ("in the middle"). It is labeled as 0 degrees latitude.
What is the Prime Meridian? An imaginary line that circles the globe vertically ("from top to bottom"). It is labeled 0 degrees longitude. It runs through Greenwich, England.
Why are the cave paintings found in Lascaux, France important? These are important because they serve as direct evidence (a "primary source") that tells us about prehistoric humans. They may also serve as "signs" showing us what was important to them.
What types of tools did "Paleolithic" humans make? They made very crude stone tools for scraping, piercing, and crushing.
What are "latitude" lines? Imaginary lines that run east to west across the globe. They tell us the distance north or south of the Equator.
What are "longitude" lines? Imaginary lines that run north to south across the globe. They tell us the distance east or west of the Prime Meridian.
What is the "carbon cycle"? It shows how radioactive carbon isotopes radiate from the sun, are absorbed by all living things, and break down at a steady rate.
What is C14? It is the radioactive carbon isotope that is used to carbon date artifacts. It's half life is known to be 5,000 years.
What do archaeologists do? These scientists search for artifacts from the past, excavate them ("dig them up") carefully, catalog them neatly, and test and try to reassemble them.
Why is the work of archaeologists important? Their work is important because they give historians a glimpse into both history and prehistory! Their careful analysis helps us put together the pieces of the past.
What is the climate like at the Equator? The climate here is very hot. Most of the world's rainforests are found on or near the Equator.
Created by: sticklerpjpII
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