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Female Reproductive

Med Term II Female Reproductive

amniocentesis test of amniotic fluid by insertion of a needle into the amnion
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
colporrhagia vaginal hemorrhage
episiotomy surgical incision into the perineum to prevent tearing during childbirth
galactopoiesis milk production
gynecology Medical specialty that diagnoses and treats disorders of the female reproductive system
hysterectomy surgical removal of the uterus
lactogenesis production of milk
mammography imaging of the breast
mastitis inflammation of the breast
menopause cessation of menstruation
metropathy disease of the uterus
oogenesis production of eggs
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
ovoid egg-shaped
ovaricele hernia of an ovary
perineocele hernia in the perineum
salpingoplasty surgical repair of a fallopian tube
uteroplasty surgical repair of the uterus
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vulvitis inflammation of the vulva
amniocentesis surgical puncture of the amnion
cervicitis inflammation of the cervix
colporrhagia vaginal hemorrhage
episiotomy surgical incision into the perineum
galactopoiesis production of milk (poiesis-formation)
gynecology study and treatment of diseases of the female reproductive system
hysterectomy removal of the uterus
mammography process of recording the breast
mastitis inflammation of the breast
menopause cessation of menstruation
metropathy disease of the uterus
oogenesis production of eggs
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
ovoid resembling and egg, egg-shaped
ovaricele hernia of an ovary
perineocele hernia in the perineum
salpingoplasty surgical repair of a fallopian tube
uteroplasty surgical repair of the uterus
vaginitis inflammation of the vagina
vulvitis inflammation of the vulva
lactogensis production of milk
amni (o) amnion
cervic (o) cervix
colp (o) vagina
episi (o) vulva
galact (o) milk
gynec (o) female
hyster (o) uterus
lact (o), lacti milk
mamm (o) breast
mast (o) breast
men (o) menstruation
metr (o) uterus
oo egg
oophor (o) ovary
ov (i), ov (o) egg
salping (o) fallopian tube
uter (o) uterus
vagin (o) vagina
vulv (o) vulva
AB abortion
AFP alpha-fetoprotien
AH abdominal hysterectomy
CIS carcinoma in situ
CS ceasarean section
C-section ceasarean section
Cx cervix
D & C Dilation and curettage
DES diethylstilbestrol
DUB dysfuntional uterine bleeding
ECC endocervical curettage
EDC expected date of confinement (delivery)
EMB endometrial biopsy
ERT estrogen replacement therapy
FHT fetal heart tones
FSH holicle-stimulating hormone
G gravida (pregnancy)
gyn gynecology
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HRT hormone replacement therapy
HSG hysterosalpingography
HSO hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
IUD intrauterine device
LH luteinizing hormone
LMP last menstrual period
multip multiparous
OB obstetrics
OCP oral contraceptive pill
P para (live births)
Pap smear Papanicolaou smear
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PMP previous menstrual period
PMS premenstrual syndrome
primip primparous (having one child)
TAH-BSO total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
TSS toxic shock syndrome
UC uterine contractions
Created by: ivablake
Popular Medical sets




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