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MMT Ch 13

Medical Terminology Mental and Behavioral HealthWGU

(MR) Mental Retardation Condition of subaverage intellectual ability, with impairments in social and educational functioning
-ia condition
-iatrist one who specializes in treatment
-ism condition
-ism process, condition
-lalia condition of babbling
-mania condition of madness
-osis abnormal condition
-phobia condition of fear
-thymia condition of the mind
acrophobia fear of heights
ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A condition mainly in children demonstrated by hyperactivity, and inability to concentrate, and impulsive behavior.
agoraphobia fear of crowds
akathisia Inability to remain calm, still, and free of anxiety
ambul/o walking
amnesia inability to remember information (typically, all events within a specific period), usually due to physiological trauma
anthropophobia social phobia
anxiety Uneasiness; a feeling of impending doom
APA American Psychiatric Association
Asperger disorder impairment in social interaction.
autism a disorder that appears in childhood and is marked by deficient communication, social interaction, and understanding of others' states of mind
blunted affect moderately reduced range of affect
BP bipolar disorder: swings between hypomania and mania and activity
catatonia paralysis or immobility from psychological or emotional rather than physical causes
claustrophobia fear of enclosed spaces
confabulation act of filling in memory gaps
cyclothamia swings that are not as severe as bipolar disorder
defense mechanism An unconscious way of reducing anxiety by distorting perceptions of reality examples are denial and projection
delirium tremens (DTs) a disorder involving sudden and severe mental changes or seizures caused by abruptly stopping the use of alcohol
delirium confused thinking and disrupted attention usually accompanied by distorted speech and hallucinations, incoherence, illusions, and fear
delusion false personal belief that is maintained despite obvious proof or evidence to the contrary
delusion persistant belief in an untruth
dementia a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities, including memory, thinking, and judgment, that is often accompanied by personality changes
dependence syndrome difficulty in controlling use of a drug
DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
dysphoria a restless, dissatisfied mood characterized by depression
dysthymia mild, chronic depression
echo- reverberating sound
echolalia repetition of words or phrases spoken by others
eu- good, well
euphoria feeling of complete well-being, great happiness, bliss
euthymia normal range of moods and emotions
flat affect the diminishment or loss of emotional expression sometimes observed in schizophrenia, mental retardation, and some depressive disorders
full/wide range of affect generally appropriate emotional response
GAD generalized anxiety disorder
hallucination any unreal sensory perception based on a real stimulus: examples include mirages and interpreting music or wind voices
hypomania inappropriate elevation of mood
iatr/o treatment
illusion (n) a false idea; something that one seems to see or to be aware of that really does not exist
illusion inaccurate sensory perception based on a real stimulus
labile affect multiple, abrupt changes in affect seen in certain types of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
libido an insistent, instinctual force that is unresponsive to the demands of reality; the primary source of motivation
OCD obsessive compulsive disorder
ODD Oppositional defiant disorder, an example of a conduct disorder, characterized by hostile, disobdient behavior
PD panic disorder
phil/o attraction
phor/o to carry, to bear
psych/o, thym/o, phren/o mind
psychosis loss of contact with reality, most often evidenced as delusions or hallucinations.
PTSD posttraumatic stress disorder
Rett disorder condition characterized by initial normal functioning followed by loss of social and intellectual functioning
somn/o sleep
somnambulism sleepwalking
stupor dulled state of mind or senses
tolerence a capacity for enduring a large amount of substance without adverse effects.
Tourette Syndrome involuntary, spasmodic, twitching movements; uncontrollable vocal sounds; and inappropriate words
toxic/o poison
withdrawal state group of symptoms that occurs during the cessation of the use of a regularly taken drug
Created by: DRIOS2
Popular Medical sets




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