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VW Medicolegal

IS-B1-Medicolegal Certification of Death

In California, an attending doc has _ hours to fill out a death certificate? A coroner has _ days. 15 hours, 3 days
What are the 5 types of causes of death? Immediate, Intermediate, Proximate, Intervening and Undetermined
What are the 5 manners or modes of death? Natural, suicide, homicide, accident and undetermined
What must a death be considered in order to be certified by an attending or primary physician? Natural
A _ _ _ is a medical condition, disease process or injury which results, immediately or ultimately, in the death of an individual Cause of Death
The physiologic derangement which most closely precedes death. This type of cause of death is known as: Immediate cause of death
The disease or injury which sets into motion the train of events resulting in death. This type of cause of death is known as: Proximate cause of death
A new disease process or injury, which is unexpected and unrelated to what would otherwise be considered the proximate cause of death. This type of cause of death is known as: Intervening cause of death
Any condition, natural or unnatural which significantly contributes o the death but is not directly related to the primary cause. Contributing causes of death
List at least 3 situations which require reporting of a death to the coroner without medical attendance, continued absence of attending physician, attending is unable to state cause, suicide, injury or accident, homicide
List at least 5 benefits that an autopsy can provide to clinicians, family and society define hereditary or genetic disease, genetic counseling, grieving process - removing guilt, insurance benefits, preventive care, documenting trends in death for community.
List at least 5 indications for performance for an autopsy unknown medical complication, unknown cause, reassure family, unexplained death following procedure, death during clinical trials, all obstetric or pediatric deaths, environmental or occupational deaths
List in descending order the persons who can sign a consent to autopsy. 1) power of attorney, 2) spouse, 3) child, 4) parent, 5) adult sibling, 6) guardian, 7) other surviving relative and 8) public official
When should you ask for consent? AFTER jurisdiction has been concluded.
Created by: cherubicsiren
Popular Medical sets




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