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MMT Ch 7

Medical Terminology Male Reproductive System WGU

trans through, across, beyond
andr/o male
aspermia inability to produce or ejaculate sperm, a symptom of male infertility
balan/o glans, penis
carcin/o cancer
crypt/o hidden
cyst/o sac, bladder
hydr/o water
lith/o stone
olig/o few in number
orch/o, orchi/o, orchid/o testis, testicle
pen/o penis
perine/o perineum
proct/o rectum, anus
prostat/o prostate gland
rect/o straight, erect, rectum
semin/o, sperm/o, spermat/o seed, sperm
test/o, testicul/o testis, testicle
therm/o heart
varic/o dilated vein
vas/o vessel, duct
vesicul/o vesicle, seminal vesicle
zo/o animal
-ar, -ile pertaining to
-cele hernia, swelling, protrusion
-ism condition of
-lysis to loosen, dissolve
-pexy surgical fixation, suspension
-plasia shape, formation
-rrhea excessive discharge of fluid
-spermia condition of sperm
-therapy treatment
epididymis elongated organ on the posterior surface of each testis, composed of a single, tightly coiled tubule that transports sperm from the testis to the vas deferens; the literal meaning is upon a twin, due to its location on each of the two testes; the plural f
Andrology Study of the male reproductive system
Cowper's glands Also called bulbourethral glands. These two small male reproductive system glands are located on either side of the urethra just distal to the prostate. The secretion from these glands neutralizes the acidity in the urethra and the vagina.
penis male external genital organ that conveys semen to the female during sexual intercourse; consists of the glans penis, which is covered by the prepuce, and a shaft
perineum external region between the scrotum and anus in the male
prostate gland walnut-sized gland that surrounds the urethra as it emerges from the urinary bladder; secretes a milky alkaline fluid that contributes to semen
semen ejaculatory fluid, which normally consists of sperm cells and secretions from the seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands
seminiferous tubules approximately 900 tightly coiled tubules that form the substance of the testes; the walls of the tubules are made up of cells that produce sperm cells by the process of spermatogenesis
sperm cells male gametes, produced within seminiferous tubules of the testes; also called spermatozoon or spermatozoa
spermatic cord combination of tissues that extend from each testis upward through the scrotum; includes a vas deferens, arteries, veins, and nerves, which are enclosed within a connective tissue covering
testis male gonad, also called testicle, which contains cells that undergo spermatogenesis to produce sperm cells and other cells that secrete testosterone; the plural form is testes
testosterone male sex hormone, produced by interstitial cells within the testes
vas deferens male tubule that conveys sperm cells from the epididymis to the urethra; also called ductus deferens or seminal duct
seminal vesicles paired glands at the base of the urinary bladder that secrete fluid into the vas deferens, which contributes to semen
azoospermia absence of living sperm in semen, which is a sign of male infertility
balanorrhea excessive discharge or leakage of fluid from the glans penis
chancres small ulcers on the skin, a symptom of the sexually transmitted disease syphilis
oligospermia abnormally low sperm count, as a sign of male infertility
anorchism absence of one or both testes
papillomas wart-like lesions on the skin and mucous membranes, a sign of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus; commonly known as genital warts
proctitis inflammation of the rectal area, a symptom of the sexually transmitted diseases chlamydia and trichomoniasis
proctatorrhea abnormal, excessive discharge from the prostate gland
urethritis inflammation of the urethra, a symptom of the sexually transmitted diseases chlamydia and trichomoniasis
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome syndrome caused by infection of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), mainly through the exchange of body fluids during sex or by the use of contaminated IV needles; AIDS
andropathy diseases that afflict only males
balanitis inflammation of the glans penis
benign prostatic hyperplasia nonmalignant, excessive growth of the prostate gland that results in construction of the urethra; symptoms include nocturia (nighttime urination) urinary retention, and a frequent need to void; benign prostatic hypertrophy; BPH
chlamydia the most common bacteria-caused STD in North America; symptoms include urethritis, proctitis and inflammation of the eye's conjunctiva
cryptorchidism condition of an undescended testis; also called cryptorchism
epididymitis inflammation of the epididymis
erectile dysfunction inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient to perform sexual intercourse; also called impotency, ED
genital herpes the most common viral STD in North America caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2 HSV-2 characterized by periodic outbreaks of ulcer-like lesions of the genital and anorectal skin and mucous membranes
gonorrhea STD infection that is caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhea; produces ulcer-like lesions on the mucous membranes and skin of the genital region; characterized by urethral discharge
hepatitis B viral STD, caused by inflammation of the liver and is transmitted through any body fluid, HBV
HPV Human Papilloma Virus, STD that causes wart-like lesions (papillomas, or genital warts) on the skin or mucous membranes of the genitals; lesions on the skin appear like cauliflower-shaped warts, and those on mucous membranes are flattened warts
hydrocele swelling of the scrotum caused by fluid accumulation
impotent refers to the state of a male experimenting erectile dysfunction, from the Latin word inability
orchiepididymis inflammation of the testis and epididymis
orchitis inflammation of the testis; also known as orchiditis or testitis
Peyronie's disease induration (hardness) of the erectile tissue within the penis, which can cause erectile dysfunction; results in a curvature of the penis if the induration is asymmetric
phimosis congenital narrowing of the prepuce opening that prevents it from being drawn back over the glans penis, which can be corrected with circumcision, when the glans penis becomes strangulated and produces an emergency situation, the condition is often termed
priapism an abnormally persistent erection of the penis, often accompanied by pain and tenderness, usually caused by drug overdose
prostate cancer cancer of the prostate gland, which is often highly invasive and metastatic
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate gland; usually caused by bacterial infection
prostatocystitis inflammation of the prostate gland and urinary bladder
prostatolith stone in a duct of the prostate gland
prostatovesticulitis inflammation of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles
spermatolysis destruction of sperm by dissolution
syphilis STD caused by bacterium called a spirochete; transmitted by direct sexual contact and usually first expressed on the skin by red, painless papules that erodes to form small ulcers known as chancres
testicular carcinoma cancer that originates from a testis, which occurs most often among the 20 to 29 year old age group; the most common form is called seminoma, which arises from spermatogenic cells and metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes
testicular torsion condition of a twisted spermatic cord that causes reduced blood flow to the testis; if not corrected immediately, the affected testis can be lost.
trichomoniasis STD caused by protozoan trichomonas which infects the urethra and prostate gland, causing urethritis and prostatitis
varicocele abnormal dilation of the veins of the spermatic cord; caused by failure of the valves within the veins
artificial insemination procedure in which semen is introduced into the female reproductive tract using a method other than coitus
balanoplasty surgical repair of the glans penis
circumcision surgical removal of the prepuce, usually soon after birth, to reduce the risk of future infections; involves making a circumscribed incision around the base of the prepuce
digital rectal examination physical examination that involves the insertion of a finger into the rectum to fell the size and shape of the prostate gland through the wall of the rectum; used to screen the patient for BPH and prostate cancer; DRE
epididymectomy surgical excision of the epididymis
hydrocelectomy surgical excision of a hydrocele
orchidectomy excision of the testis, usually as a treatment for testicular cancer in an effort to decrease hormone production to slow the growth of cancer cells; also called orchidectomy. A bilateral orchidectomy is commonly called castration
orchidopexy surgical fixation of a testis, which draws an undescended testis into the scrotum; also called orchiopexy
orchidotomy incision into the testis; also called orchiotomy
orchioplasty surgical repair of a testis
penile implant surgical implantation of a penile prosthesis to correct for erectile dysfunction; available options include insertion of semirigid rods and inflatable balloon-like cylinders.
prostatectomy excision of a prostate gland to treat prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia; during a suprapubic prostatectomy, the prostate gland is removed through an incision made above the pubic bone
prostate-specific antigen clinical test that measures blood levels of the protein called prostate-specific antigen; elevated levels suggest the probable presence of prostate cancer, so the test is often used to evaluate cancer-teatment progress; PSA
prostatocystotomy incision into the prostate gland and urinary bladder
prostatolithotomy incision into the prostate gland to remove a stone that is the source of an obstruction
prostatovesiculectomy excision into the prostate gland and seminal vesicles
sterilization any process that renders an individual unable to produce offspring
transrectal ultrasound placement of an ultrasound probe into the rectum to form sound waves that are converted to an image of the region; the procedure is used to visualize, diagnose, and help treat prostate cancer
transurethral incision of the prostate gland surgical procedure that widens the urethra as a treatment for BPH; several small incisions are made in the neck of the urinary bladder and the prostate gland, allowing the urethra to increase its diameter TUIP
transurethral microwave thermotherapy therapeutic treatment using microwave heat to destroy excess cells that typify BPH abbreviated TUMT
transurethral resection of the prostate gland surgery to treat BPH when the urethra is obstructed; a more complete option than TUIP; it involves the resection of prostate tissue using a retroscope inserted through the urethra; the capsule (outer covering) of the prostate and as much tissue as possibl
urology field of medicine that focuses on the treatment of male reproductive diseases
vasectomy partial excision of the vas deferens, which causes male sterilization; often shorted to vas
vasovasotomy surgery to restore fertility; involves creating artificial openings and reconnecting the ends of the vas deferens where they were severed in an earlier vasectomy
vesiculectomy excision of the seminal vesicles
Parenchymal primary tissue which produces sex cells
stromal Secondary tissue, which includes all of the glands, nerves, ducts, and other tissues that serve a supportive function in producing, mainttaing, and transmitting these sex cells
genitalia the organs of reproduction and their associated structures
gametes haploid reproductive cells
spermatogenesis the process by which male gametes form
tunica vaginalis testis the serous membrane that surrounds the front and sides of the testicle
ductus deferens The tube connecting the testes with the urethra. The vas deferens is a coiled duct that conveys sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory duct and the urethra.
corpora cavernosa paired dorsal erectile bodies bound by fibrous tunica albuginea
corpus spongiosum the mass of spongy tissue surrounding the male urethra within the penis
glans penis the conical mass of erectile tissue that forms the head of the penis
prepuce foreskin
epispadias a congenital abnormality in males in which the urethra is on the upper surface of the penis
hypospadias an abnormal condition in males in which the urethra opens on the under surface of the penis
gynecomastia excessive development of the breasts in males
circumcision ...
epididymovesiculography image epididymis and seminal vesicle contrasting medium
hydrocele disorder in which serous fluid accumulates in a body sac (especially in the scrotum)
vesiculitis inflammation of a seminal vesicle (usually in conjunction with prostatitis)
nongonococcal urethritis ...
Leydig and Sertoli cell tumors these testicular tumors arise from the stromal tissue of the testes that produce hormones
Adenocarcinoma of the prostate Prostate cancer is diagnosed in one of every six men . with early detection, however, this cancer is treatable
flourescent treponemal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS) ...
nonseminoma testicular tumor arising from more mature germ cells; these tumors have a tendency to be more aggressive than seminomas and often develop earlier in life; includes choriocarcinoma, embryonal carcinoma, teratoma, and yolk sac tumors
seminoma most common type of testicular tumor, composed of immature germ cells-highly treatable with early detection
malignant teratoma ...
Gram stain a staining technique used to classify bacteria
plethysmography determining the changes in volume of an organ part or body
sonography ...
sperm analysis count and analysis of the number and health of the spermatozoa as a test for male fertility
testicular self examination self-examination of the testes for abnormal lumps or swellings in the scrotal sac
transurethral incision of the prostate form of prostate surgery involving tiny incisions of the prostate
VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (test for syphilis)
Created by: DRIOS2
Popular Medical sets




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