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LOM ch 4


Abductor One who (a muscle which) leads AWAY FROM the body
Adductor One who (a muscle which) leads TOWARD the body
Adrenal glands Endocrine glands located above (TOWARD) the kidneys
Anabolism Process of casting (building) up materials (proteins) within cells. Another way of saying this: the process that requires (uses) energy to convert small molecules into large.
Analysis To separate (apart)
Anoxia Without oxygen
Ante cibum Before meals
Anteflexion Bending forward
Antepartum Before birth
antibiotic Pertaining to against life (germ life)
Antibody Protein substance made in the body to destroy foreign antigens
Antigen A substance (usually foreign) that stimulates the production of antibodies
Antisepsis Condition against infection
Antitoxin A substance (antibody) produced in response to and capable of neutralizing a toxin
Apnea Without breathing (not breathing)
Autoimmune disease A condition related to making antibodies (an immune substance) against one's own cells and tissues
Benign Noncancerous, harmless
Bifurcation Forking (branching) into two
Bilateral Pertaining to two sides
bradycardia Condition of slow heart beat
Congenital anomaly Irregularity at birth
Connective tissue Tissue that supports and binds other body tissue and parts; to tie (bind) together
Contraindication To point out against: as reasons why a drug should not be taken
Contralateral Pertaining to the opposite side (opposite of ipsilateral)
Dehydration Condition of lack of water
Dialysis Complete separation (2 types: hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis)
Diameter To measure through: as one would measure the diameter of a circle
Diarrhea To flow through: water is not properly absorbed through the walls of the colon
Dysplasia Abnormal ("bad") development or formation
Dyspnea Difficult breathing
Ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy out of the normal place (usually in the fallopian tubes)
Endocardium Inner lining (membrane) of the heart
Endoscope Instrument used to view within the body
Endotracheal Pertaining to within the trachea (windpipe)
Epithelium Skin cell; originally this term referred to the tissue on (epi-) the breast nipple (thel/o) now it describes all tissue that covers the outside of the body, lines the inner surface of internal organs and lines the exocrine and endocrine glands.
Euphoria Good feeling ("high")
Euthyroid Normal thyroid function
Exophthalmos Eyeballs that protrude
Hemiglossectomy Removal of half of the tongue
Hyperglycemia Increase in blood sugar
Hyperplasia Condition of increase formation (increase in NUMBER of cells)
Hypertrophy Increase of development; increase in SIZE of cells
Hypodermic injection Use of a needle and syringe to force liquid under the skin
Hypoglycemia Decrease in blood sugar
Infracostal Pertaining to below the ribs
Insomniac Pertaining to inability to sleep
Intercostal Pertaining to between the ribs
Intravenous Pertaining to within a vein
Macrocephaly Pertaining to an enlarged head: a congenital anomaly.
Malaise Feeling of discomfort; "bad feeling"
Malignant Cancerous
Metacarpal bones Pertaining to BEYOND the WRIST (referring to the five hand bones)
Metamorphosis Condition of change of shape or form
Metastasis Beyond control: spreading of a malignant tumor
Microscope Instrument to view small objects
Neonatal Pertaining to a newborn(infant)
Neoplasm New growth: new formation (tumor)
Pancytopenia Condition of decrease in all cells (blood cells)
Paralysis Abnormal destruction (of nerves)leading to loss of muscle function
Parathyroid glands Endocrine glands located near (on the dorsal side of) the thyroid gland
Percutaneous Pertaining to through the skin
Periosteum Membrane surrounding the bone
Polymorphonuclear Pertaining to a many shaped nucleus: a type of white blood cells
Polyneuritis Inflammation of many nerves
Postmortem After death
Postpartum After childbirth: this most often refers to the mother
Precancerous Pertaining to before cancer: a lesion that may become cancerous
Prenatal Pertaining to before birth
Prodrome Signs and symptoms that appear BEFORE the onset of a more severe illness
Prolapse Sliding forward or downward
Pseudocyesis State of false pregnancy
Recombinant DNA Inserting a gene (region of DNA) from one organism into the DNA of another organism
Relapse A sliding back: recurrence of symptoms of a disease
Remission To send back: disappearance of symptoms of a disease
Retroflexion Bending backward
Retroperitoneal Pertaining to behind the peritoneum
Subcutaneous Pertaining to under the skin
Suprapubic Pertaining to above the pubic bone
Symbiosis Condition or state of "life together"
symmetry State of "measurement of together" equality of parts: mirror images
Symphysis To grow together: bones that grow together at the joints
Syndactyly Condition of webbed (held together) fingers or toes: a congenital anomaly
Syndrome A group of symptoms that run (occur) together
Synthesis To put or place together
Tachypnea Rapid breathing
Transfusion To pour across, as in transferring blood from one person to another
Transurethral Pertaining to through the urethra
Ultrasonography Process of recording sound waves (beyond the normal range) - creates an image
Unilateral Pertaining to ONE side
Catabolism Process that converts large molecules into small and releases energy / provides the energy our bodies need for physical activity (from cellular level to whole body movements)
Metabolism The sum of the chemical and physical changes occurring in tissue consisting of anabolism (process that requires - uses - energy to convert small molecules into large) and catabolism (process that converts large molecules into small and releases energy)
Abnormal Pertaining to AWAY FROM the norm (away from the rule); not regular
Pericardium Membrane surrounding the heart
Created by: mscardenas
Popular Medical sets




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