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TongAPWorld Sanchez

TermDefinitionHistorical Importance
ice age An ice age is a geological period of long-term reduction in the temperature of the Earth's surface resulting in the presence of huge masses of ice. Today, science tells us there have been at least five major ice ages in the Earth's past. This belief of science, is different with the beliefs of the earth's history according to different ancient civilizations.
goldilocks priniciple The goldilocks principle states that something must fall within certain margins, as opposed to reaching extremes. The goldilocks principle is used in the Rare earth hypothesis, stating that a planet must not be too far or from, nor too close to the sun to support life. Both extremes would result in a planet unable to support life.
gaia The theory that the whole earth and its organisms make up one single complex system that is one living being. Throughout history ancient civilizations have been naming the earth as a single being. The Greeks personified earth as Gaia. By naming the earth, ancient civilizations have not been creating religions but only recognizing earth as a single complex system.
agrarian revolution The agrarian revolution was a change in farming methods that allowed for greater production of food. This revolution was fueled by the use of new farming technology such as the seed drill and improved fertilizers. During the Agrarian revolution, a change in farming methods allowed for a greater food production. This lifestyle was common around the globe until the industrial revolution happened in the 18th century where using machines changed mankind's way of life.
entropy In the information theory, entropy is a measure of the uncertainty associated with a random variable. In past ancient civilizations, the only ways to communicate didn't include data storage and the information theory was important int the development of today's information communication.
emergence Emergentism is a theory concerning the nature of the material world. Emergentism states that along with complexity come properties that are unique and that are not to be found in the tiniest components of matter. Emergentism is associated with the Emergent evolution theory and the Space,time and Deity theory.
integration Revolutionary Integrationism is an analysis, philosophy, and program for resolving the problem of the superoppression of blacks, and their liberation—in the United States. Slavery has been common among ancient civilizations but this oppression of african-americans was also supported by racial prejudice, which was non-existent in ancient civilizations.
paradox A paradox is a seemingly true statement or group of statements that lead to a contradiction or a situation which seems to defy logic. Over time, from the past to today's world, a number of paradoxes have been pondered and questioned. For example, the Grandfather paradox.
theory A theory is a proposed explanation to explain a empirical phenomenon in a way consistent with scientific method. Over time, different theories have been made that some times were changed as time passed, disproved, and disagreed with each other.
evolution Darwin's theory of evolution states that organisms changed over time through natural selection eliminating inferior traits and species. Throughout history, religion had been the source of learning on how humans came to existence. This new theory of evolution now disagrees with the old beliefs of mankind's creation.
regime Regime theory is a theory within international relations derived from the liberal tradition that argues that international institutions or regimes affect the behavior of states. It assumes that cooperation is possible in the anarchic system of states. Because ancient civilizations are not able to communicate, travel, or attack at the levels available in today's world, there is a higher level of danger in today's anarchic system of states. In today's world, we have obvious cooperation among nations.
complexity The Computational complexity theory is a branch of the theory of computation in theoretical computer science and mathematics that focuses on classifying computational problems according to their inherent difficulty. This theory is used in machines for complex measuring and computing.
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