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APHG Chapter 2


Population Density a measurement of the number of people per unit of land
Arithmetic Population Density the population of a country or region as an average per unit area (just the numbers)
Physiological Population Density the number of people per unit area of arable (agriculturally productive) land
Population Distribution the places on Earth where populations live
Dot Maps maps where one dot represents a certain number of phenomenon (such as population)
Megalopolis a term used to refer to huge urban agglomerations (combination of many areas)
Census the practice of trying to count every single person in the country, and dividing them into categories
Doubling time the amount of time that it takes a population to double
Population Explosion a rapid growth of of the world's human population; attended by ever
Natural Increase population growth measure as the excess of live births over death; no immigration or emigration
Crude birth rate (CBR) the number of live births per year per thousand people in the population
Crude death rate (CDR) the number of deaths per year per thousand people
Demographic transition shift in population growth
Stationary population level when the world's population would stabilize and stop growing (reaching carrying capacity)
Population composition the number of women and men and their ages
Population pyramids graphs that represent age and sex of the population visually
Infant morality rate rate of children who die in their first year following birth
Newborn morality rate number of children who die in their first month of life per 1,000 live births
Child mortality rate number of deaths of children between the ages 1 and 5
Life expectancy the average number of years one may expect to survive
Infectious diseases diseases resulting from an invasion of parasites and their multiplication in the body
Chronic or degenerative diseases the maladies of longevity and old age
Genetic or inherited diseases diseases caused by variation or mutation of a gene or group of genes in a human
Endemic a disease that is particular to a locality or region
AIDS disease caused by the HIV which over a period of years weakens the capacity of the immune system to fight off infection so that weight loss and weakness set in and other afflictions such as cancer or pneumomonia may hasten an infected person's demise
Expansive population policies government policies that encourage large families and raise the rate of population growth
Eugenic population policies government policies designed to favor one racial sector over others
Restrictive population policies government policies designed to reduce the rate of natural increase
One child policy a policy established by the Chinese government in 1979 to slow population growth in China
Created by: TarnishedRoses
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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