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Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism; and Primal Religions

Islam submission to the will of God
Allah God
Muhammad 570-632 AD prophet who received revelations from Allah
Muslims followers of Islam
Shahadah first pillar of Islam. "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammad is His Prophet"
Ramadan fourth pillar of Islam. holy month of fasting from sunrise to sunset. commemorates the gift of the Koran and the Hegira
Hegira Muhammad's flight
Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca in Saudi Arabia
Qur'an (Koran) sacred scriptures of Islam. "recitation"
Sunnah or Hadith the sacred traditions of Islam. the Koran in action
Shariah Islamic law
Imam leader of a mosque
Eesa (Jesus) a human prophet
Shi'a (Shi'ite) about 20% of all Muslims, believe that Muslim leadership should be on a hereditary principle. "partisans" of the descendents of Muhammad's son-in-law Ali
Twelvers largest Shia group, believe that the 12 Imam of the line of Ali will come again as al-Mahdi (the chosen one). big in Iran
Seveners Shia group who believe that the line of Ali died out after the seveth Imam, Isma'il
Druze Shia group that arose in Syria and Lebanon in 1021
Alawites Shia group who incorporate elements of Christianity into their faith. "upholders of Ali" in Syria
Zaydis most conservative Shia group, in Yemen. named for the deposed 5th Shia Imam
Sunni about 80% of all Muslims, believe that caliphs should continue to be chosen democratically. "majority"
Maliki Sunni group founded in Mecca. most dominant in Muslim Africa
Shafi Sunni group founded in Baghdad. liberalized form of Maliki tradition
Hanifi Sunni group founded in Baghdad. System favored by Muslim empires
Hanbali most strict Sunni group, in Saudi Arabia
Jihad "exertion" or "striving"; often translated "holy war"
Greater/Lesser Jihad distinction made by moderate or liberal muslims
Genghis Khan ca. 1162-1227 AD Mongol invader of Islamic territory. most Mongols converted to Islam
Ottoman Turks 1453-1924 AD presided over the Muslim world for 450 years
Yahweh sacred personal name of God (Judaism)
Torah the Law, teaching, instruction (aka Pentateuch). 4 levels of meaning: literal, allegorical, homiletical (teaching, preaching), mystical
Shema at the heart of Jewish belief. Deuteronomy 6:4-7 (love the Lord your God with all your heart...soul...might)
Ten Commandments (Decalogue) moral law, central code of conduct (given to Moses at Mt. Sinai)
Exodus the exit out of slavery in Egypt to freedom in the Promised Land
Mosus lead the Jews in the Exodus
Messiah "anointed one". some expect to establish rule of God on earth
Messianic Age some expect a time of peace and harmony created by joint human efforts
Ark (of the Covenant) where Torah scrolls (Ten Commandments) are kept in the synagogue
Menorah seven-branched candelabra of Judaism
Tallit prayer shawl
Kippa or Yarmulke small caps worn by Jews to show submission to God
Mezuzah small boxes which contain words of the Shema nailed to doorposts in the house
Sabbath (Shabbat) day of rest and worship from sundown Friday to sundown Saturday. connected to Lord's day of rest
Passover festival that commemorates the Exodus, the escape of the Jews from Egypt
Seder meal eaten at the beginning of the Passover festival
Haggadah "narration". the set ritual for the recitation of the Exodus event during the Seder meal
Kashrut Jewish food laws
Hasidic Jews among the most Orthodox of the Orthodox Jews. Dress and lifestyle of 18th century Easter Europe Jews
Kosher permitted (food)
Terefah forbidden (food)
Universal Creeds (Christian) Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian
Sacraments "sacred acts". Roman Catholics and Orthodox hold to seven sacraments
Confirmation renewal of baptismal vows spokern for them by godparents or sponsors
Advent Season 4 week period leading up to Christmas
Lent 40 day period leading up to Easter
Good Friday day Christ was crucified
Easter celebrates Christ's resurrection
St. Augustine (354-430) theologian of early church. stressed grace of God in salvation and depravity of humans in 'original sin'
Created by: selfstudy08
Popular Religion sets




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