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Chapter 21-22 Vocab

Geography- Mr.Martin vocab test

golan heights hilly plateau by Jordan River & Sea of Gailee; site of conflict for decades
Wadi riverbed this is dry except during rainy seasons
Tigris River one of the most important rivers; supported ancient river valley civilizations; flows thru Turkey, Syria, Iraq
Euphrates River supported several ancient civilizations & flows thru parts of Turkey, Syria, Iraq-empties into Persian Gulf
Oasis place where water from an aquifer has reached the surface; supports vegetation & wildlife
Salt Flat flat land made of chemical salts that remain after winds evaporate the moisture in the soil
Drip Irrigation practice of using small pipes that slowly drip water above ground 2 conserve water 2 use for crops
Desalinization removal of salt from ocean water
Crude Oil unprocessed petroleum
Refinery place where crude oil is converted into useful products
Mecca holiest city of Islam; in Saudi Arabia-ppl make pilgrimages 2 fulfill Islamic religious duty
Islam monotheistic religion based on teachings of Muhammad, biggest cultural & religious influence in North Africa
OPEC org. of Petroleum Exporting Countries, group est. in 1960 by some oil producing nations 2 coordinate policies on selling petroleum products
Western Wall holiest site for Jews in Jerusalem; only part left of the 2nd temple, built in 538 b.c. & destroyed in a.d. 70 by Romans
Dome of the Rock shrine in Jerusalem located on Temple Mount; houses spot where Muslims believe Muhammed rose into Heaven, & Jews believe Abraham sacrificed his son.
Zionism movement that began in the 19th century to create & support a Jewish homeland in Palestine
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) group formed in the 1960's to regain the Arab land in Israel for Palestinian Arabs
Sunni 1 of 2 main branches of Islam, compromising about 83% of all muslims, including those in Turkey, Iraq, & Afghanistan.
Shi'ite 1 of 2 main branches of Islam, including most Iranians & some populations of Iraq & Afghanistan.
Taliban strict muslim group in Afghanistan that has made rigin rules on society
Created by: emmaflowers21
Popular AP Human Geography sets




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