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AP U5 Terms

Brock AP U5 Terms

genocide The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.
social Darwinism social theory by Darwin on evolution applied to determine social class (the strong survives, the weak doesn’t, Europeans= the best)
communism system of government in which every one is equal, property is owned by the government
populism a political philosophy supporting the right and power of the people in their struggle against he privileged elite
fascism system of government, under authority of a dictator, through suppression of the opposition by means of terror and censorship
Vladimir Lenin founder of the Bolsheviks and leader of Russian revolution, first leader of USSR
Margaret Thatcher first woman to serve as a prime minister, of England, conservative – symbolized shift away from welfare economy
Mikhail Gorbachev soviet leader who brought an end to the cold war through his foreign policy
Gamal Nasser Led social revolution in Egypt in 1952 And was an army officer and politician who servedAs both prime minister (1954-56) and president 1956-58). His nationalism of the Suez Canal precipitatedan international crisis in 1956.
Nelson Mandela After being released from prison for helping to lead The black organization, African National Congress, In South Africa, he became the nation’s first Democratically elected president in 1994
Mao Tse Tung (Ze Dong) Chinese communist leader, Mao, came to power in 1949 and proclaimed the People’s Republic ofChina. While in power, he initiated the Great leap Forward and the founding of communes. He also Led the Cultural Revolution and established ties withThe West.
Allied Powers Created by Otto von Bismarck in the 1880’s with Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy
appeasement The policy of granting concessions to potential enemies to maintain peace. (Such as in the Munich Conference of 1938)
British Commonwealth An association comprising the United Kingdom, its dependencies, and many former British colonies that are now sovereign states with a common allegiance to the British Crown
Central Powers An alliance during WWI with Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy(though it left and became neutral), and the Ottoman Empire (which joined after Italy left)
League of Nations International diplomatic and peace organization Created in the Treaty of Versailles that ended WWI;One of the chief goals of President Woodrow WilsonIn the peace negotiations
Pan-Slavic movement movement in the 1800's to unite the Slavic people in Austria and the Ottoman Empire
Russification cultures under the Russian Empire become a part of a Great Russian Culture- loyalty to the tsar; a form of nationalism
Spanish Civil War Conflict between supporters and opponents of the Spansh republic; there was a Nationalist victory due in part to 'non-intervention' of Western democracies
Treaty of Versailles Treaty signed in 1919, ending WWI
imperialism Extending a nations authority over another nations economy/politics (new driving force behind Latin American revolutions)
militarism predominance of armed forces in the administration/policy of a state (Japan during WWII)
Afrikaners An Afrikaans-speaking South African of European ancestry, especially one descended from 17th-century Dutch settlers.
apartheid When Dutch Afrikaners were given control by the British and they practiced apartheid, or extreme racial segregation.
ayatollah religious teachers that oppose secular views, ex: Khomeini, Islamic fundamentalist who played a pivotal role in the Iranian Revolution.
Berlin Wall symbol of the iron curtain (separate East Berlin from West), prevented East Berliners access to the West came down in 1989.
Cold War US (democracy) vs. Soviet Union (totalitarian communist). Lasted nearly 50 years, 1945 to early 1990’s. US and Soviets vied for global domination and tried to pull the rest of the world into the war. Arms race between the two nations.
collectivization Part of Stalin’s Five Year Plans. HE took over private farms and combined them into state-owned enterprises and created large, nationalized factories.
containment Where the US prevented the spread of Communism by establishing the Truman Doctrine to aid nations threatened by communism.
Cuban Missile Crisis In 1962 Soviets were installing their missiles in Cuba and Pres Kennedy established a naval blockade around Cuba. If the missiles were launched the US would retaliate against the Soviet Union. The Soviets backed down and Americans promised not to invade C
Cultural Revolution Goal was to discourage a privileged ruling class from forming, he instituted reforms that erased any influence from the West, intellectuals were sent to collective farms for “cultural restraining”, political dissidents were imprisoned or killed. Mao’s Lit
Five Year Plans Stalin discarded the New Economic Policy (NEP) of Russia and imposed the Five Year Plans and collectivization played a huge part.
glasnost When Mikhail Gorbachev came to power in the Soviet Union in 1985, he instituted policies of glasnost or openness and urged a perestroika (restructuring) of the soviet economy.
Great Leap Forward In the late 1950’s, Mao implemented this, huge communes were created to catapult the revolution towards its goal of a true Marxist state. But the local govts, couldn’t produce the ridiculous amount of agricultural quotas demanded by the central govt, and
Iron Curtain After WWII, Winston Churchill coined the phrase to describe the division between free and Communist societies that was occurring in Europe
Korean Conflict The Korean War was fought from 1950 to 1953. The North was supported by USSR and later People’s Republic of China while the South was supported by U.S. and small United Nations force. The war ended in stalemate, with Korea still divided into North and Sou
Marshall Plan A program of substantial loans given by the U.S. to Western Europe in 1947, it was designed to aid in rebuilding efforts after the war’s devastation. It was also an attempt by the U.S. to stop Communism (if countries were economically propped up they woul
May Fourth Movement In 1919 – resistance in China to Japanese encroachments began. This generated a movement of intellectuals aimed at transforming China into a liberal democracy (Confucianism was rejected, etc)
New Economic Policy Instituted by Lenin in 1921 – the state continued to set basic economic policies, but now efforts were combined with individual initiatives. This policy allowed food production to recover
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Created in 1949 under U.S. leadership to create an alliance between most of the Western powers (including Canada) in defense against possible Soviet aggression
perestroika Mikhail Gorbachev’s policy calling for economic restructuring in the USSR in the late 1980s. This included more scope for private ownership and decentralized control in the areas of industry and agriculture
Sandinistas Members of Nicaraguan social movement named after Augusto Sandino – during the 1980s successfully carried out a socialist revolution in Nicaragua
Tiananmen Square In China, student led, believed the Communist party led government was too corrupt and repressive. Government doesn’t permit democratic reform, 1989.
Truman Doctrine United States was prepared to send any money, equipment, or military force to countries that were threatened by the communist government. Assisting countries resisting communism.
Warsaw Pact Military alliance, response to NATO, Soviet Union created own nuclear capability.
Al-Qaeda International Islamic fundamentalist organization. To reduce outside influence upon Islamic affairs. (some classify it as International terrorist organization)
cartels association of manufacturers with the purpose of maintaining prices at a high level and restricting competition. In Latin American nations- large foreign debts, huge international drug cartel that threaten government stability.
International Monetary Fund IMF- resources for development usually for badly strapped for investment funds and essential technology.
Persian Gulf War 1991 led by US and various European and Middle Easter allies against Iraqi occupation of Kuwait. This led to Iraqi withdrawal and a long confrontation with Iraq about armaments and political regime.
World Bank Concession for aid, for example commit to buy products, favor investors, lend countries to enter into alliances and permit military bases on the territory of the client state.
Euro to dismantle all trade and currency exchange barriers among member nations. A single currency, set up in many member countries by 2001.
European Economic Community European Economic Community- create a single economic entity across national political boundaries.
European Union started as European Economic Community, an alliance of Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, later joined by Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Swede, Austria, Finland. It was to create a single economy across
North American Free Trade Organization – NAFTA free trade agreement, benefits from economic alliances. (United States, Mexico, and Canada)
Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Oil cartel that determines supply of oil - of Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela; since
World Trade Organization (WTO) international body that sets the rules for global trade - competitive trading, but give chance for developing nations to join, must follow certain civil rights codes
Sputnik 1957 First Soviet satellite into space - set off space race - threat by both sides of nuclear attack from space
Kabuki theater Japanese cinema - elaborate make-up, singing, drama
mass consumerism wealth now spent on surplus items - consumer goods - industrialized world spends a ton of money bringing their world from a 10>11 instead of bringing everyone else up from a 0>1
National Organization for Women (NOW) American feminist group - founded 1966 - dedicated to lobbying for women's fertility, employment, marital, education rights
New Deal Franklin Delano Roosevelt's plan to turn US into welfare state to bring out of Depression - state-sponsored programs for relief, recovery and reform
Noh theater Japanese classical theater - musical - during meiji reached offical drama status
welfare state new activism of western European state in economic policy and welfare issues after WWII; reduced impact of economic inequality (avoid another world war).
Green Revolution introduction of improved seed strains, fertilizers, and irrigation to produce higher crop yields; after WWII in densely pop. Asian countries.
guest workers Legal workers with no rights for citizenship/permanent recidency who immigrate for work; a threat to citizens for job opportunities; usually from a less developed country > developed country.
Axis Powers Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan during World War II.
Ethnic cleansing mass expulsion or killings of a certain ethnic or religious group; eg. WWII: the holocaus, massive killings of Tutsis by Hutus in the Rwandan Genocide.
Armenian genocide 1915: Young turk leaders killed millions and sent hundreds of Amermenians to Russia and Middle East to cover up the blunders of reverses on the Russian Front
Nuremberg war crimes trial two sets of trials for the Nazis from WWII and the holocaust; included commanders, industrialists, and medical doctors
"Powder keg of Europe" area in the Balkans; region where the wars would begin such as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand
Russian Revolution 1917: overthrowing of the Tsarist regine; 1918 (3rd Russian Revolution): series of anarchist rebellions and uprisings against both the Bolsheviks and the White movement
General Francisco Franco Spanish general whose armies took control of Spain in 1939 and who ruled as a dictator until his death (following the victory of the Spanish Civil War)
Star Wars Nickname for Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) - shooting down nuclear weapons from space - never actually worked, but scared USSR into economic bankruptcy
Third Reich Hitler's plan to have Germany reign for a Thousand Year Empire over Europe - lasted 6 years - nice try
Triple Alliance, Central Powers World War I alliance - Ottoman Empire, German Empire, Austro-Hungarian Empire - the bad guys
Triple Entente, the Allies World War II alliance - UK, France, Russia, later US and all their colonies - the good guys
total war Entire economy, political, social system geared for war - civilians become targets - government takes greater control of everyday life
India/Pakistan 1946 - Britain couldn't hold India together - Jinnah threatening civil war - Pakistan created - later divided into Bangladesh - tensions ever since over border disputes - Kashmere - largest refugee immigration in world history
Nongovernmental organization (NGO) Organizations that are not established or associated with any specific organizations. They may be recognized, however, they run on their own. Examples are Green Peace and Amnesty International.
Pacific Rim the nations bordering the Pacific Oceans, usually Asian nations: Japan, North and South Korea, Taiwan and eastern China.
Palestine/Israel The “Holy Land” of Islam, Christianity and Judaism where ongoing conflicts take place between the Jewish Community (who represent Israel) and the Arab Community (who represent Palestine). Israel was a recent creation for the Jewish people and named the “J
Northern Ireland A former member of the Republic of Ireland that broke away in 1920 after refusing to take part in the Irish Free State. Ruled and governed by Protestants and heavy discrimination exists against the Roman Catholic Minority. Capital: Belfast.
Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne who was assassinated in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which triggered the Austro-Hungarians to pledge war against Serbia, which then initiated World War I.
Germany's "blank check" After Sarajevo, Count Leopold von Berchtold, the Austro-Hungarian Foreign Minister, sent a letter to Emperor Francis Joseph to sign and send to Wilhelm II to try and convince him of Serbia's responsibility of Franz Ferdinand’s assassination. On July 6th,
trench warfare A type of combat where opposing troops fight one another in trenches, where conditions are extremely poor, hygienically.
Woodrow Wilson US President. Created 14 points. Wanted to make world “safe for democracy”.
Totalitarianism New form of gov’t created during the interwar years in Italy. Uses modern tech, bureaucracy to control everyone, imposed censorship, controlled culture, put dissidents in prison, propaganda to create cult of personality.
Joseph Stalin General Secretary of communist party; premier of the USSR; rule marked by: forced collectivization of agriculture; policy of industrialization; victorious and devastating role for the soviets during WWII.
gulags Work camps where perceived dissidents sent. Negative of collectivization during Stalin’s rule.
Benito Mussolini Fascist leader in Italy. Anti-communist
Italian Fascist Party Formed in 1991; held a majority of seats during elections during the 90s. as a result of the fascist movement, freedom of assembly and thinking were wiped out in Italy.
Weimar Republic the democratic government of Germany between the abdication of Kaiser Wilhelm II and the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler; it was unpopular because of its acceptance of the harsh provisions of the Treaty of Versailles
Mein Kampf An autobiography written by Adolf Hitler. In it, Hitler outlines his plan for the revival of Germany from the losses of World War I and blames Germany's problems on capitalists and Jews.
Enabling Act Passed by Germany's parliament (the Reichstag) on March 23, 1933. It was the second major step after the Reichstag Fire Decree through which the Nazis obtained dictatorial powers using largely legal means. The Act enabled Chancellor Adolf Hitler and his c
Nurember Laws Nazi laws that used a pseudoscientific basis for racial discrimination against Jews with the religious observance of a person's grandparents to determine their race.
Young Turks Members of a Turkish reformist and nationalist political party active in the early 20th century.
Mustafa Kemal Ataturk The military and political leader who brought about the end of the Ottoman Empire and the beginning of modern Turkey. He was promoted to general at the age of 35 and given command of the army near the Black Sea port of Samsun. He defied the Sultan's order
Sun Yat-sen Chinese politician who served as provisional president of the republic after the fall of the Manchu (1911–1912) and later led the opposition to Yuan Shigai.
Chinese Communist Party Founded by Chinese Communist leader and theorist Mao Zedong… who led the Long March (1934–1935) and proclaimed the People's Republic of China in 1949. He then initiated the Great Leap Forward and the founding of communes. He continued as party chairman af
Chiang Kai-shek - Nanjing Republic A military officer who succeeded Sun Yat-sen as the leader of the Guomindang or Nationalist party in China in the mid 1920’s; became the most powerful leader in China in the early 1930’s , but his Nationalist forces were defeated and driven from China by
Long March Journey undertaken by Red Army in 1934-35 when Jiangxi base was encircled by the Nationalist army & Chiang Kai-Shek
Japanese invasion of Manchuria step towards war with military gov’t, renames it Manchuko, invading mainland China & commits atrocities
Rape of Nanking one atrocity of the war, 200,000 ~ 300,000 women/children attacked
Amritsar Massacre British fire on unarmed protesters, Gandhi goes to prison, British get more restrictive
Jawaharlal Nehru Takes over Congress/movement, political leader of India, begins “Quit India” campaign so Brits leave
Good Neighbor Policy Roosevelt reduces US role in Latin America, no troops
Institutionalized Revolutionary Party Mexico, granted suffrage & right to strike, but actually oligarchy that chose president, upper class prospers, country modernizes, but middle class small & lower class huge
Lazaro Cardenas president of Mexico 1934, redistributes acres with land reform, nationalized oil industry (took from US)
Getulio Vargas Brazil, 1930 Vargas takes over, censored press, tortured political opponents, modernized Brazilian economy (diversifies, free from coffee)
Juan and Eva Peron Argentina, takes over after WWII, populist leader, wife popular, appeal to lower class, raised salaries of working class, gov’t controlled press, denied civil liberties
occupation of Rhineland Hitler takes back land given away by Versailles
Munich Conference Symbolic failure of appeasement; Hitler given Czech. Sudetenland for promise of no future aggression
Nazi-Soviet Pact Agreement of Stalin/Hitler to not fight each other, but invade, divide up Poland
invasion of Poland Signalled beginning of World War II, France/England declare war on Germany
blitzkrieg lightning fast war coordinating planes, tanks, infantry - move past border, directly to capital
Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere Name given to Asian region Japan wanted to conquer, kick out Europeans, control resources
Pearl Harbor Attempt to destroy US navy before they enter war, becomes catalyst for US entering war
Operation Overlord June 6, 1944 - Invasion of Normandy, sets up Western Front against Germany, USSR pleased, known D-Day
Final Solution Nazi decision to exterminate Jews, last years of World War II, shipped to extermination camps
superpowers Following WWII - two nations emerge as military, economic world leaders - USSR and USA
Cold War Ideological, economic and military conflict between superpowers - 1945-1989 - world takes sides - bipolar world
partition of Germany Divided among Allies - England, France, US, USSR - USSR section becomes E. Germany, others unite - W. Germany
Nikita Khrushchev Controversial USSR premier Follows Stalins (1953-1964), criticizes Stalin's policies, foreign policy brings USSR-USA to brink of war
nuclear arms race Both USSR_USA push for weapons w/ larger payload, longer/more accurate trajectory, larger quantity
mutually assured destruction Deterrent policy in which neither USA-USSR would use nukes, because they would likewise be annihilated
Third World Initially countries neither in US or Soviet bloc, now it is those developing countries in Africa, Asia, L. America
domino theory Ideology that dominated 1950s/1960s, if one nations goes communist, neighboring countries would likewise turn Communist
Soviet invasion of Hungary October 1956 hundreds of thousands Hungarian protesters put down by Soviet govt - leads to drop in support for Marxist ideas
Fidel Castro and Cuban Revolution Overthrows Cuban gov't, believed too much of Cuban nation controlled by foreign interests, adopts Communist-state-controlled/nationalized economy
Bay of Pigs Failed attempt by US supported/trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro, failure embarasses US - increases Cuban-US tension
détente Term for reduction in tension between USA - USSR between 1960 and 1980s
European Coal and Steel Community 1958 - first attempt to unite W. European countries economically
Camp David Accords US moderated peace talks between Egypt and Israel - broke down Arab unity, Egypt loses influence in Arab matters
Yasser Arafat - Palestine Liberation Organization Leader of terrorist organization wanting to evict Israelis, regain homeland, represenation for Palestinian people - later becomes political party
intifada Palestinian Arabs fighting against Israeli occupation of Gaza Strip/West Bank - boys w/ stones vs. tanks image
Iranian Revolution Transformed Iran from pro-Western nation to fundamentalist Islamic nation. becomes religious theocracy
Ayatollah Khomeini Leader of Iranian Revolution - group of students supporting seize US embassy 1979 - begins stage of anti-US sentiment - fundamentalist theocracy
Saddam Hussein Dictator Iraq - took over power in coup, pushed war against Iran, invaded Kuwait - Persian Gulf War - genocide against Kurds
African National Congress South African black political party that took over control in 1994
AIDS/HIV epidemic Lacked initial funding/recognition as homosexual community disease - widespread epidemic in Africa - forces gov'ts to come up with policy on sex ed. and medicine
Indira Gandhi Indian Prime Miniters - 1966-77, 80-84 - pushed nuclear power program - Green Revolution - increase in production due to new strains, techniques, pesticides
Ho Chi Minh Communist Vietnamese Nationalist, trained in Europe, fought Japanese then French then US, wanted united Vietnam
Vietnam War Based on Domino Theory, US wanted to prevent communist takeover by Vietcong forces up North
Khmer Rouge 1975-1979 Cambodian leaders - responsible for 1.7 million deaths starvation, relocation, murder - attempt at ruralification
Postwar economic recovery of Japan miracle of Japanese growth post WWII - due to US investment, gov't intervention + US primarily supports military - Japan can focus money on economy
Liberal Democrats left-wing democrats - favor redistribution of wealth to poor, minorities - socially more liberal
Taiwan and Kuomintang Chiang Kai Shek fled to Taiwan, dictatorship of Taiwan - prepared for invasion of China - survived w/ US assistance
Deng Xiaoping Lead of Chinese Communist Party, de facto leader of party 1970s to 1990s after Mao - pushed forth unique idea of "socialist market economy"
Che Guevera Marxist revolutionary leader in Latin America - helped Castro in Cuba, later went to Africa - Congo - famous for being on high school T-shirts - 97% of high school students don't know why they wear it
G-8 Summit Canada, France, Italy, US, Germany, UK, Japan, Russian Federation - represent 70% of world's economy - meet annually for economic/political discussions
standard of living disparity - developed vs. developing health, life-expectancy wealth of industrialized nations dwarfs that of developing world
north-south split those nations above equator far richer than those below - rich getting richer, poor getting poorer - and because north dominates global economy, won't change anytime soon
consumerism massive purchase and industrialized toward consumer products - not necessities of life - just make us have a ton of stuff
population growth - trends developing nations seeing massive increase, industrialized workers slowing down - no need for all those kids, plus they want to spend money on consumer culture, health care, nutrition makes us live longer
migration of peoples developing nations from rural to urban - attempt to move from developing to industrialized - leads to guest workers and conflict between immigrants and Nativists
nationalism and ethnic violence following break up of European control and USSR, ethnic groups have become violent toward each other, no dictator to keep under control - centuries old conflicts back in fluorish - people's identity more toward ethnic group/religion than nation
women's movements, feminism, women's liberation suffrage Western Europe after WWI, but in 1950s fluorished - Feminine Mystique novel - women want choice - 1950-2006 saw unprecedented changes in gender equity - now women surpass men educationally, gov'ts step in to guarantee fair treatment - inequities,
existentialism human existence as having a set of underlying themes and characteristics, such as anxiety, dread, freedom, awareness of death, and consciousness of existing. Existentialism is also an outlook, or a perspective, on life that pursues the question of the mea
Albert Einstein - theory of relativitity 20th century theory of physics - relation between laws of physics for person moving vs. person standing still
quantum physics deals with electron energy - atomic level of physics
Chernobyl explosion of nuclear power plant in USSR - led to lasting environmental distruction
Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty attempt to keep nuclear technology from spreading past original US, French, British, Russian - not so successful - see Iran, N. Korea, India, Pakistan - nations know once they get bomb - they are world players
Gulf War 1980s Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait for more oil, US + coalition kick him out, but leave him in power - leads to Iraq War 12 years later
Environmentalism post-industrial movement to improve water supply, air, land pollution, animals, other small critters - save environment for our future
Global Warming threat that industrialization has put wholes in ozone layer which will heat up water temperature, melt glaciers, causing huge problems - end of the world -we're all going to die
Created by: pikeville1
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