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90000-99500 medicine
40000 digestive system
20000 musculoskeletal system
38000 hemic & lymphatic systems
00000 anesthesia
80000 path & lab
56000 female genital system
39000 mediastinum & diaphragm
70000 radiology
60000 endocrine system
10000 integumentary system
33000 cardiovascular system
59000 maternity care & delivery
99201-99499 E & M
65000 eye & ocular adnexia
50000 urinary system
30000 respiratory system
61000 nervous system
54000 male genital system
69000 auditory system
digestive system oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, anus
stomach fundus; body; antrum
small intestine duodenum; jejunum; ileum
large intestine cecum; ascending colon; transverse colon; descending colon; sigmoid colon; rectum
liver RUQ of abdomen
gallbladder under liver
pancreas under stomach
urinary system kidney; ureters; urinary bladder; urethra; urination
kidney behind the abdominal cavity on either side of the spine
female reproductive system ovaries; fallopian tubes; uterus; cervix; vagina
male reproductive system testicles; vas deferens; prostate gland; urethra; penis
nervous system divisions CNS - central nervous system; PNS - peripheral nervous system
cranial nerves carry impulses between brain, head & neck
autonomic nerves parasympathetic & sympathetic nerves
parasympathetic nerves balance for the sympathetic nerves
sympathetic nerves stimulates the body in times of stress & crisis
spinal cord carries nerves to and from limbs & lower body
brain cerebrum; thalamus; hypothalamus; cerebellum; pons; medulla oblangata
cerebrum thinking, personality, sensations, movements & memory
thalamus relay station for sensory impulses; pain
hypothalamus body temperature, sleep, appetite, emotions, control of pituitary gland
cerebellum voluntary movements and balance
pons nerves to the eyes and face
medulla oblangata regulates heart, blood vessels, & respiratory system
meninges dura mater; arachnoid membrane; pia mater
blood vessels arteries; veins; & capillaries
arteries leads blood away from heart
veins conducts blood toward the heart
capillaries carries blood from arteries to cells
external respiration exchange of air between lungs and external environment
brain controls body activities
spinal cord in vertebral column
spinal cord pathway to the brain
cranial nerves voluntary
spinal nerves voluntary
CNS brain & spinal column
PNS cranial nerves, spinal nerves, and autonomic nerves
kidney produces urine by filtration
pancreas produces insulin & enzymes
gallbladder store bile for later use
liver makes bile for digestion
internal respiration cellular
internal respiration exchange of gases @ cell within body organs
humoral immunity B-cells transform to plasma cells
cell-mediated immunity T-cell lymphocytes
humoral immunity secretes antibodies
cell-mediated immunity antigens are destroyed by direct cell action
natural immunity own genetic ability to fight off disease
acquired immunity formation of antibodies and lymphocytes after exposure to an antigen
lymphatic system drainage system to transport proteins and fluid back into blood
lymphatic system absorb lipids
lymphatic system immune system
diaphragm muscular partition separating thoracic from abdominal cavities
mediastinum between lungs in the chest
mediastinum divided by trachea into bronchal tubes and bronchi
lymph contains WBC lymphocytes and monocytes
eye cornea; anterior chamber; aqueous humor; pupil; lens; ventreous chamber; vitreous humor; retina
brain optic nerve fibers; optic chiasm; thalamus; cerebral cortex
outer ear pinna; external auditory canal; tympanic membrane
middle ear malleus; incus; stapes; oval window
inner ear cochlea; auditory liquids and receptors; auditory nerve fibers
brain cerebral cortex
thyroid gland R & L lobe on either side of trachea
thyroid gland secretes T4 & T3
T4 thyroxine or tetraiodothyronine
T3 triiodothyronine
thyroid gland maintains metabolism
parathyroid glands 4 small oval bodies
parathyroid glands secretes PTA or parathormone
PTA parathyroid hormone
PTA mobilizes calcium
adrenal glands 2 small glands @ top of each kidney
adrenal glands secretes corticosteroids
corticosteroids glucocertocoids; mineralocorticoids; gonadocorticoids
pancreas near and partly behind the stomach by 1st & 2nd lumbar
pancreas produces insulin & glucagen
pancreas Islets of Langerhans
pituitary gland hypophysis
pituitary gland base of brain in sella turcia
pituitary gland anterior lobe & posterior lobe
anterior lobe adenohypophysis
posterior lobe neurohypophysis
posterior lobe antidiuretic hormone & oxytocin
antidiuretic hormone ADH
antidiuretic hormone increases water reabsorption
oxytocin stimulates labor
Created by: Alyssa Wagner
Popular Medical sets




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