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Exam 2 Socio

Exam on Chp. 6 9-12

Race A group whose inherited physical characteristics distinguish it from other groups.
Genocide The systematic annihiliation of attempted annihilation of a people because of their presumed race or ethnicity.
Ethnicity Having distinctive cultural characteristics
Prejudice An attitude or prejuding usually in a negative way.
Discrimination An act of unfair treatment directed against an individual or a group.
Institutional Discrimination Negative treatment of a minority group that is built into a society's institutions *Also systemic Discrimination
Scapegoat An individual or group unfairly blamed for someone else's troubles.
Population Transfer The forced movement of a minority group.
Apartheid The separation of racial-ethnic groups as was practiced in South Africa.
Internalized Discrimination Discrimination which occurs within a race.
Primary Group A group characterized by intimate, long-term, face-to-face association and cooperation.
Secondary Group Compared with a primary group, a larger, relatively temporary, more anonymous, formal, and impersonal group based on some interest or activity.
Dyad The smallest possible group, consisting of two persons.
Triad A group of three people.
Group Stability The larger the group the more stable.
Social Class A large group of people who rank close to one another in property, power, prestige.
Pastoral Society A society based on the pasturing of animals.
Hunting and Gathering Society A human group that depends on hunting gathering for it's survival Men=Women Few Social divisions/little inequality. Usually have shaman. Men more prestige but women more contribution only 20/25-40 people. Nomadic. Most egalitarian.
Horitcultural Society A society based on cultivation plants by the use of hand tools
Postindustrial Society A society based on information, services, and high technology, rather than raw materials and manufacturing.
Democratic Leader An individual who leads by trying to reach a consensus.
Authoritarian An individual who leads by giving orders
Lasiez-faire An individual who leads by being highly permissive
Asch's Conformity experiment Seeing if a person caves to how people answer, even though they know its wrong.
Milgram experiment Shocking experiment... How far will you go...
How Nations became stratified Colonialism, World System, Theory, Culture of poverty, Evaluating the theories.
Colonialism The process by which one nation takes over another nation, usually for the purpose of exploiting its labor and natural resources.
World System Theory Economic and political connections that tie the world's countries together.
Globalization of capitalism Capitalism (investing to make profits within a rational system) becoming the globe's dominant economic system.
Culture Poverty The assumption that the values and behaviors of the poor make them fundamentally different from other people.
Weber's Social Class Components Property, power, and prestige
Sex Biological characteristics that distinguish females and males, consisting of primary and secondary sex characteristics.
Gender The behaviors and attitudes that a society considers proper for i ts males and females
Nature vs. Nurture Nature: Our Biology is the only thing that has to do with the way we act. Nurture: The way we are socialized is the way we act/Not the way we are Born.
Patriarchy A society in which Men as a group dominate women as a group.
Feminism The philosophy that men & women should be politically, economically, and socially equal.
Reference Group A group whose standards we evaluate ourselves.
2 causes of slavery War, debt, and Crime
Power elite Term for the top people in the U.S. corporations, military, and politics who make the nation's major decisions.
Social Mobility Movement up or down the social class ladder.
Caste system A form of social stratification in which people's statuses are determined by birth are lifelong.
Structural Mobility Movement up or down the social class ladder that is due more to changes in the structure of society than to the actions of individuals.
Globalization The extensive interconnections among nations due to the expansions of capitalism.
Negative effects of globalization on less industrialized nations These nations = 68% of worlds people. Poverty/people take to living in dumps. No running water/indoor plumbing, or access to trained teachers or physicians.
Out-Group an outgroup is a social group towards which an individual feels contempt, opposition, or a desire to compete.
In-Group a social group towards which an individual feels loyalty and respect, usually due to membership in the group.
In-Group Bias the preferential treatment people give to those whom they perceive to be members of their own groups.
Created by: rorossonera
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