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MA125 Hematology


When performing venipuncture, at what point do you release the tourniquet? when tube filled, before removing needle
Describe what you do to stop the bleeding at the venipuncture site? apply direct pressure
When collecting only small amount of blood what are the preferred sites? finger, heel
Describe how you perform a finger stick? alcohol site, puncture ring or middle finger, wipe away first drop of blood, apply drop of blood to test strip
What kind of tests can be run in lavender top tubes? hematology tests
Where do blood cells form? bone marrow and lymph tissue
What are the functions of blood? regulates temperature, carry oxygen, distributes hormones
What are formed elements of blood? Erythrocytes, Leukocytes and Thrombocytes (platelets)
When drawing for CBC, what type of tube do you use? lavender top, EDTA (anticoagulant additive)
The test that measures the rate red cells separate from plasma is called? Sedimentation rate
What is the main function of hemoglobin? to combine chemically with oxygen
When hematocrit is decreased what is a likely disease? anemia
What is the normal range for hemoglobin in an adult female? 12- 16
What is the normal range of hematocrit in a normal adult male? 42 % - 52%
When do you use heparinized capillary tubes, what test? when performing microhematocrit
What is another name for hematocrit? packed cell volume
What does plasma contains? proteins, hormones, carbohydrates
What is the normal result for Sed rate in an adult female? 1-20
What is the function of red blood cells? carry O2 to cells, transports O2 to tissues, take carbon dioxide to lungs
What part of the blood is lipids and cholesterol? stored in plasma
What do you do when blood is not flowing into tube? slight manipulation of needle is acceptable, remove vacutainer apparatus and repeat, second attempt is ok as long as patient agrees
What is the normal value for leukocytes? 4,000 - 11,000 cu/mm
What is CLIA? improves quality of lab test, regulations are based upon personnel, procedures, record keeping are divided into original, expanded tests
WBC's are divided into what two groups? granular and non-granular
Which protein gives immunity ? gamma globulin
What is a cholesterol test, what is measured? the amount of lipids in blood
What are the three proteins in plasma? gamma globulin, albumin and fibrinogen
What type of WBC helps in antibody formation? lymphocytes
Which blood type is the universal donor? O
Which blood type is the universal recipient? AB
How long must ESR stand before you can read results? 1 hour
Gloves and PPE should only be used if the patient is ill False
The most important function of leukocytes is to destroy pathogens True
The puncture site should be determined only after careful inspection of both arms True
If the patient's veins are small and fragile you can still use straight needle method False
Capillary puncture is used to collect large amounts of blood False
Plasma is made up of 90 % water True
Tubes that contain the additive EDTA is used when collecting specimens for CBC and ESR tests True
When a specimen forms a clot the liquid portion is called hemoglobin. False
Hemoglobin iron containing pigment in RBC, carries O2
Erythrocytes contains hemoglobin
Neutrophils increased in leukemia
Pernicious Anemia low hematocrit reading
Thrombocyte platelet aids in clotting
PTT coagulation test
Rh + 85 % of population
Rh - 15 % of population
Leukocytes assist with body defense
What is whole blood consists of? cells and plasma
Created by: mprevatt
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