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Traditional Asian Medicine 3000-4000 Years Ago
Divisions of Traditional Asian Medicine Chinese and Ayurveda(India)
Japan Energy Ki
TCM energy Chi
Ayurveda Prana
Western medicine Allopathic
Asian medicine incorporates Body, mind & spirit
Asian bodywork therapy Treatment of mind, body, spirit and balancing energy systems
Originated in Japan, incorporates stretching and pressure along energy lines Shiatsu
Defined as finger pressure in Japan Shiatsu
Common theme of all Eastern bodywork modalities Energy
Burning mugwort to stimulate or sedate energy Moxibustion
Scraping skin along energy channels of the body for removing excess heat or stagnation Gua-sha
Placing a warmed cup upside down directly on skin to create a vacuum that suctions the skin to relieve stagnant energy Cupping
Asian symbol that represents masculine(yang) and feminine(yin) aspects of energy Tai Ji
Energy demonstrates itself as Movement and vibration
According to TCM there are how many pairs of organ meridians in the body 12
Channels of energy that run through the body in TCM Meridians
According to TCM, the 2 most important of the 8 extraordinary meridians that energetically tie the body together Ren(conception) & Du(governing)
The 5 elements according to TCM Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water
Masculine aspect of TCM energy Yang/Fu
Feminine aspect of TCM Yin/Zang
2 types of energy in Shiatsu, the quanity of energy or the activity in a tsubo Jitsu(full) & Kyo(empty)
Bodywork that uses hara palpation for diagnosis Shiatsu
Center of the hara Dan Tien
A body unit in Shiatsu Cun
TCM 5 elements/seasons fire/summer, water/winter, earth/late summer, metal/autumn, wood/spring
In Zen Shiatsu, the mother hand is the hand that Stays stable in one place
Order of elements in the Creative/Shen cycle of TCM Wood, fire, earth, metal, water
Order of elements in the Control/Ko cycle of TCM Water, fire, metal, wood, earth
Points along the meridian where energy concentrates and surfaces as vortices in Japanese Tsubos
Ayurveda five basic elements Water, earth, fire, air, ether
Dosha means That which changes
Three doshas Vata, Pitta, Kapha
Vata Wind, elements air/ether
Pitta Bile, elements fire/water
Kapha Phlegm, elements earth/water
Channels in which energy flows in Ayurveda Nadis
In Ayurveda, the chief cause of disease Ama
In Ayurveda, a person's constitution, based on the 3 doshas Prakriti
Sanskrit word meaning wheel or cycle Chakra
According to Ayurveda, there are how many energy centers in the body, each relating to an element, color, sound and symbol 7
The bodywork that uses hara palpation for diagnosis is Zen Shiatsu/ Shiatsu
In Ayurveda, the names of the energy wheels in order from bottom to top are Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, Crown
In Ayurveda, the colors of the energy wheels in order from bottom to top are Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, White
In Ayurveda, the elements of the energy wheels in order from bottom to top are Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Ether, Cosmos, Cosmos
Definition of Ayurveda Science and knowledge of life
During palpation in Shiatsu, areas of pain are called_________which means "that's it" Ah-shi
Polarity was developed In the west, by Dr. Stone
Reiki is defined as Universal energy
Reiki was discovered in the early 20th century by Dr. Mikao Usui
The grandfather of all bodywork techniques originated in China
The grandfather of all bodywork techniques Amma
Amma means Push-pull
Deep manipulation or bone setting Tuina
Ayurveda recommends the movements of __________ to help individuals maintain health and balance Yoga
TCM recommends the movements of __________ to help individuals maintain health and balance Tai Chi or Chi Gong
Eastern practitioners work to restore __________ in the energetic systems of the body Balance
Neurologcal, spinal cord, nervous system Craniosacral
Session opened with prayer, long, broad strokes Lomi lomi
Maninly performed by nurses Therapeutic touch
Deepen bond between owner and their pets, circular movements with fingers Tellington massage
Rooted in the belief that all forms of life are sustained by a vital force (lom) and carried along invisible energy pathways (sen) Thai Massage
In foot reflexology, the term used to describe the body's energy pathways Zones
Based on the theory that our bodies have reflex points on the feet and through applied pressure energy blocks can be released in corresponding zones to rebalance the entire body Foot reflexology
Phrase by which Eunice Ingham is referred Mother of reflexology
Physiotherpist who popularized modern reflexology in North America William Fitzgerald
Form of therapy out of which modern reflexology developed Zone therapy
Created by: dlscott5965
Popular Massage Therapy sets




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