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Luke/Acts Matching


Acts describes the first church in Jerusalem The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
Jesus cures the lepers Jesus the prophet
Jesus goes into the desert led by the spirit and emerges to begin his public ministry The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation history
Jesus chose women as disciples Jesus the prophet
Jesus withdraws to lonely places prayer
Jesus heals the sick Jesus the prophet
Jesus' baptism prayer
Jesus ministers to the samaritans Jesus the prophet
at the Garden of Gethsemane prayer
After Jesus instructs the disciples to preach in Judea, samaria, and to the ends of the earth, we find a report of Jesus' ascension from the Mount of Olives The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
At the transfiguration prayer
Jesus exorcises demons out of those bondage to Satan Jesus the prophet
on the cross prayer
The risen Lord appears to the apostles and intructs them for 40 days The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
Before performing miracles in the name of Jesus prayer
Before choosing apostles prayer
Jesus forgives and eats emals with sinners whom religious leaders despised Jesus the prophet
Peter gives a speech calling for repentance where 3,000 were converted and were baptized The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
Mary becomes the mother of God through the power of the Holy Spirit The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation history
Jesus responds to a plea for help from a Roman cenrurion Jesus the prophet
in the temple prayer
The spirit moves Simeon to recognize the infant Jesus as the promised one The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation history
Pentecost The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
The spirit descends on Jesus in the form of dove The role of the Holy Spirit in salvation history
Selecting Judas' successor prayer
Acts reveals how prayer helped the apostles and the initial group of Jesus' disciples choose the sucessor of Judas The Church continues Jesus' prophetic mission
Created by: rachel.zieverink
Popular Religion sets




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