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BR - Skel System

Board Review - Skeletal System

Which of the following is stored in bone tissue, supplying 99% of the body's needs for this element? ATP, Magnesium, Calcium CA
Which cells are bone-forming cells? osteoblasts
How do you define synarthroses joints? fibrous - nonmovable
What is one of the functions of spongy bone? shock absorber
Compact bone in adults contains a system of interconnecting canals. What is this system called? Haversian
Which of the following is the tissue that provides the binding of ligament to bone? Periosteum
How do you define amphiathroses joints? slightly movable
Give an example of a synarthrosis joint? sutures in the skull
How do youd efine diarthroses joints? a synovial joint - freely movable
What is a characteristic of compact bone? high tensile and compression strength
What does the medullary cavity of a bone contain? yellow bone marrow
What does a tendon bind to bone? muscle
Give an example of an amphiarthrosis joint? pubic synthesis
From what structure in a synovial joint is synovial fluid secreted? synovial membrane
What is a function of synovial fluid? Remove metabolic wastes from the articular cartilage, reduce fritcion, & supply nutrients to the joint
What is a saclike structure that is found around or near some joints and acts like a cushion? Bursae
What is another name for an amphiathrosis joint? cartilaginous
What are the spaces in spongy bone filled with? red bone marrow
What are osteoclasts? bone-destroying cells
Injury to the phalanges could interfere with which of the following activities? Making a fist, playing piano, kicking a football all
What is the name for the main shaft of a long bone? diaphysis
At which point is the pectoral girdle attached to the axial skeleton? sternoclavicular
What connects muscle to bone? tendon
In which section of the spinal column does the greatest amount of rotation occur? cervical
Which is the first vertebra of the spinal column? atlas
Which bone is the medial malleolus part of? tibia
Which of the following is not a function of the periosteum? Growth of bone length, attachment for ligaments & tendons, growth of bone diameter and thickness? growth of bone length
where would you find the carpus? wrist
Name a kind of slippery substance that lies inside of joint joint capsule? synovial fluid
How many phalanges are there in both hands combined? 28
Which vertebrae does not have a spinous process? C1 Atlas
Which grouping include only cranial bones? ethmoid, sphenoid, temporal
Which of the parts of the vertebral column has the least movement? S1-S5 Sacrum
Which is a hinge joint? tibiofemoral
What type of bone is the axis? cervical vertebrae
Which is not part of the cranium? scaphoid
At which joint location will you find two moon-shaped menisci or two semilunar cartilages? knee
Which bone is the acromion process part of? scapula
What is characteristic of sesamoid bones? embedded within a tendon, found where a tendon passes over a joint, found at knee, hand and foot
What is the primary function of a ligament? stabilize a joint
Where is the least movement in the spine? T4-T6
Which part of the tibia is not covered by muscle? anteromedial
Which of the following bony landmarks best assist in location the brachial plexus? clavicle
Where would you find a turbinate? nose
Palpation of which bony landmark helps locate the ulnar nerve? medial epicondyle of the humerus
Witch which two carpal bones does the distal radius articulate? lunate & scaphoid
What is the name of the bony structure that is at the proximal and posterior ulna and is generally called the elbow? olecranon process
In the western anatomical position, which of the following bones is relatively superior? Tibia, clavicle, radius, femur clavicle
Which is an example of a saddle joint? carpometacarpal joint at thumb
Where does the axial skeleton articulate with the appendicular skeleton? sternoclavicular
Repeated mechanical strain on a bone can cause a crack. What is this called? incomplete or partial fracture
Air space in the facial bone is called? sinus
Which set of bones represents the tarsal group? cuneiform, cuboid and talus
Which of the following bone types has a medullary cavity? long
The lateral malleolus part of which bone? fibula
On which bony prominence does one sit? ischial tuberosity
Where can you find the lumbricals? hands and feet
Which of the following is part of the foot? phalanges
What does the talocrural joint (ankle joint) consist of? tibia, fibula, talus
Where does the scapula articulate with the humerus? glenohumeral joint
What two bones articulate with the clavicle? sternum and scapula
Does the fibula articulate with the femur? no
Which are joints of the lower extremities? tibiofemoral, talocrural and coxal
Which are joints of the lower extremities? tibiofemoral, metatarsophalangeal, tarsometatarsal
Which are joints of the upper extremities? humeroradial, proximal radioulnar, glenohumeral
Which are joints of the appendicular skeleton? scapulothroacic, coxal, talocrural
What is true of endochondral ossification? bone replaces cartilage
What is true of the growth of long bones? long bone growth ends during adolescence when epiphyseal plates are completely convereted to bone
What type of joint is the proximal radioulnar joint? pivot joint
What is the site of lengthwise growth of long bones? epiphyseal plate
What is the term for the fundamental functional unit of compact bone? osteon
Which ligament runs from the sacrum to the tuberosity of the ischium? sacrotuberous ligament
Which ligaments are considered major stabilizing ligaments of the knee? medial collateral ligament, lateral collateral ligament & anterior cruciate ligament
Spongy bone is primarily found in which part of a long bone? epiphysis
Compact bone is primarily found in which part of a long bone? diaphysis
What is the function of the skeletal system? levers of movement, hemopoiesis, protection of the heart and lungs
What is the longest bone in the body? femur
Define the fourt types of bones short, long, flat, irregular
Give an example of sesamoid bone patella
What is a function of hyaline cartilage? reduce friction
What is the outer connective tissue layer of bone called? periosteum
What are the movements that can occur at a balla nd socket joint? flexion & extension, abduction & adduction, rotation & circumduction
What is an example of a pivot joint? atlanto-axial
What is the movement that occurs at a gliding joint? back and forth
What is an example of a short bone? carpals
What is the specialized movement of a saddle joint? opposition
Name the two bones that articulate to form the shoulder joint humerus and scapula
Which is not part of the breast bone? styloid process
The pectoral girdle is formed by which two pairs of bones? clavicle & scapula
Which movements are produced by hinge joints? extension & flexion
Which is the largest bone in the arm? humerus
Which joint has the highest degree of mobility? ball & socket
Which type of joints do you find between vertebrae? gliding
What are cervical vertebrae best suited for? extension & flexion, lateral flexion, & rotation
How many thoracic vertebrae are there? 12
Where can you find the hyoid bone? neck
Which is in the knee joint? tibia, femur, patella
Which are parts of the appendicular skeleton? tibia, femur, calcaneus
What is part of the pelvis? acetabulum, pubis, ischium
The sternum articulates with how many ribs? 7 pairs
Which bone does not contribute to the acetabular socket? sacrum
Which joint is moveable in only one plane? hinge
The occipital condyle articulates with which bone? atlas
Which is an example of an ellipsoidal joint? wrist
What two types of joints are found in the spine? gliding / symphysis
How are the skull bones connected? sutures
What is your cheek bone called? zygomatic arch
Which bone is the sternum inferior to? clavicle
In which skeletal system does the humerus belong? appendicular
What does the capitulum of the humerus articulate with? radial head
Where do you find the olecranon process? proximal ulna
What is the list of classifications of joints in order of least to greatest degree of mobility? synarthroses, amphiarthroses, diarthroses (SAD)
Which fluid is found in a diarthrotic joint? synovial
Which are joints between the bodies of vertebrae? fibro cartilaginous
What does calcaneus mean? heel
Which is not found in the foot? zygomatic
Where can you find the deltoid tuberosity? humerus
Created by: Gneblu
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