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S1 Exam Review
Question | Answer |
thou shalt not have no other Gods before me | Cmdnt 1 |
forbids idolatry | cmdnt 1 |
do not take the name of the lord in vain | cmdnt 2 |
forbids abuse of God's name | cmdnt 2 |
Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy | cmdnt 3 |
forbids unnecessary work | cmdnt 3 |
honor your father and mother | cmdnt 4 |
You shall not murder | cmdnt 5 |
forbids - Intentional homicide, Abortion, Euthanasia, Suicide, Violation of human rights, Violation of social justice and freedom, Fighting and harm to the body of self or others, Unreasonable anger, “Killing” of another’s reputation | cmdnt 5 |
you shall not commit adultery | cmdnt 6 |
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife | cmdnt 9 |
forbids Lust, Masturbation, Fornication, Porn, Contraception, Adultery, Living together, Prostitution, divorce, premarital sex | cmdnt 6 & 9 |
you shall not steal | cmdnt 7 |
Enslavement of human beings, theft, Cheating, Vandalism, Bribery Greed | cmdnt 7 |
you shall no bear false witness against your neighbor | cmdnt 8 |
forbids Lying, False Witness/ perjury, Rash judgment—judges the others actions as bad with little or no foundation, Calumny, Detraction | commandment 8 |
you shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor | cmdnt 10 |
forbids greed | cmdnt 10 |
an inordinate esteem of oneself which is contrary to the truth | pride |
excessive or insatiable desire for money or material things | avarice |
sadness or discontent at the excellence, good fortune, or success of another person | envy |
emotional sense of displeasure and usually antagonism aroused by real or apparent injury | anger |
inordinate desire for or enjoyment of sexual pleasure | lust |
inordinate desire for the pleasure connected with food or drink | gluttony |
laziness because of the exertion necessary of the performance of a good work | sloth |