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American his. vocab.

American pagent 14th edition vocabulary and people ch. 24-26

a stirke in which the workers turned the tables on the pinkertons and routed them, only to lose the strike and their union when troops were called out. Homestead
the uncrowned head of his party, he served as secretary of state in the Harrison administration. James Blain
under this law, he federal government was to purchase the silver output of the nation, thus guaranteeing the silver industry a market for its product. Sherman Silver Purchase Act
The wealthy corporation lawyer who had no stomach for strict enforcement of either the Interstate Commerce Act of the Sherman Antitrust Act. Richard Olney
He headed a Wall Street syndicate that loaned the Cleveland government enough money in 1894 to carry it through the gold reserve crisis. J.P. Morgan
He was arrested for walking on the grass when he led a march on Washington to demand the expenditure of 500 million dollars for a public works program. Jacob Coxey
McKinley's sponsor and campaign manager, he was a conservative businessman and "standpatter" who believed that prosperity "trickled down" to the laborer. Mark Hanna
He swept the 1896 Democratic convention with the dramatic assertion: "You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorns, you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold." William Jennings Bryan
Name of the railroad started by James J. Hill. Great Northern
Railroad which began in Sacramento and went East. Central Pacific
Railroad which started in Omaha and went West. Union Pacific
Man behind the New York Central Railroad. Cornelius Vanderbilt
Act which was a first in the field of railroad legislation. Interstate Commerce
Case which said the states could not control the railroads because of interstate commerce. Wabash Case
The inventor who introduced the telephone in 1879. Alexander Bell
The man who went from $1.20 a week bobbin boy to amass more than $400 million. Andrew Carnegie
The first billion dollar corporation. US Steel
The man who made a fortune in the tobacco industry. James Duke
The man who made a fortune in oil. John D. Rockefeller
This organization, formed in 1887, urged voting against Roman Catholics for office and spread tails about runaway nuns. American Protective Association
A religious import from England, this organization offered aid to the urban downtrodden. Salvation Army
Successor to the lyceums, it was a popular program of adult education featuring nation wide public lectures by well known speakers. Chautauqua Movement
Name given conservatives in the churches who were against Darwinism Fundamentalist
Name given liberal churches who backed Darwin. Modernist
Sometimes called "the peanut man" he was a leading educator. George Washington Carver
This man gave much money for libraries. Andrew Carnagie
Champion of women's voting rights. Susan B. Anthony
Leader of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. Francis Willard
Kansan who was a leading prohibitionist Carey A. Nation
Inventor of basket ball. James Naismith
One of the first professional baseball teams. Cincinnati Red Stockings
The first professional baseball league. National League
He lost his entire command at the battle of the Little Big Horn. George Custer
The nez perce chief who lead a memorable march in an attempt to escape pursuing whites. Chief Joseph
Land fought over in the Sioux War 1876-77. Black Hills
General who captured Chief Joseph 15 miles from the boarder. Nelson Miles
Indian prophet who began the Dance of Ghost. Wovoka
Infamous Colorado massacre in which some 400 indians were slaughtered by territorial militia. Sand Creek
Person who called attention to government injustice toward indians. Helen Hunt Jackson
First congressional attempt to civilize the indians by destroying tribal customs. Dawes Act
A law that abandoned the principle that public land should be regarded as a source of government revenue in favour of a new principle of giving land to settlers. Homestead Act
Person who developed a superior barbed wire. Joseph Glidden
The way cattle were brought north to market. Long drive
Life blood of the plains indians that was slaughtered by whites. Buffalo
Most renowned scout and buffalo hunter in history. "Buffalo Bill" Cody
The faction of the republican party lead by Grant and Conkling that favored the spoils system. Stalwarts
The faction of the republican party lead by Blaine and Garfield that favored some reform of the worst abused of the spoil system. Halfbreeds
Although closely identified with the Stalwart faction, he turned against his former political associates when he became president. Chester Arther
Renowned as the so called Magna Carte of civil service reform, it was supported by republicans when they foresaw a democratic victory. Pendleton Act
Republican reformers who opposed the nomination of Blaine in 1884, and probably were a factor in the election of Clevland. Mugwumps
The organization of several hundred thousand union war veterans that sometimes played a significant role in the politics of the post civil war era. Grand Army of the Republic
Grandson of a former president, scion of a famous American family and civil war general, he was elected president in 1888 even though his opponent received more popular votes. Benjamin Harrison
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