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Brock WH 1st Sm Exam

Just from the review. All past test questions are fair game too.

1. Hinduism – 4000 BCE/India a. Founder: none b. Gods: Brahma (Creator), Vishnu (Preserver), Shiva (Destroyer) c. Belief: Do good things in this life and you will move up the Caste System in your next life (karma)
2. Zoroastrianism – 2000 BCE/Persia a. Founder: Zoroaster b. God: Ahura Mazda c. Belief: Good vs. evil
3. Judaism – 2000 BCE/Israel a. Founder: Abraham b. God: Yahweh c. Belief: Must keep covenant (contract) with God
4. Jainism 500 BCE/India a. Founder: Mahavira (not founder, but made it popular) b. God: None c. Belief: Can stop birth/death cycle if you are nonviolent to every soul/thing
5. Confucianism 500 BCE/China a. Founder: Confucius b. God: None (Philosophy more than religion) c. Belief: Keeping good relationships makes life harmonious
6. Buddhism 500 BCE/India a. Founder: Siddhartha Gautama b. God: None c. Belief: Suffering ends when you give up people and things
7. Shinto 500 BCE/Japan a. Founder: None b. God: Kami (spirits of ancestors) c. Belief: Live a pure life and you will be rewarded
8. Taoism 500BCE/China a. Founder: Lao Tzu b. God: None c. Belief: Being passive brings harmony. Yin/Yang everything is opposing yet compliemntary
9. Christianity 0/Israel (When part of the Roman Empire) a. Founder: Jesus Christ b. God: Holy Trinity c. Belief: Worshiping Jesus will lead you to heaven
10. Islam 600 CE/Mecca, Saudi Arabia a. Founder: Muhammad b. God: Allah c. Belief: Purpose of life is to show Allah that you submit to him
11. Sikhism 1500/India a. Founder: Guru Nanak b. God: Nam c. Belief: The world is an illusion, but you can see the real world through dharma (righteous behavior)
12. Baha’I 1850/Persia a. Founder: Bab b. God: God c. Belief: God reveals himself to different religions in different ways. All of them get to go to heaven.
Trojan War (Probably Fake) Mycenae (Greece) and Troy. Wrote about in Iliad. Trojan Horse
Persian War (AKA Greco-Persian) Cyrus the Great took over Greece and put in tyrants. Greece goes to Persian capitol and burns it. (Battle of Marathon was here).
Peloponnesian War Athens v. Sparta. Sparta wins.
Punic Wars Rome v. Carthage for Sicily. Rome wins. Scipio Africanus gets African name for being so awesome there. Hannibal (Carthage) uses elephants but still fails.
Norman Conquest William the Conqueror from Normandy (FR) comes w/ army to take over England. PWNS King Harold and connects ENG w/ EUR.
Crusades (To mark with the cross) Catholics v. Muslims over the holy lands (Bethlehem, Jerusalem). Muslims keep holy lands in the end. Much understanding and idea swapping.
Hundred Years’ War FR v. ENG (116 Years) FR king dies. ENG prince tries to take over FR. Joan of Arc helps FR come back. Is killed. Dressed like boy.
War of the Roses Two families (Lancaster and York) fight over ENG throne. Lancasters win.
Thirty Years’ War All EUR countries except ENG. Catholics v. Protestants. Protestants win. HRE princes (governors) could choose CATH or PROT.
English Civil War Parliament supporters (Roundheads) v. King supporters (Cavilers). Roundheads win, Oliver Cromwell is leader and wins with New Model Army. Afterwards, he has the king and parliament killed and becomes a dictator.
Seven Years’ War AKA French and Indian War ENG v. FR. ENG wins and gets India, Canada and the Mississipi River from Louisiana to Canada.
Lucy Australopithecines. Fossil found in Ethiopia. First human like creature.
Siddhartha Gautama (India) became the Buddha or “enlightened one”
Confucius (China)
Aryans (India) European people who moved to India and took over the Dravidians, starting the Caste System
Hammurabi (Mesopotamia) came up with first written code of laws. Code of Hammurabi
Hatshepsut (Egypt) first female pharaoh
Socrates (Greece) philosopher. Said we should question everything. Taught Plato, who taught Aristotle who taught Alexander the Great.
Jesus Christ (Bethlehem) prophet of Christianity, the most popular religion today.
Alexander the Great (Greece) took over almost all of the Mediterranean and as far west as India. (p. 59)
Constantine (Rome) first Christian Roman Emperor. Spread Christianity all over the empire. Solely responsible for the spread of Christianity today.
Muhammad (Mecca) prophet of Islam, second most popular religion today.
Abu Bakr (Arabia) spread the Arab empire throughout the Mediterranean much like Alexander did.
Genghis Khan (Mongolia) greatest leader of the Mongols. Held the largest land empire in history from China to Poland (Eurasia).
Mansa Musa (Mali, Africa) converted to Islam and made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca w/ tons of gold.
Charlemagne (France) made a huge empire that became the beginning for modern European culture.
Petrarch (Italy) father of humanism and the Renaissance. Looked at old Greek and Roman works to get ideas.
Leonardo (Florence, Italy) the epitome of a renaissance man. Most famous painting ever: Mona Lisa.
Johannes Gutenberg (Germany) invented the printing press. Spread literacy and Christianity all over Europe.
Martin Luther (Germany) wrote 95 Theses and started Protestantism
King Henry VIII (England) broke with the Catholic Church and started his own (Anglican) Church so he could get a divorce.
Prince Henry the Navigator (Portugal) pushed for exploration of Africa. Very responsible for everyone starting to explore.
Christopher Columbus (Italian) sailed for Spain and discovered the Americas. Thought it was India. Superfail.
William and Mary (England) Parliament named them to be king and queen in the glorious revolution. Therefore, divine right is dead in England.
King Louis XIV (France) very fancy king that is the epitome of an absolute monarch. Moved capitol to palace in Versailles. Had a golden bedroom.
Peter the Great (Russia) Peter the Poser. Helped Russia become stronger and more modern, but did so by trying to make it just like England and France.
William Shakespeare (England) Elizabethan playwright that is the most prolific playwright in history. He may not have been real.
Thomas Hobbes (England) thought people were basically evil. Brought about the idea of modern social conservatism. Thought that the government must limit the rights of the people to gain more security.
John Locke (England) thought people were basically good. Brought about the idea of modern social liberalism. Thought that the government should give the people the most freedoms possible even if it costs them some security.
Zheng He (China) explored India, Arabia and the Eastern Coast of Africa. Sailed 60 years before Columbus.
Tokugawa Iyeasu (Japan) the man who finally unified Japan. His shogunate kept power for over 200 years.
Galileo Galilei (Italy) used the telescope to prove Copernicus’ geocentric theory. Church accused him of heresy for saying that the universe doesn’t revolve around Earth. (Symbolism?)
Isaac Newton (England) found that gravity makes planets move. Three laws of motion. Math proved his theory.
Rene Descartes (DAY CART) (France) said “I think, therefore I am.” Leading skeptic that thought the only truth is our own truth.
Charles Montesquieu (France) came up with separation of powers, checks and balances. US based main government structure on his ideas.
Adam Smith (Scotland) came up Laissez Faire economic theory that translates “let the people do what they want.” This is the basis for the modern free market economic system.
Mary Wollstonecraft (England) mother of modern feminism. Promoted the idea that men and women will be equal once they are educated equally.
Ptolemy antiquity astronomer (geocentric) sun is center
Copernicus Sci Rev astronomer (geocentric)
Galileo used the telescope to prove Copernicus’ theory
Newton gravity makes planets move. Three laws of motion. Math proves theory.
Harvey heart is most important organ. Not liver! Fail.
Boyle discovered gas laws
Lavoisier created periodic table
Cavendish (W) men don’t have power over the universe
Winkleman (W) discovered comet. Not hired at university b/c of ovaries
Descartes (DAY CART) I think, therefore I am. All about reason
Bacon invented scientific method
Enlightenment using Sci. Rev. (reason) to solve social problems
Hobbes Beginning of conservatism More security than freedom Take care of yourself Things need to stay the same
Locke everyone born with natural rights (live, speak, freedom) Locke=Love Beginning of liberalism More freedom than security Help the less fortunate w/ taxes Things need to change
Ptolemy antiquity astronomer (geocentric) sun is center
Copernicus Sci Rev astronomer (geocentric)
Galileo used the telescope to prove Copernicus’ theory
Newton gravity makes planets move. Three laws of motion. Math proves theory.
Harvey heart is most important organ. Not liver! Fail.
Boyle discovered gas laws
Lavoisier created periodic table
Cavendish (W) men don’t have power over the universe
Winkleman (W) discovered comet. Not hired at university b/c of ovaries
Descartes (DAY CART) I think, therefore I am. All about reason
Bacon invented scientific method
Enlightenment using Sci. Rev. (reason) to solve social problems
Hobbes Beginning of conservatism More security than freedom Take care of yourself Things need to stay the same
Locke everyone born with natural rights (live, speak, freedom) Locke=Love Beginning of liberalism More freedom than security Help the less fortunate w/ taxes Things need to change
Voltaire Deism. God is a watchmaker
Diderot first encyclopedia
Montesquieu separation of powers, checks and balances. US took ideas
Smith Laissez Faire (let the people do what they want). Free market economy
Rousseau Social Contract. We must trade freedoms for security
Voltaire Deism. God is a watchmaker
Diderot first encyclopedia
Montesquieu separation of powers, checks and balances. US took ideas
Smith Laissez Faire (let the people do what they want). Free market economy
Rousseau Social Contract. We must trade freedoms for security
Created by: pikeville1
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