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(Chadmw) Chapter 6&7

(Willis) Chapter 6 & 7

The mountain range that runs along the border between India & Tibet/China in Southern Asia. These are the highest mountains in the world, with Mount Everest being the highest peak at just over 29,000 feet tall. Himalaya
A river in northern India that runs south of the Himalaya and flows into the Indian Ocean. This river is sacred to the Hindus, who believe that its waters originate in Heaven & have the power to cleanse all sin. Ganges River
A strong seasonal wind on the Indian Ocean that blows from the Southwest in summer, bringing heavy rains and from the Northeast in winter. It is often called a “Trade-Wind.” Sailors throughout history depended on it to carry their ships long distances. Monsoon
Any social group that a person is born into and cannot change. Caste
Strict system of segregation based on social class. People are born into their Caste & cannot change it. Their caste is considered to be earned through their actions in previous lives & it determines their job, social group, & their marriages. Caste System
A religious leader, teacher, & spiritual guide in Hinduism. Guru
The country in the Himalaya Mountains that lies between India & Tibet, which was the birthplace of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama. Nepal
Once a country in central Asia, this region is now a part of China. A special kind of Mahayana Buddhism developed here, where the Buddhist leaders, called lamas, also led the government. Tibet
Born around 563 B.C., this wealthy prince left his family and riches to discover why peopled suffered. His lessons about life and the nature of suffering became known as Buddhism. Siddhartha Gautama
In Tibet, the religious leader who headed the government. He is considered to be a reincarnation of the Buddha. Dalai Lama
A very complex religion that originated with the Aryans in ancient India & aught that all life was sacred. It reinforced the idea of a strict caste system in which people had earned their place in society based on their Karma from previous lives. Hinduism
In Hinduism, the universal spirit of which all gods and goddesses are different parts or aspects. Brahman
The rebirth of the soul or spirit in different bodies over time. In this way, people may pass through many different lives. Reincarnation
In Hinduism, the divine law that requires people to perform the duties of their caste. Dharma
In Hinduism, the good or bad energy a person builds up based upon whether he or she lives a good or bad life. This determines what caste a person will be born into in their next life. Karma
A religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. It taught the four noble truths, in which the way to find truth was to give up all desires. This religion also became popular because it rejected the Caste System. Buddhism
In Buddhism, the precepts that are the essence of the Buddha's teaching: that life is suffering, that desires cause suffering, that the annihilation of desires can relieve suffering, that the way to do this is by following the Eightfold Path. Four Noble Truths
In Buddhism, the ultimate state of wisdom & peace that grants freedom from the cycle of rebirth known as reincarnation & the caste system that comes with it. Nirvana
A government headed by religious leaders. Theocracy
A complicated arrangement of many different inter-connected parts. Complex
Something that is used as a medium for exchange such as a type of money. Currency
To judge or determine the significance, quality, or worth of. Evaluate
Safe. Free from danger or harm. Secure
To unite or join together to make one. Unify
A 2900-mile-long river that flows across China. Known as the Yellow River because of the rich yellow soil it carries from Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean. Huang He
A river known as the Yangtze, which flows for about 3,400 miles east across central China and empties into the Yellow Sea. Chang Jiang
An ancient city in northern China built during the Shang dynasty, it was China's first capital. Anyang
An aristocrat who led a rebellion against the Shang in 1045 B.C. He began a new dynasty called the Zhou Dynasty. Wu Wang
A line of rulers from the same family Dynasty
A noble whose wealth came from land ownership. Aristocrat
A type of writing where a character stands for or represents an object. Pictograph
A character that joins two or more pictographs to represent an idea. Ideograph
A group of appointed officials who are responsible for different areas of government to make government more efficient. However, it can have the opposite effect if it becomes too large. Bureaucracy
A political theory of ancient China that began with the Zhou Dynasty. Taught that those in power were given the right to rule from a divine source & maintained that right as long as they ruled justly. Otherwise, the people had the right to overthrow them. Mandate of Heaven
The proper way Chinese kings were expected to rule under the Mandate of Heaven. Dao
Military leaders with their own armies. Warlords
Born in 551 B.C., he was China's first great thinker and teacher, or philosopher. He wanted to bring peace to society through Filial Piety. He urged people to respect their elders & treat others the way they would like to be treated. Confucius
The ancient Chinese philosopher known as the "Old Master." He lived around the same time as Confucius. Daoism is based on his teachings. Laozi
A scholar who developed the teachings of Legalism during the 200s B.C. He taught that humans were naturally evil and believed they needed to be forced to do their duty by a strong ruler using harsh punishments. Hanfeizi
A group of people who share a similar position in society. Social Class
Children's sense of duty to family & community that included respect for their parents and older relatives. It was an important part of Confucian beliefs that ensured order & stability within Chinese society. Filial Piety
A system of beliefs introduced by the Chinese thinker Confucius. It taught that people needed to have a sense of duty to their family and community in order to bring peace to society. Confucianism
Chinese philosophy based on the teachings of Laozi. It taught that people should turn to nature and give up their worldly concerns & desires. Daoism
Chinese philosophy developed by Hanfeizi. It taught that humans are naturally evil and therefore need to be ruled by harsh laws & a strong ruler. The first emperor Qin Shi Huangdi based his rule on these ideas. Legalism
A present-day city in southern China. In ancient China, under Qin Shihuangdi, a huge canal was built that connected this city to the Chang Jiang river in central China. Guangzhou
A large network of difficult and dangerous trade routes that stretched 4,000 miles overland from western China to Southwest Asia. The Chinese traded silk, tea, & spices on these trade routes with Europe & S.E. Asia. Silk Road
The capital of the Han dynasty, this city was attacked by a rebel army in A.D. 190. Luoyang
In 221 B.C., he declared himself "the First Qin Emperor." He based his rule on the ideas of Legalism. He standardized, writing, weights & measures, & currency, but was a cruel leader. He forced his subjects to build the great wall. Qin Shihuangdi
A military leader who founded the Han dynasty in 202 B.C. Liu Bang
Under the leadership of this man, who ruled from 141 B.C. to 87 B.C, the Han dynasty reached its peak. He initiated civil service examinations to fill government jobs with talented people. Han Wudi
A Chinese medicinal practice of easing pain by sticking thin needles into patients' skin. Acupuncture
Created by: chadmw
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