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Chapter 1,6,7

Southeastern Institute Mid-Term Study Guide

What can you ask your client to do to feel the TFL? Medially rotate femur
What muscle can entrap the sciatic nerve? Piriformis
What is the deepest gluteal muscle? Gluteus Minimus
What muscle lies deep to the iliotibial band? Vastus lateralis
What is the largest nerve in the body? Sciatic nerve
The tibia and fibula articulate with what bone to form the ankle joint Talus
What 2 muscles for the "anatomical stirrup"? Tibialis Anterior and Peroneus Longus
What is the most lateral foot muscle? Digiti Minimi
What are the fibrocartilaginous discs attached to the tibial condyles important for weight distribtion and reduction of friction? Menisci
What type of jont is the tibiofemoral joint? Modified hinge
What is the longest, strongest bone in the body? Femur
What is the acetabular femoral joint? Where the femur articulates with the thigh
What is the only 2 joint quadriceps femoris muscle? Rectus Femoris
What muscle group is found on the anterior thigh? Quadriceps Femoris
What muscle group extends the knee and all insert at the tibial tuberosity? Quadriceps Femoris
What are the two bony landmarks for the adductors? Ischium and Pubic
What muscle group flexes the knee and extends the hip? Hamstrings
Name 2 actions of tibialis posterior Iverts foot,plantar flexes foot
This nerve lies superficially along the posterior/lateral side of the knee Common peroneal nerve
This muscle has the longest tendon in the body Plantaris
The key that unlocks the knee Popliteus
The second heart Soleus
Sandwiched between the talus and the medial/middle cuneiforms Navicular
What are pip and dips? Phalanges (proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
The large conspicuous knobs on either side of the ankle lateral and medial malleoli
What bony landmark lies distal to tibiofemoral joint? tibial tuberosity
Another name for the tibiofemoral joint Knee
The largest sesmoid bone in th body Patella
Plantar flexor that attches on condyles of the femur crossing knee joint Gastrocnemius
Most superficial calf muscle Gastrocnemius
Deepest muscle of the leg Tibialis posterior
Antagonist to gastrocnemius during plantar flexion Tibialis anterior
Bone that forms the heel Calcaneus
What actions do the peroneals perform? Everts the foot, eversion
What muscles are referred to as the "everters"? Peroneals
What toe has 2 phalanges Great toe, big toe, first toe
How many bones are in the foot 26
Deepest muscle of te posterior knee Popliteus
The hip is what kind of joint? Ball and socket, enarthrodial
What are pip and dips? Phalanges (proximal and distal interphalangeal joints
The large conspicuous knobs on either side of the ankle lateral and medial malleoli
What bony landmark lies distal to tibiofemoral joint? tibial tuberosity
Another name for the tibiofemoral joint Knee
The largest sesmoid bone in th body Patella
Plantar flexor that attches on condyles of the femur crossing knee joint Gastrocnemius
Most superficial calf muscle Gastrocnemius
Deepest muscle of the leg Tibialis posterior
Antagonist to gastrocnemius during plantar flexion Tibialis anterior
Bone that forms the heel Calcaneus
What actions do the peroneals perform? Everts the foot, eversion
What muscles are referred to as the "everters"? Peroneals
What toe has 2 phalanges Great toe, big toe, first toe
How many bones are in the foot 26
Deepest muscle of te posterior knee Popliteus
The hip is what kind of joint? Ball and socket, enarthrodial
What three muscles form the pes anserinus tendon? Satorius, gracilis and semitendinosus
Thick, superficial band of fascia stretching from the heel to the ball of te foot Plantar aponeurosis
A connective band of tissue Retinaculum
Most weight bearing bone in body Talus
To lengthen the fibers of soleus dorsiflex the foot
Structure that gastrocnemis merges into inferiorly Calcaneal tendon (achilles tendon)
Which action could you ask a client to perform so that you can feel peroneus longus contract Eversion
Which entensor inserts on the medial cuneiform and base of the first metatarsal Tibialis anterior
You can follow te tendon of this muscle along the dorsal surface of the ankle to locate the medial cuneiform Tibialis anterior
What is an action of satorius? Flex the knee
What are the three anatomical planes of the body? Coronal, Midsagittal and Transverse
Divides the body into front and back, anterior and posterior divisions Coronal (or Frontal Plane)
Divides the bod into 2 equal left and right halves Midsagittal Plane
Divides the body into top and bottom halves, superior and inferior Transverse Plane
Where do you look for pelvic shifting to the left or right Transverse Plane
To create movement in the plantar aponeurosis Flex and extend the toes
An antagonist to tibialis anterior Soleus, gastrocnemius
What action wuld youask your lient to perform to shorten pectineus? Flex the hip
Gastocnemius, Soleus, Tibialis Posterior, Flexor Digitorum Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus, Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis Plantar Flexion
Tibialis Anterior, Extensor Digitroum Longus, Extensor Hallucis Longus,Peroneus Tertius Dorsiflexion
Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis, Peroneus Tertius The everters
Tibialis Anterior, Tibialis Posterior, Extensor Hallucis Longus, Flexor Hallucis Longus Invert foot
Extensor Digitorum Brevis, Extensor Digitorum Brevis, Peroneus Longus, Peroneus Brevis Evert foot
Prime ankle dorsiflexor Tibialis Anterior
Created by: dlscott5965
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