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combining forms 1


acanth/o spiny; thorny
acetabul/o acetabulum
acous/o hearing
acromi/o acromion (extension of shoulder bone
actin/o light
acu/o sharp; severe; sudden
agglutin/o clumping; sticking together
all/o other
alveol/o alvelus; air sac; small sac
ambly/o dim; dull
aneurysm/o aneurysm (widened blood vessels)
anis/o unequal
anthr/o antrum of the stomach
anxi/o uneasy; anxious
aort/o aorta (largest artery)
aphth/o ulcer
aponeur/o aponeurosis (type of tendon)
aque/o water
articul/o joint
asbest/o asbestos
atel/o incomplete
atri/o atrium (upper heart chamber)
audit/o hearing
aur/o ear
auricul/o ear
azot/o urea; nitrogen
bacill/o bacilli (bacteria)
balan/o glans penis
bar/ pressure; weight
bartholin/o Bartholin glands
bas/o base; opposite of acid
bil/i bile; gall
bol/o cast; throw
brachi/o arm
bucc/o cheek
bunion/o bunion
byssin/o cotton dust
cac/o bad
cali/o calyx
calic/o calyx
capillar/o capillary (tiniest blood vessel)
capn/o carbon dioxide
caus/o burn; burning
cauter/o heat; burn
celi/o belly; abdomen
cerumin/o cerumen
chlorhydr/o hydrochloric acid
cholangi/o bile vessel
cholecyst/o gallbladder
choledoch/o common bile duct
chore/o dance
chori/o chorion (outermost membrane of the fetus)
choroid/o choroid layer of eye
chron/o time
chym/o to pour
cib/o meal
cine/o movement
cirrh/o orange-yellow
cis/o to cut
claustr/o enclosed space
clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
cochle/o cochlea (inner part of ear)
coll/a glue
colp/o vagina
comat/o deep sleep
comi/o to care for
conjunctiv/o conjunctiva (lines the eyelids)
cor/o pupil
core/o pupil
corne/o cornea
coron/o heart
corpor/o body
cortic/o cortex, outer region
cras/o mixture; temperament
culd/o cul-de-sac
cycl/o ciliary body for eye; cycle; circle
dacry/o tear
dacryoaden/o tear gland
dacryocyst/o tear sac; lacrimal sac
dem/o people
desicc/o drying
diaphor/o sweat
duct/o to lead, carry
dur/o dura mater
Created by: lizasam
Popular Medical sets




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