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Chapter 5 & 6 W.H

Leondro Renaissance man and draw the Monalisa
Sforza leader of Milain
Medici Rich family of florence and commission great Ren art
Machiavell wrote The Prince which was the most important political lititure
Pretrarch father of Renaissance.Big huminist
Michelangelo sculptor/ painter sixteen chapel
Jan Van eyck Ren painter
Durer north Ren painter
Luther wrote the 95 theses and reformed the catholic formal monk
Erasmus Humanist, philosophy of christ, wanted to reform
Charles V H.R.E emperor when Luther wrote the 95 theses
leo X pope during Luthers time. Excommunicated him
Peace of Augsburg princes can choose catholic or protistent in Germany
Zwingi protestant that hates catholics and was chopped up and burned
Henry VIII divorce his wifes and started the Anglican chruch and left the catholic chruch
Ignatius of Loyola founded the jesuits
Da Gama sailed around the world
Columbus sailed for spain
Cabot founded new England
vespuchi founded amercia and was named after him
Pizarro killed incan natives and spread diseases
magellan found cape of good hope/ phillipiness
King Alfinzo against the slave trade
IBO where most slaves came from
khmer Cambodia.. today lots of spices
Conquistador spanish conqueror
colony other country runs a contry/settlement
mercantillism the bigger the wealth the better the country
balance of trade imports vs exports
plantation large place with 1 type of crop to make money
triangular trade slaves from Africa, raw materials from U.S, products from Europe
middle passage path that transported slaves from Africa to U.S
mainland states Portugal took parts of comblibia
Bureaucracy red tape, rules everyone must follow in government
Urban city-like
secular non relgious
mercenaries paid soldiers
dowry wife pays husband at wedding
Humanism humans are the center of everything
fresco painting into wet plaster
christian humanism to reform catholic chruch
salvation getting into heven
indulgences paying chruch for salvation
predestination god has life planned out
annul-cancel make it look like it didnt happen
what was a Reanaissance man An artist or a person that can do diffrent things
what was the Renaissance a rebirth of? greek culture
define Antiquity old
who wrote "The prince" and what was it about Niccoio, and how to acquire and keep politcal power
what was Luthers job he was a monk
What did Luther do with his 95 theses hammerd it to the the door of the catholic chruch
how did the catholic chruch deal with luther? In the edict of worms..they excommunicated him, burnt his book, and kicked him out of the holy roman empire
why was zwingli so important? he started a war between the catholics and the protestence
what was calvins institues of the christian religion about? a summary of a protestants thoughts and how they acted
where was calvin from france
why did Henry VII wanted a divorce he had a daughter and wanted a son
How did his dorvorce weaken the catholic chruch? England broke away
whats the act of supemacy? King was supreme of all of his land
why was mary called bloody mary? and why didnt she like protestants she had 100 protestants burnt..her mother was killed
List 3 most important facts about the ainti baptist 1.) baptized 2.) believes in equally 3.) complete seperation
What are 3 pillars of the catholic reformation 1.) the jesuits 2.) reform of the papacy 3.) council of trent
what were 3 reason for European exploration God-spread christainity glory-get famous gold-get money
What were 3 things that europeans took from the arabs that helped them explore caravel(ships with triangle sail) compass astrolatbell( mark distances)
what made Prince henry the navigator important? and where was he from hes from Portugal and pushed for exploration
what was the 1st sussesful european exploring country? Portugal
what was the line of demaraction? who drew it? who did affect? what was the treat called? line were portugal & spain could explore Tordesillas
In the amercias, where did cortes, pizarro and the Portugese take over? Brazil Pizarro-perv( incas) Cortes-mexcio( aztecs)
what was the colimbia exchange and what were some items exchanged Plants & stuff going from new to old world world tomatoes, horses,corn, tabacco
what were the Dutch east and Dutch west India companies more powerful than spain and portugal traded spices in east and west indies
where are the dutch from the neatherlands
which european country settled in virgina/massachusetts england
which european country settled in canada/louisana france
which european country settled in new york dutch
what crop led to an influx of slaves from africa sugarcane(caribean/ brizil)
what religion spread from north africa to south islam
what island nation in the pacific becomes Muslim by interacting with traders Indonesia
why did Portugal settle the moluccas spices
why didnt europe have as big of an impact on mainland asia as did on the island mainland got more powerful
In southeast asia, what were the 2 main religions on the islands? what was the big religion on the mainland 1.) islam 2.) buddism-mainland 3.) christians
Most slaves brought and taken to amercia were? prisoners of war
Created by: pikevilleNathanG
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