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World Civ.2010

Chapter 5 & 6

what was the Renaissance a rebirth of? Ancient Greek and Roman worlds
Define antiquity means old/valuable
Define Secular Worldly, not religious
What was a renaissance man? a well-rounded universal person that was capable of many achievements in many areas of life- Leonardo da Vinci
who was in control of Milan? Who controlled Florence? Francesco Sfoza, Cosimo de Medici
who wrote the prince? what was it about? Niccoio Machiavelli. It reflected the practice of politics in Renaissance Italy
Define Humanities it was the key intellectual movement Renaissance. Human individual is the most important things
What things make up liberal arts education study history, moral philosophy, eloquence, grammar, poetry, mathematics, astronomy & music
What are the three books of Divine Comedy? Who wrote them? What was it about? Hell, Purgatory, & Heaven. Dante's. It was about his journey through the three realms until he reaches paradise
What Christine de Pizan's main idea. To show men that women can learn
finish quote:The human is the center __________ and measure of all things
Give three aspects of Renaissance art Perspective, realistic people & lighting
Name a rich family that commissioned art. The Medici family
Name the three leaders of the High Renaissance and one work by each. Leonardo-Mona lisa, Raphael-Madannos, Michelangelo- Ceiling of Sistine Chapel
What are two things people should know about northern renaissance art? alterpeice and realism & adapted work from Italy
name two northern european artists and one work by each Jan van Eyck-Giovanni Arnolfini & his bride Albrecht Durer- Adoration of the Magi
how did Erasmus says the church must be reformed teh church can be reformed by spreading word, christian education & philosophy
how was the "philosophy of christ" approach reformation live like Jesus & less scripture
give an example of the problem in the church from the Praise of Folly. the monks had to do certain things if they didnt it was a sin
what was Luther's Job? Monk & Professor
what is an indulgence release of purgatory
what did luther do with his 95 theses? he hung it on the church door.
how did catholic church deal with luter excommunicated him
what was the out come of the peace of Augsburg? Each prince could pick religion
how did luther's actions affect people that eventually came to America? they could pick their own religion.
why was Zwingli so Important? he was a priest and started war between catholics and protestants.
how did Zwinlgi end up? he was wounded from the battle. and they cut up his body and burned the pieces
what was calvins Institutes of the Christian Religion about? a summary of Protestant thought how protestants should act.
where was calvin from? france
define Predestination? God determined in advance who would be saved, and who would go to hell.
why did Henry VIII want a divorice he needed a male heir so the crown would continue in his family
how did hte divorice weaken the catholic church because it was against the churches belief
what was the act of Supremecy where the king was taken accepted and reputed the only supreme head on earth of the new church of england
why was bloody mary called that? why didnt she like protestants she was King Henry's daughter she burned protestants. tahts how she got her nickname. she wanted England to stay Roman Catholic
list the three most impt. facts about Anabaptist -they believed incomplete seperation of church and state -they believed all believers were equal & -each church chose its own minister
what were the 3 pillars of catholic reformation -Jesuits, -Reform of papacy & - Council of Trent
urban society: A system in which cities are the center of politcal , economic & social life
Secular: Worldly
Mercenary: a soldier who sells his services to the highest bidder
dowry: a gift or money or property paid at time of marriage
Leonardo de Vinci: Well rounded, universal person. sculpter, painter, architect
francesco sforza: duke & conquered Milan. leader of a band of mercenaries
Cosimo de Medici took control the city had a wealthy family
Lorenzo de Medici dominated the city
Niccolo Machiavelli took the book the prince & used it when he took power
Humanism: an intellectual movements of Renaissance based on the study of Humanities
Fresco: a painting done on fresh, wet plasters with water based paints
petrarch father of Italian renaissance humanism
Dante Italian author of the 14th century
Jan van Eyck: Flemish painter, first to use oil paint
Albrecht Durer german artist who was affected by Italians
christian humanism a movement that developed in northern europe during hte Renaissance
salvation the state of being saved through faith alone
indulgence release from all part or punishment for sin by catholic church
martin luther catholic monk who became protestant and started protestant reformation
Edict of Worms a thing where martin luther had 60 days to take back what he said
Charles V emperor who thought he could change luthers mind
annul declare unvalid
John Calvin From france and was educated there he adh to flee france because it was a catholic and he was protestant
Ignatious of Loyola a spanish nobleman who founded the Jesuits
conquistador a spanish conqueror of the Americas
colony a settlement of people living in a new territory, but owned by a certain country
Mercantilism a set of principles that dominated economic thought in the 17th century it held prosperity of a nation depended on large supply of gold and silver
balance of trade the difference in value between what a nation imports and what it exports overtime
Vasco da Gama went around the cape and cut across the indian ocean to the coast of India
christopher columbus an italian who thought he could reach asia by sailing west instead of east around asia..a spanish explorer
john cabot explored the new england coastline of the americas
vespucci a florentine who went on voyages and wrote down what he saw america is named after him (amerigo)
francisco pizarro took control of the incan empire high int he peruvian andes
magellan first who landed in the phillippine islands
plantion: large agricultural estate
triangular trade route: pattern of trade that connected europe, africa, and asia and american continents
middle passages: journey of slaves from africa to americas named it because it was middle portion of triangular trade route
king afonso king of congo
ibo: a society of people from eastern nigeria was based on independant villages
mainland states: part of a continent, as distinguished from peninsulas or offshore islands
bureacracy: administrative organization that relies on nonelective officials and regular prcedures
khmer: a monarchy of the old angkor kingdom
Created by: pikeville_Anna
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