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Rubenstein Chapter 2

AP Human Geography Rubenstein Chapter 2

Demography The study of population.
Arithmetic Population Density Total population in relation to land size.
Physiologic Population Density Number of people per unit area of agriculturally productive land.
Where is the 1st largest population cluster located? East Asia
Where is the 2nd largest population cluster located? South Asia
Where is the 3rd largest population cluster located? Europe
Where is the 4th largest population cluster located? Southeast Asia (Sumatra, Borneo, Papua New Guinea, The Philippines, Indonesia)
Where is the 5th largest population cluster located? North America (Boston-D.C.)
When was the agricultural revolution? About 10,00 years ago.
Historically, where did people settle? Where they could find food.
What four places did people settle so they could farm? Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Egypt (Nile River), Indus river valley, and China (east).
In Europe most people live in ________ , and worked in ___________ ? cities, coal fields
Rate of Natural Increase Subtract deaths from births
Dependency Rate The percentage of people who are too young or too old to work in a society
Natality Ratio of births to the general population
Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Number of baby deaths during the 1st year following birth (per 1,000 live births)
What are the leading killers of children? Diarrhea and Malnutrition
Child Mortality Rate (CMR) Deaths between the ages of 1 and 5
Kwashiorkor and Marasmus Two diseases caused by lack of protein that kill millions
Life Expectancy Women out live men AIDS kills many in Africa
The slowest growing countries lie in the economically __________ areas of the world such as __________________________. wealthiest, USA, Canada, Europe, Russia, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, etc.
Economic Development Employment opportunities, nutrition, etc.
What does ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT lead to? Decrease in fertility and growth rates.
Education Better educated countries have lower fertility and growth rates
Gender Empowerment Status and opportunity available to women.
What happens when women have more economic and political access? Fertility rates drop
Health-care Improved health-care in developing countries have decreased Infant Mortality Rate and increased Lief Expectancy
Cultural Tradition Some areas encourage high fertility rates, by elevating motherhood to a high status, preventing women from doing anything else by discouraging use of birth control
Public Policy Government incentives to have children
Malthus Model of Growth Population grows exponentially, food supplies grow arithmetically
How was Malthus proved wrong? A. Did not account for ability to increase food production B. Assumed we have no control over reproduction C. Famine is not lack of food, but uneven distribution of it
Neo-Malthusians Lower mortality rates had to be balanced by reducing birth rates
What would countries run out of besides food? Energy
What did Thomas Malthus write? Essay on the Principle of Population (1798)
Created by: 100000598896281
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