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Question | Answer |
What is organic agriculture? | the production of crops without the use of synthetic or industrially produced pesticides and fertilizers-is also on the rise in North America. Example: organic fruits, vegetables, cotton and soybeans. Info* Most popular in Denmark,Sweden and Germany. |
What is agriculture? | the deliberate tending of crops and livestock to produce food, feed, and fiber. Example: Part of ____________goes to feed livestock like chickens, pigs, cows and sheep. |
Primary Economic Activities | include those products closest to the ground, such as agriculture, ranching, hunting and gathering, fishing, forestry, mining, and quarrying. |
Secondary Economic Activities | those activities that take a primary product and manufacture it-that is, change it into something else such as toys, ships, processed foods, chemicals, and buildings. |
Tertiary Economic Activities | are part of the service industry, connecting producers to consumers and facilitating commerce and trade. |
Quaternary Economic Activities | divides economic activities into those concerned with information or the exchange of money or goods. |
Quinary Economic Activities | Divides economic activities into those tied into research or higher education. Example: Business and money managers, and CEOs of companies. |
Plant Domestication | When humans genetically modify plants, making them need human intervention. |
Root Crops | crops that are reproduced by cultivating either the roots or cuttings from the palnts (such as tubers, including manioc, or cassava, yams and sweet potatoes in the tropics). |
Seed Crops | Plants that are reproduced by cultivating seeds, is more complex process, involving seed selection, sowing, watering, and well-timed harvesting. This may have originated in the Nile River Valley in North Africa. |
First Agricultural Revolution | Dating back 10,000 years, the First Agricultural Revolution achieved plant domestication and animal domestication. |
Animal Domestication | having mammals/animals that can be used for a source of meat, as beasts of burden, and as providers of milk. Example: Goats, pigs and sheep are domesticated animals. |
Subsistence Agriculture | growing only enough food to survive. |
Shifting Cultivation | like slash and burn agriculture. |
Second Agricultural Revolution | moved agriculture beyond subsistence to generate the kinds of surpluses needed to feed thousands of people working in factories instead of in agricultural fields. Composed of innovations, improvements and techniques. Started in Great Britain. |
Third Agricultural Revolution (Green Revolution) | Dates back to the 1930's, when agricultural scientists in the American Midwest began experimenting with technologically manipulated seed varieties to increase crop yields. |
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOS) | Crops that have been altered so that human can cross pollinate an cross breed them. Areas around the world genetically modify wheat, corn, beans etc. |
Township-and-range system | Also known as the rectangular survey system |