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AP wolrd civ

AP world civ unit two notes

science is a big deal for who? islamic empire
mediterainia consisted of? western europe, Byzantine empire, Islamic empire.
Ghana means? land of gold
chines junks are? huge boats
egpyt allowed the muslims to? worship freely.
Reason for holy land crusades? convert non believers, crush christian movement church deemed herectical, protect against forginers.
what was the largest single empire in human empire? (Land empire) Mongol empire
Meritocracy? Leaders chosen for ability.
What was the mongols stratagy when takeing over a village? they promised to spare inhabitiants, but if they disagreed then they would be slautered. (Total distruction)
What were some of the better technologys used? used paper currency and had a postal system.
Segrigation btween? mongols and chines.
Pax mongolica? notion of peacefulness an exxaggeration, allowed exchange for goods, ideas, culture. Biggest impact- conduit for cultural exchange.
what was their no need for art/science. they were illiterate.
gun powder used for? millitary.
chines invented? Block printing.
Trade aided by? better boats and roads, monetary systems, lines of creditm axxiuunting- record keeping, money management key.
Five duties "Pillars" Faith Prayer, Fasting, Alms, Hajj.
Umayyads? Arabic became ofical language.
infanticide? Is forbidden in islamic world.
Ethipoia and egypt were what religion? Coptic Christianity.
Holy land was were? Jerusalem.
Islamic means? "One who submitts"
Who believed everyone was equal befor allah? Muslims
Ancient Greek, Romans, and persians? prserves? western culture.
What was the offical language of umayyads? arabic.
Muslims eduacation? free eduacation in muslim schools.
How were women in islam threated? treated with more respect, dignity, infanticide forbidden.
WHat wwere the struglles of the abassids? to large to govern, high taxes made leaders less and less popular.
why did the Abassids fail? regular civil wars and internal struggles. (Sunnie ans shyi'ite conflicts)
Trade was aided by? better boats and roads, monetary systems, lines of credit, record keeping.
Arab traders helped? spread islamic faith, and exspanded knowledge of africa.
chines junks were? huge boats they used to explore the east african coast.
Greatest Mali king? mansa musa.
when Mansa musa went to mecca what did he bring with him. lots of gold.
Meritocracy means. you are ranked by how well you do you job, it was a mongol thing then later on it became a chines thing.
Why were they motivated by meritocracy? because they wanted to move up in ranks.
WHat were the mongol flanking maneuvers? when two armys are fighting the other army comes up from behind them.
Mongol religion was not? no place among great faiths
Sui Kingdom also called? sway
allegarcy/ aristocracy is when a few rich people controll everything.
Tang exspanded? territory to tibet, part of korea.
Song always had? conflict with northern neighbors.
The civil service exam originaly started in? the han dynasty.
scholar gentry is? old smart people
Chinas millitary got? gun powder.
China famous for what form of prinitng block printing.
What did high taxation lead to? pesant revolts.
exstensive road networks binded the empire together,
Most significant thing about the tang? poetry
Most significant thing about song? block printing
First empress of china? Wu Zhao
Batu was? code of honor
Women In China? Foot binding, beauty and femininity key.
Marriages in china benefit? groom
Mahayana emphasis on? peaceful, quiet existence, life apart from worldy values.
Neo- Confucian came from? confucious.
Neo Confucian was a mixture of? confucianism and daoism.
Neighboring people of china were tributary states and were forced to? prostate themselves (bow w/ head on ground)
Code of Bushido? fedelity virility-fearlessness truthfulness/ sincerity Simplicity
Samurai's protected? the emperor.
Chines people had decorative gardens that had rock gardens, bonzi trees.
women had more atonomy which means? they had more independence/reply on self.
Many people in europe left urban for? rural protection
Middle ages from? 500-1500
Dark ages from? 500-1000
manorialism/feudalism? european social economic political system.
"great clearing"? working together to cut down forest.
Byzantine empire was? eastern roam, constantinople and istanbull.
renewed ecomnoic growth because? rise of towns use of money rather than barter labor shortage due to plauge
High middles ages renewed economic intellectual vigor and tendency toward cebtralized political authority.
Gun powder and connos made what obsolet? castels
how long did a surf have to stay off land befor considered free? one year and a day
Staus is defined how? by birth
Peasant rights? tied to land, not quite slaves but not entirely free either
Role of women in europe? home maker child care, weak and subordinate, service in community, trade and craft guuilds.
Norman invasion occured in what year? 1066
1215 nobles wanted control of what? tax polices of king john
Who was forced to sign the magna carta king john
House of lords clergy nobility
Delayed unification of germany and italy til? 19th century
Hudred year was between who and who won? england and france. France won
High middle ages increased? urbanization
Knights were similar to? samurais.
in contract to bushido chivalry was? two sides contract between and vassal and a lord.
Western roams destroys all? icons
Christianity spilt to? Roman catholic and Christian orthodoxy
How many sacraments r their? seven
Women in aztec, times? if they died in child birth similar to dieing in battle talent for weaving honored. politicaly subordinate. could inherit property
Women in inca? domestic servants.
Mayas were? pyramid builders.
How did the mayans believe humans were made? from corn
How did the mayans work their famr? they used slaves because they didnt have large animals.
Maya grew? cotton, maze, mostly known for cotton textiles.
aztecs farmed? maize and beans.
aztecs eastablished? tribute empire.
How was the bubonic plauage spread. infested rats eatting off mongol grain feedsacks, mites on fur.
Bantu is? a language and people
Bantu people r located were? sub saharan
Black death was? bubonic plauage.
cities grew because? as the poplulation grew people needed to spread out.
Pilgrimages? constantly move for religious perpous.
Created by: ashleynicole
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