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1 - Prehistory

(Willis) 1 Prehistory

Set apart or separated from other persons or things. Isolated
Adjusted oneself to something new, such as different conditions or environments. Adapted
The method or skill used to create something or complete a particular task. Technique
The external surroundings in which a plant or animal lives, which tend to influence its development and behavior. Environment
To influence or change. Affect
Person who studies and writes about the human past. Historian
A scientist who studies fossils & artifacts to learn how people lived long ago. Archaeologist
Any object made by people in the past that still exists today, such as weapons, tools, or other items. Artifact
The trace, imprint, or remains of a once-living thing from long ago, such as a plant or animal, that has been preserved in rock. Fossil
Scientist who learns about human life & culture by studying the physical characteristics and cultures of humans and their ancestors. Anthropologist
A person with no permanent home who regularly moves from place to place according to the seasons in search of food, water, and grazing land. Nomad
The application of tools, methods, & science to help humans perform tasks & adapt to their environment. For early humans, that meant things like stone tools & fire. Technology
To tame animals and plants for human use. Domesticate
A time period known as the “Old Stone Age” when humans made simple stone tools & lived nomadic lifestyles as hunters & gathers who followed animal migrations & vegetation cycles. Paleolithic Age
A time period known as the “New Stone Age” when humans began to domesticate plants & animals & live life in settled communities. Neolithic Age
A time period known as the Neolithic Revolution when people began the switch from a nomadic lifestyle of hunting & gathering to a settled lifestyle of systematic agriculture (farming). Farming Revolution
The development of different kinds of jobs that became possible when people had a surplus of food large enough so that not everyone had to farm. Specialization
The time before written records. Prehistory
Times of extreme cold when great sheets of ice covered parts of the earth. Ice Ages
A Neolithic community in present-day Turkey. It was home to about 6,000 people who lived in simple mud-brick houses between 6,700 B.C. & 5,700 B.C. Catal Huyuk
One of the earliest known Neolithic communities located in the West Bank between what are now Israel & Jordan. It dates back to about 8,000 B.C. Jericho
Created by: chadmw
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