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10 History

Chapter 16

Pilgrims Group of English Separatists that left for the New World in 1620.
Mayflower Compact A temporary agreement establishing civil authority for the Plymouth colony. This was the pilgrims government.
George III British king during the American Revolution. He sent troops over to America in response to the Boston tea party.
July 4, 1776 When the Declaration of Independence was drawn up by Thomas Jefferson.
Declaration of Independence Document in which the American colonies declared their independence from Britain. America could then levy war, conclude peace, establish alliances, and Establish commerce.
George Washington General of the American army.
Treaty of Paris Treaty ending the War for Independence between the United States and Britain.
federalism Delegating specified powers to the national government and reserving all other powers for the state government.
popular sovereignty Government based upon the consent of the governed.
Bill of Rights The first ten amendments of the United States Constitution; define liberties and place restraints on government interference.
Old Regime Political and social order in France before the French Revolution.
First Estate Clergy of the Roman Catholic Church; one segment of French society.
Second Estate Nobility; one segment of French society
Third Estate Largest segment of French society; all who were not clergy or nobility.
corvee French system of forced labor.
Louis XVI He did not have the character or inclination to rule France. He just wanted to party. He was indifferent to affairs of government.
cahiers List of grievances.
"Tennis Court Oath" Oath of the Third Estate declaring that they would not disband until a written constitution was established.
July 14, 1789 The mob took siege of the hospital and prison. They took all the guns and the revolution began.
Declaration of the Rights of Man French Revolution document that outlined what the National Assembly considered to be the natural rights of all people and the rights that they possessed as citizens.
assignats French Revolution paper money backed by Roman Catholic land that was confiscated.
Civil Constitution of the Clergy Placed the French church under state control, provided for the election of all the clergy by the people, and required the clergy to take an oath of loyalty to the state.
Jacobins French revolutionaries who advocated the most radical changes; appealed to the sans-culottes.
Marat Leader of the Jacobins.
Danton Leader of the Jacobins.
Robespierre Leader of the Jacobins.
sans-culottes "Without breeches"; Paris workers who supported the Revolution
Brunswick Manifesto Asked the pope to support the king, issued by the Austrians and promised to restore Louis XVI to the thrown.
September 22, 1792 When the national Convention abolished the monarchy and proclaimed this to be year number one of the French Republic.
Committee of Public Safety 12 man committee headed by Robespierre; managed the everyday affairs of the French Revolutionary government.
levee en masse A nation calling upon all its citizens to take an active part in the war effort; first employed during the French Revolution.
coalition A temporary alliance of nations.
Directory French revolutionary government after the National Convention; two-chamber legislature; five Director; overthrown by Napoleon.
Napoleon Bonaparte He wants to take over Europe. Does new war tactics. French general.
Lord Nelson A British general, fought most of the wars against Napoleon Bonaparte.
coup d' etat A sudden and illegal seizure of power by force
Code Napoleon Napoleon's codification of French laws.
Continental System Attempt by Napoleon to blockade British trade by closing Europe's ports to British ships.
guerrillas "Little Wars"; small bands of troops that attacked a superior force
scorched-earth policy Burning everything that might be of value to the enemy.
Duke of Wellington Leader of the British army. Won the last battle against Napoleon Bonaparte.
Created by: Studyhall
Popular World History sets




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