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HSII Chpt. 5 MT

Chapter 5: Cardiology Medical Terminology

abdomen/o- abdomen
ablat/o- take away; destroy
anastom/o- create an opening between two structures
aneurysm/o- aneurysm (dilation)
angi/o- blood vessel; lymphatic vessel
angin/o- angina
aort/o- aorta
apic/o- apex (tip)
arter/o- artery
arteri/o- artery
arteriol/o- arteriole
ather/o- soft, fatty substance
atheromat/o- fatty deposit or mass
atri/o- atrium (upper heart chamber)
auscult/o- listening
axill/o- axilla (armpit)
brachi/o- arm
capill/o- hairlike structure; capillary
card/i- heart
cardi/o- heart
carot/o- stupor; sleep
catheter/o- catheter
cholesterol/o- cholesterol
circulat/o- movement in a circular route
claudicat/o- limping pain
clav/o- clavicle (collar bone)
coagul/o- clotting
coarct/o- pressed together
compens/o- counterbalance; compensate
conduct/o- carrying; conveying
congest/o- accumulation of fluid
constrict/o- drawn together; narrowed
contract/o- pull together
coron/o- structure that encircles like a crown
cusp/o- projection; point
cutane/o- skin
diastol/o- dilating
dilat/o- dilate; widen
dissect/o- to cut apart
ech/o- echo (sound wave)
ectop/o- outside of a place
electr/o- electricity
esophag/o- esophagus
femor/o- femur (thigh bone)
fibrill/o- muscle fiber; nerve fiber
fract/o- break up
fus/o- pouring
gemin/o- set or group
idi/o- unknown; individual
infarct/o- area of dead tissue
ili/o- ilium (hip bone)
isch/o- keep back; block
jugul/o- jugular (throat)
log/o- study of
lipid/o- lipid (fat)
lumin/o- lumen (opening)
ly/o- break down; destroy
man/o- thin; frenzy
mediastin/o- mediastinum
mitr/o- structure like a miter (tall at with two points)
my/o- muscle
necr/o- dead cells, tissue, or body
nucle/o- nucleus (of an atom)
occlus/o- close against
palpit/o- to throb
pariet/o- wall of a cavity
path/o- disease; suffering
pat/o- to be open
peripher/o- outer aspects
perone/o- fibula (lower leg bone)
pharmac/o- medicine; drug
phleb/o- vein
physi/o- physical function
polar/o- positive or negative state
poplite/o- back of the knee
port/o- point of entry
prosthet/o- artificial part
pulmon/o- lung
radi/o- radius (forearm bone); x-rays; radiation
regurgitat/o- flow backward
ren/o- kidney
rheumat/o- watery discharge
rrhythm/o- rhythm
saphen/o- clearly visible
scler/o- hard; sclera (white of the eye)
sept/o- septum (dividing wall)
sin/o- hollow cavity; channel
son/o- sound
sphygm/o- pulse
stat/o- standing still; staying in one place
sten/o- narrowness; constriction
steth/o- chest
system/o- the body as a whole
systol/o- contracting
tampon/o- stop up
techn/o- technical skill
tele/o- distance
tens/o- pressure; tension
theli/o- cellular layer
thorac/o- thorax (chest)
thromb/o- thrombus (blood clot)
tibi/o- tibia (shin bone)
transplant/o- move something to another place
triglyceride/o- triglyceride
uln/o- ulna (forearm bone)
ur/o- urine; urinary system
valv/o- valve
valvul/o- valve
varic/o- varix; varicose vein
vascul/o- blood vessel
vas/o- blood vessel; vas deferens
vegitat/o- growth
ven/o- vein
ventricul/o- ventricle (lower heart chamber; chamber in the brain)
vers/o- to travel; to turn
viscer/o- large internal organs
xen/o- foreign
-ac, -al, -ant, -ar, -ary, -eal, -ent, -etic, -ian, -ic, -ive, -ous, -tic pertaining to
-ade action; process
-ated pertaining to a condition; composed of
-ation a process; being or having
-ator a person or thing that produces or does
-ature system composed of
-centesis procedure to puncture
-ectomy surgical excision
-emia condition of the blood; substance in the blood
-graft tissue for implant or transplant
-gram a record or picture
-graphy process of recording
-ia condition; state; thing
-id resembling; source or origin
-ide chemically modified structure
-in a substance
-ing doing
-ion action; condition
-itis inflammation of; infection of
-ization the process of making, creating, or inserting
-logy the study of
-megaly enlargement
-metry process of measuring
-ole small thing
-oma tumor; mass
-ory having the function of
-ose full of
-osis condition; abnormal condition; process
-pathy disease; suffering
-plasty process of reshaping by surgery
-scope instrument used to examine
-systole contraction
-therapy treatment
-tome instrument used to cut; area with distinct edges
-trophy process of development
-ule small thing
-um a structure; period of time
a- away from; without
anti- against
bi- two
brady- slow
de- reversal of; without
dys- painful; difficult; abnormal
endo- innermost; within
epi- upon; above
extra- outside of
hyper- above; more than normal
hypo- below; deficient
ortho- straight
per- through; throughout
peri- around
re- again and again; backward; unable to
sub- below: underneath; less than
supra- above
tachy- fast
tetra- four
trans- across; through
tri- three
ultra- beyond; higher
aneurysm area of dilation and weakness in the wall of an artery
angina pectoris mild-to-severe chest pain caused by ischemia of the myocardium
aorta the largest artery in the body
apex the inferior tip of the heart
artery large blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to the body
atrium (singular of atria) each of small upper chambers of the heart
bigeminy a repeating pattern of one normal heart contraction followed by one premature contraction
bruit a harsh, rushing sound made by blood passing through an artery narrowed and roughened by atherosclerosis
bundle of His part of the conduction system of the heart after the AV node which splits into right and left bundle branches
cor pulmonale the enlargement of the right ventricle from lung disease
cordae tendineae ropelike connective tissues attached to heart valve leaflets
diastole the resting period between contractions of the heart
donor one used as a source of biological material (as blood or an organ)
ductus arteriosus temporary, small blood vessel in the fetal heart connecting the pulmonary trunk to the aorta, and should close within 24 hours after birth
edema swelling in the tissue
foramen ovale temporary, oval-shaped opening in interatrial septum of fetal heart, should close within 24 hours after birth
intima (also endothelium) smooth inner layer of blood vessels that promotes flow of blood
lumen a central opening within a blood vessel through which blood flows
mediastinum an irregularly shaped central area of the chest between the lungs
murmur abnormal heart sound created by turbulence as blood leaks through a defective heart valve
node a discrete mass of one kind of tissue enclosed in tissue of a different kind
paroxysmal a sudden attack or spasm (as of a disease) or a sudden recurrence of symptoms or an intensification of existing symptoms
photon another name for a gamma ray
plaque an atherosclerotic lesion
prolapse the sinking or falling down of an organ or part, esp the womb
pulse a regularly recurrent wave of distension in arteries that results from the progress through an artery of blood injected into the arterial system at each contraction of the ventricles of the heart
Purkinje a network of nerves in the heart
Raynaud’s disease sudden, severe vasoconstriction and spasm of the arterioles in the fingers and toes, often from cold or emotional upset
septum a central wall in the heart dividing the right and left sides
subacute falling between acute and chronic in character
systole a contraction of the heart
trigeminy a repeating pattern of two normal heart contractions followed by one premature contraction
valve structure that opens and closes to control the flow of blood
vein large blood vessels that carry blood back to the heart from the body or lungs
vena cava the two (superior and inferior) major veins of the body
ventricle each large lower chamber of the heart (also chamber in the brain)
Created by: Tea Lad
Popular Medical sets




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