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Anatomy & Physiology

Module 3

Functions of the Skin -Protection -Temperature Regulation -Sensation -Excretion -Synthesizes Vitamin D -Absorption
Protection (Body's first line of defense) -Infection by microbes -Ultraviolet rays from sun -Harmful chemicals -Cuts and tears
Temperature Regulation Controlled by: sweating/shivering
Sensation -Functions as an enormous sense organ -Keeps the body informed of changes in its environment
Excretion Assists our body in excreting urea (a breakdown of protein) and other wastes
Synthesizes Vitamin D When skin is exposed to UV light, a substance in skin cells is transported to the liver and kidneys where it is converteed into an active form of vitamin D
Absorption Our skin can absorb mostly anything we plaace on it through passive diffusion; medications, toxins, creams.
Layers of the Skin -Epidermis -Dermis -Hypodermis
Primary Skin Layers Epidermis; avascular, outermost layer of the skin.. Dermis; deeper layer of the skin and much thicker, composed mostly of connective tissue Hypodermis; tissue that lies beneath the skin, insulates and helps with body temperature
Epidermis -Outermost layer of the skin -Non-Vascular (no blood vessels present)); nourished by the dermis layer below
This layer of skin has cells that produces the pigment melanin Epidermis
5 Distinct Layers of Epidermis -Stratum corneum -Stratum lucidum -Stratum granulosum -Stratum spinosum -Stratum basale
Epidermis facts -95% of cells are keratinocytes; produce a tough fibrous protein, keratin (acts like a waterproof coating to prevent water loss) -Gives skin that tough, abrasive resistant protective layer -5% of cells are melanocytes (produces melanin)
Dermis -20 times thicker than the Epidermis layer of the skin -Composed mostly of connective tissue -Mechanical strength of the skin is in this layer
Dermis: 1. Some fibers are tough and strong; 2. Some fibers are stretchable; 1. Collagen 2. Elastic
Two layers of the Dermis 1. Papillary 2. Reticular
Papillary Layer -Consists of parallel rows of tiny bumps (dermal papillae) -Forms ridges and grooves that make up fingerprints & footprints -Pain & touch receptors are found here
Papillary Facts -Ridges develop before birth -Unique to each individual -Purpose is to improve our grip when using tools, or walking on smooth surfaces
Reticular Layer -Deepest skin layer -Filled with a dense network of interlacing fibers
Reticular layer contains: Blood vessels, sweat & oil glands, lymphatic vessels, and hair follicles Pacini corpuscles (deep pressure receptors) found here
Hypodermis Foundation layer, often referred to as: subcutaneous tissue superficial fascia. -Attaches skin to underlying tissues -Spongy nature determines the relative mobility of the skin
Fact: *blank* is not always considered part of the integumentary system Hypodermis
Hypodermis is mostly made up of: Adipose tissue that stores fat for energy, provides insulation for temperature control and offers a soft cushion for protecton
Accessory Organs of the Integumentary System -Hair -Nails -Glands
Hair Hair root - lies hidden in follicle Hair shaft - is the visible part Hair papilla - small cap shaped cluster of cels, located at base o fhair follicle, nourished by dermal blood vessels
Arrector Pili Muscle attached to hair follicle, contract when frightened or cold
Hairless areas of the body Lips, palms of hands, soles of feet
Nails Produced by epidermal cells, and made of keratin, which is hardened and plate-like Nail body - visible part Nail root - lies in a groove, hidden by cuticle Lunula - crescent shaped area nearest root
Skin Glands 1. Sweat (sudoriferous) glands 2. Oil (sebaceous) glands
Sweat/Sudoriferous Glands Eccrine and Apocrine
Eccrine -Produces perspiration, thin watery liquid -Assists in elimination of waste -Aids in temperature control -We can see these (pores)
Apocrine -Larger than eccrine sweat glands -Mostly found in genitals, axillary areas -Secretes yellowish, thicker substance -Grow & function at puberty
Oil Glands -Secrete oil for skin & hair -Tiny ducts of these glands open into hair follicles, lubricating hair & skin -Sebum (prevents drying & cracking *skins natural cream) -Accumulates in and enlarges some of the ducts forming white pimples.
What increases in production at puberty, and decreases in late adult hood? Oil/Sebaceous Glands
Created by: CherryBombs1500
Popular Medical sets




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