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Anatomy of the Skeletal System

The domelike bone at the top of your head is called your cranium
Within the cranium is called the cranial cavity
The cranial cavity contains the brain
Number of bones in the adult body is 206
The bone that forms the forehead and top of the cranium is called the frontal bone
The bones that form the bridge of the nose and the roof of the nasal cavity are called the nasal bones
The upper jaw bone is called the maxilla
The lower jaw bone is called the mandible
The tiny bones inside the ear are called the ossicles
The flat, U-shaped bone in the anterior neck that does not touch any other bones is called the hyoid bone
The large areas of fibrous tissue in the head of a baby that are commonly called "soft spots" are medically known as fontanels
The posterior tip of the sternum is called the xiphoid process
The medical term for what is commonly caleed the "breast bone" is the sternum
You have 12 pairs of ribs
The spinal column is composed of 24 individual vertebrae
The cervical vertebrae are in the neck
THe thoracic vertebrae are in the chest
The vertebrae that are in the lower back are called the lumbar vertebrae
The vertebrea knows as S1 is called the sacrum
The medical word for "tail bone" is coccyx
The word that means "pertaining to the coccyx" is coccygeal
The word that means "pertaining to the chest" is thoracic
The word that means "pertaining to the lower back" is lumbar
The gelatinous substance that fills the disk of the vertebrae is called nucleus pulposus
The collar bone is medical known as the clavicle
The bone that is commonly called the "should blade" is medically known as the scapula
The word that means "pertaining to the clavicle" is clavicular
The word that means "pertaining to the scapula" is scapular
The long bone in the upper arm that is also known as the "funny bone" is called the humerus
The bone in the lower arm that lies on the thumb side is called the radius
The lower arm bone that lies on the little finger side is called the ulna
The bones of the wrist are called carpals
The finger bones are called the phalanges
The most superior of the hip bones is the ilium
The most inferior of the hip bones is the ischium
The small bridgelike bone that is the most anterior of the hip bones is called the pubic bone or the pubis
The deep sockets of the hip joints are called the acetabulum
The bone that is known as the thigh bone is medically known as the femur
The head of the femur fits into the acetabulum tgo form the hip joint
The bone commonly called the "shin bone" is the tibia
The very thin bone on the lateral side of the lower leg is the fibula
The bone commonly known as the "knee cap" is the patella
The bone known as the "heel bone" is the calcaneus
The bone of the feet are called metatarsals and tarsals
The great toe is medically known as the hallux
The medical word for "joint" is articulation
A fully movable joint is known as a synovial joint
The strong, fibrous bands of connective tissue that hold the two bones together in a synovial joint are called ligaments
The fluid that is produced in the synovial joint is called synovial fluid
The special crescent-shaped pad found in some synovial joints, such as the knee, is called the meniscus
Osseous tissue is otherwise known as bone
The surface of a bone is covered with periosteum
The straight shaft of a long bone is called the diaphysis
The widened ends of the shaft are called epiphyses
The spongy bone inside each epiphysis is called cancellous bone
The word for the gradual replacement of cartilage with bone that takes place during childhood and adolescence is called ossification
The cells that break down old areas or damaged bone are called osteoclasts
The cells that deposit new bone tissue in old or broken areas of bone are called osteoblasts
The cells that maintain and monitor the mineral content of bone are called osteocytes
Almost all of the body's calcium is stored in the bones
Babies are born without these bones - they do not develop until between the ages of 2 and 6. kneecaps
The combining form that means "limb; small attache part" is appendicul/o
The combining form "axi/o" means axis
The combining forms "osse/o and oste/o" mean bone
The combining form "skelet/o" means skeleton
The combining form "muscul/o" means muscle
The combining form that means "structure that encircles like a crown" is coron/o
The combining form "crani/o" means cranium (skull)
The combining form that means "sieve" is ethm/o
The combining form "front/o" means front
The combining form that means "U-shaped structure" is hy/o
The combining form that means "tears" is lacrim/o
The combining form that means "mandible (lower jaw)" is mandibul/o
The combining form that means "maxilla (upper jaw)" is maxill/o
The combining form "nas/o" means nose
The combining form that means "occiput (back of the head)" is occipit/o
The combining form "palat/o" means palate
The combining form that means "wall of a cavity" is pariet/o
The combining form that means "going from back to front" is sagitt/o
The combining form that means "wedge, shape" is sphen/o
The combining form "tempor/o" means temple
The combining form "mast/o" means breast
The combining form "cost/o" means rib
The combining forms "cartilagin/o and chondr/o" mean cartilage
The combining form that means "sternum (breast bone)" is stern/o
The combining form "xiph/o" means sword
The combining form "thorac/o" means chest
THe combining form "cervic/o" means neck
The combining form "coccyg/o" means coccyx
The combining form "vertebr/o and spondyl/o" means vertebra
The combining form that means "lower back" is lumb/o
The combining form that means "sacrum" is sacr/o
The combining form that means "spine or backbone" is spin/o
The combining from that means "socket or joint" is glen/o
The combining form that means "clavicle or collar bone" is clavicul/o
The combining form "scapul/o" means scapula
The combining form "carp/o" means wrist
The combining form "humer/o" means humerus
The combining forms "phalang/o and dactyl/o" mean finger or toe
The combining form that means "thigh bone *femur" is femor/o
The combining form that means "pubis" (hip bone) is pub/o
The combining form that means "heel bone" is calcane/o
The combining forms "arthro and articul/o" mean joint
A benign tumor of the cartilage is called a chondroma
The word for "bone tumor" is osteoma
A cartilage softening would be called a chondromalacia
The suffix -malacia means softening
The suffix that means "tumor" is -oma
The combining form "necr/o" means dead
Any fracture in which the bone does not break through the skin is called a closed fracture
Any racture in which the bone breaks through the overlying sking is called an open fracture or a compound fracture
The combining form that means "break up" is fract/o
A fracture caused by force or torsion during an accident or sports injury is called a stress fracture
The type of fracture that occurs most often in children because their bones are still flexible is called a greenstick fracture
A Colles Fracture is a fracture of the wrist
A fracture where the bone is crushed into many pieces is called a comminuted fracture
Abnormal softening of the bone is called osteomalacia
Infection in the bone and bone marrow is called osteomyelitis
Abnormal thinning of the bone structure that is very common in older females is called osteoporosis
The medica term for humpback or hunchback is kyphosis
The combiing form that means "bent or humpbacked" is kyph/o
The condition commonly known as "swayback" is lordosis
A C-shaped or S-shaped curvature of the spine that can be congenital and occurs in childhood is scoliosis
Pain in the joint is called arthralgia
Disease of a joint from any cause is called arthropathy
Diplacement of the end of a bone from its normal position is called a dislocation
The metabolic disorder that occurs most often in men due to a high level of uric acid in the blood is called gout
Blood in the joint cavity due to trauma is called hemarthrosis
Chronic inflammation of the joints that usually begins in middle age is called osteoarthritis
A grinding sound that can be heard when the bone ends rub together is called crepitus
A bone spur is called an osteophyte
Overstretching or tearing of a ligament is called a sprain
The congenital deformity commonly called "bowleg" is medically known as genu varum
The congenital deformity commonly called "knock-knee" is medically known as genu valgum
The condition medically known as a "hallux valgus" is commonly called a bunion
The congenital abnormality of the feet that is medically called "talipes" is commonly known as clubfoot
Created by: GKSMS97
Popular Medical sets




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