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for medical terminology

anter/o front
arthr/o joint
bi/o life
cardi/o heart
caud/o tail
cephal/o head
cervic/o neck;cervix(neck of uterus)
col/o,colon/o large intestine;colon
cost/o rib
cyt/o cell
dist/o away from the point of origin;far;distant
dors/o back of the body
enter/o intestines(usually the small intestines)
gastr/o stomach
glyc/o sugar;glucose
hepat/o liver
hist/o tissue
infer/o below
later/o side
lip/o fat
log/o study
medi/o middle
my/o muscle
neur/o nerve
path/o disease
poster/o back(of body);behind
proxim/o near the point of origin;near;close
sarc/o flesh;connective tissue
super/o above
thorac/o chest
ventr/o belly side of the body ; ventral aspect
viscer/o internal organs
ante- before
anti- against
bi - two;both
brady- slow
endo- in;within
epi- on;over;upon
hyper- above;above normal;excessive
hypo- below;below normal;deficient
inter- between
intra- within;into
peri- around;surrounding
sub- below;under
supra- above
tachy- fast
trans- across
-ac,-al,-ar,-ary,-iac,-ial,-ic,ical,-ior pertaining to
-algia pain
-cyte cell
-ectonomy surgical removal
-emia blood condition
-gen substance that produces
-ia condition
-ine a substance(noun)pertaining to(adjective)
-itis inflammation
-logist specialist(one who studies)
-ology study of
-megaly enlargement
-oma tumor;mass
-osis abnormal condition
-pathy disease
-plasty surgical repair
-stomy surgical opening
-tomy process of cutting;incision
-um structure;tissue;thing
Created by: maju turay
Popular Medical sets




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