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chapter 4

airborne infection isolation precautions precautions that are used with patients known or suspected to have serious illnesses transmitted by airborne droplet nuclei
airborne transmission spread of infection either by airborne droplet nuclei or by dust particles that contain microorganisms
Bloodborne pathogens infectious agent carried in the blood
chain of infection continuous link among the infection source the means of transmission and the susceptible host
common vehicle transmisson transmission by means of contaminated items such as food water medications devices and equipment
contact precautions used for patients known or suspected to have serious illness that are easily transmitted by direct patient contact or with items in the patients environment
contact transmission transfer of microorganisms from an infected or colonized person to susceptible host by body surface to body surface contact or through contact with contaminated object
droplet nuclei particles smaller than 5 that remain suspended in the air for long periods of times
droplet transmission spread of infection through airborne droplets
exposure control plan comprehensive document outlining all procedures and policies for preventing the spread of infection
fomite contaminated object
healthcare associated infection infection contracted by a patient during a hospital stay
hepatitis B virus virus that causes the liver disease hepatitis B spread through contact with human blood or body fluid
high efficiency particulate air a type of air filter
human immunodeficiency virus causative agent for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
infection invasion by and growth of a microorganism in the human body that causes disease
isolation separation of an infection source from a susceptible host thereby breaking the chain of infection
micrometer unit of measure equal to one millionth of a meter a caliper for making precise measurements that has a spindle moved by a finely threaded screw
nosocomial infection infection acquired during a hospital stay
opportunistic microorganism a resident floral microorganism that causes infection under certain conditions such as break in the skin
pathogen infectious organism
personal protective equipment fluid resistant gowns. makes respirators face shields shoe covers and gloves
protective environment isolation of immunocompromised patients to prevent exposing them to infection
reservoir person carrying an infectious agent without being sick
resident flora microorganisms that exist on or in the body that normally do not cause illness
sepsis bacterial infection
standard precautions infection control method that uses barrier protection and work control practices to prevent direct skin contact
transmission based precautions for patients who are known or suspected to be infected or colonized with infectious agents,
vectors carrier of disease
Created by: Kenzie.manson
Popular Medical sets




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