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Anat and Phys Vocab

a- an- without, lack of, not
adeno- gland
adip- fat
aero- air
-al, -ary, -ie pertaining to
albi-, leuko- white
andro- man
angi- blood vessel/duct
ante- before
anti- against, opposite
arthr- joint
-ase enzyme
athero- fatty deposit, paste
auto- self
baro- pressure
bi- two
blasto- embryo, formative cells, germ
brachi- arm
brady- slow
carcino- cancer (disease)
cardi- pertaining to the heart
cauda- tail
cephalo- pertaining to the head
cervi- neck
chondro- pertaining to cartilage
clast- broken/fractured, detroyed
co- with, together
contra- against, opposite
corpo-, soma- body
costa- rib
cutane-, cuti-, derm- skin
cyto- cell
demi-, hemi-, semi- half
dorsi- back
dys- difficult, malfunctioning
ecto-, exo- outer, external, outside
encephalo- brain, inside the head
endo- within, inner
epi- above, upon (placement)
eryth-, erythro- red
eu- good, normal
-form shape
gastro- pertaining to the stomach
-gen, -genesis producer, origin of
glia- glue
gluco-, glyco- sugar
hemo- pertaining to blood
hepato- pertaining to the liver
hetero- different
histo- organic tissue
homeo- stable, constant
homo- same
hydro- water
hyper- above, over, excessive
hypo- under, below
-ia condition of
infra- below, beneath
inter- between, inside
intra- (happening) within
iso- equal
-itis inflammation of
juxta- near, beside, next to
Lacto Pertaining to milk
Lamella, lamina, strata A thin, plate-like structure or layer
Latero Referring to the side
Luteus Pertaining to yellow
Lyso, lyto Relating to the destruction or breakdown of cells or cellular components
Macro Referring to something large or on a large scale
Medi, meso Relating to the middle or median position
Mega Referring to something large or unusually great in size
Meta Indicating a change or transformation beyond
Micro Referring to something very small or on a microscopic scale
Mono Referring to one or single
Morpho Relating to form or structure
Myo, mysi Pertaining to muscle
Neo Referring to new or recent
Nephro, reno– Pertaining to the kidneys
Neuro – Relating to nerves or the nervous system
Oo – Relating to eggs or ova
Oculo – Pertaining to the eye
-ology – The study of a particular subject or field
-oma – Pertaining to a tumor or abnormal growth
Osteo – Pertaining to bones
Ot – Relating to the ear
Oxy – Referring to oxygen or indicating a high level of oxygen
Para – I ndicating alongside, near, or abnormal
Patho – Relating to disease or suffering
Pedi – Relating to children or feet
Peri – Meaning around or surrounding
Phago – Referring to eating or consuming
Philo – Relating to a strong affinity or attraction to something
Phobo – Relating to fear or aversion
Physio – Pertaining to nature, function, or the physical aspects of the body
Pleuro – Relating to the pleura, the membrane surrounding the lungs and lining the chest cavity, rib
Pneumo, pulmono– Pertaining to air or the lungs
Poly – Meaning many or multiple
Pro – Indicating favoring, supporting, or being in front of
Pseudo – Meaning false or pretending to be something
Quadri – Indicating four
Recto, Ortho Referring to straight or correct, often used in relation to alignment or proper positioning, especially in bones and joints
Sclero – Relating to hardness or hardening
-scope An instrument for viewing or examining.
Septum – A dividing wall or partition between two cavities or spaces
Squamo – Relating to or resembling scales or plates
Stasi, stati – Referring to a condition of stagnation or arrest
Sub – Indicating below, under, or beneath
Supra – Indicating above or over
Sym – Meaning together or with
Sym, syn – Meaning together, with, or united
Tachy – Referring to rapid or fast
Tang, tact Referring to (the sense of) touch
Thermo – Relating to heat or temperature
thrombo- coagulation or blood clotting
Trans – Indicating across, through, or beyond
Tri – Indicating three
Trochlea – A spool-shaped structure or a pulley-like groove
Troph – Relating to nourishment or growth
Tropo – Referring to turning or changing
Tunic – A layer or covering
Uni – Indicating one or single
Vaso – Pertaining to blood vessels or ducts
Ventro – Relating to the front or abdomen
Vertebro – Pertaining to the vertebrae or spinal column
Created by: user-1856109
Popular Medical sets




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