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Med Terms

CPA cardiopulmonary arrest
CVS Cardiovascular system
MI Myocardial infarction
CAD Coronary artery disease
PAD Peripheral arterial disease
F.A.S.T Face, Arms, Speed, Time
B.L.BS Bilateral Breath sounds
L.O.C Loss of Consciousness
SOAP Subjective, objective, assessment, plan
R.A.M Rapid Alternating Movements
Austin Flint Murmur A heart murmur named after American physician Austin Flint
Eisenmenger syndrome A pulmonary hypertension due to untreated heart defect named after Dr. Victor Eisenmenger
Alzheimer's disease Brain disorder that causes the deterioration of mental cognition and memory named after Alois Alzheimer
Paget's disease Old bone tissue is less effectively replaced with new bone tissue named after James Paget
Parkinson's disease Brain-function disorder that can cause imbalance and miscoordination between the brain and other parts of the body named after James Parkinson
Nasopharynx The superior portion of the pharynx that connects to the nose
tonsillitis inflammation of the tonsils
pneumonitis inflammation of the lungs
Tracheal stenosis narrowing of the trachea
Prostatitis inflammation of the prostate
Hypopharynx The inferior portion of the pharynx that splits into the esophagus and larynx
Urethritis inflammation of the urethra
Tracheostomy Creates an opening to the trachea through the neck
esophagoptosis denotes a falling down, drooping, or displacement of the esophagus.
gastritis inflammation of the stomach
Nephritis inflammation of the kidneys
Tracheoplasty Tightens a loose trachea and supports it with surrounding tissue
Oropharynx The middle portion of the pharynx that connects to the mouth
Ureterorenoscopy procedure that uses an endoscope to remove stones from the ureter
Tracheomalacia abnormal softening of the trachea
oophoritis inflammation of the ovaries
Hysterectomy removal of the uterus
perineum skin between anus and genitals
prostatitis inflammation of the prostate
Vulvoplasty procedure that creates a shallow depth vaginal canal and feminine external genitalia
Created by: kcannad0
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