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APWH Unit 5

The Enlightenment Intellectual movement that applied scientific and rationalist world views for philosophical discoveries
Natural Rights Rights that all humans are born with, became popular during the Enlightenment era
Social Contract A concept that states that everyone in society implicitly agrees to cooperate for social benefits, encouraged people to overthrow corrupt governments.
Popular Sovereignty The idea that the power of a nation should be held by the people.
Democracy A government system where everyone could participate equally.
Liberalism Ideology that emphasized protection of civil rights, protection of private property, and free market trade
Suffrage The right to vote, these types of protests rose during the Enlightenment era
Olympes de Gouges French Feminist during the Enlightenment era. Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Woman and Female Citizen
Nationalism A shared sense of commonality between a group of people based on culture, language. Also includes a shared vision for the future and sometimes a common enemy.
Muhammad Ali Leader of the Ottoman state of Egypt, grew tired of government corruption and conflict and took steps to industrialize on his own using textile factories
American Revolution A Revolution started by the 13 colonies who had grown discontent with their Monarch ruler's policies.
The Declaration of Independence A government document declaring the 13 colonies free from Britain's rule. Discusses popular sovereignty and the social contract.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen Written during the French revolution, outlined rights that all French men were to have one the revolution was complete
Haitian Revolution Revolution spurred by enslaved people on a tropical island, rebelled against their French colonists. Created the first black government in the Western hemisphere.
Simon Bolivar Latin American independence fighter, urged Latin Americans to unite in the fight against the Spanish colonists.
Letter from Jamaica Written by Simon Bolivar, urges Latin Americans in South America to band together to overthrow their oppressive Spanish rulers
Propaganda Movement in the Philippines Nationalist movement where Enlightenment-inspired Filipinos published pamphlets, papers, expressing desire to their Spanish rulers to be involved in politics. Would lead to the Philippine revolution
Factors that Contributed to Great Britain's Industrialization Proximity to Waterways, Geographical resources of coal and iron, access to foreign resources from colonies, legal protections for private property, urbanization
How the ways that goods were made changed Factories sprung up, allowing things to be mass produced.
Steam Engine New mode of transportation, allowed for goods to be moved faster than ever before
Industrialization in France Was slow to industrialize due to lack of coal deposits and massive social upheaval, government did sponsor the building of railway tracks
Industrialization in America Did not industrialized until the end of the 19th century, following the end of inner-nation conflict, industrialization occurred rapidly.
Industrialization in Russia Industrialization at the end of the 19th century was state driven, built railroads to link rural areas to urban markets. Some progress was made but lives of industrial workers were brutal, nation saw frequent uprisings
Industrialization in Japan
Tech in the 1st Indust Rev Steam engine, locomotive, steam ships
Tech in the 2nd Indust Rev Gasoline, electricity, telegraph
Suez Canal Canal constructed due to the rise in usage of iron and steel ships, made trade easier
Railroads The US built a Transcontinental Railroad and the Russians built the Trans-Siberian Railroad, encouraging migration
Adam Smith Economist that promoted the replacement of the free-market
Laissez-Faire Policy Policy that encouraged states to stay out of the economy and let it "regulate" itself.
Transnational Business Businesses established in one country but had large controls in other countries
Unilever Corporation Joint Stock Company owned by the British that made household goods. Started in 1750s..
Tenements Shabby housing the industrial workers lived in during the 19th/20th century
Marxism Economist theory by Karl Marx that prophesized that the working class would one day rise against the Bourgeois
Self-Strengthening Movement Reform started in Qing China where they borrowed from the West while still trying to retain traditional culture
Tanzimat Reforms Ottoman movement where they built factories and changed to western style law, but conservatives in the empire resisted the reforms
Created by: Camille G
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