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Cartilage is which type of tissue that gives shape to structures such as the ears and nose. connective
In medical terminology, the word part at the end of the word, which alters the meaning of the word root, is the suffix
In order for anatomical terms to be universally understood, it is assumed that the body is in the anatomical position, which is standing upright and facing forward with the arms at the sides and the palms of the hands facing forward
In the anatomical position, the body is standing with the arms at the sides and palms facing forward
In what directional position is the skin relative to the muscles? superficial
Most of the organs of digestion are found in the __________ cavity. abdominal
The __________ plane divides the body equally into right and left halves. midsagittal
The disorder in which a person is born without pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair is __________. albinism
The elbow is __________ to the wrist. proximal
The genetic information for the body is located in __________. DNA
The knees are positioned __________ to the hips. caudal
The pelvic cavity contains the __________. reproductive organs
The position closest to the midline of the body is __________. medial
The position toward the front of the body is __________. anterior
The thoracic cavity is __________ to the abdominal cavity. superior
What is the term for the overall chemical functioning of the body? metabolism
What word part is added to the beginning of a medical term that alters the meaning of the word root. prefix
Which of the following is a life-threatening disease that mainly affects the lungs and pancreas? cystic fibrosis
Which of these genetic disorders, in which clotting factors are missing, primarily affects males? hemophilia
Which plane divides the body into anterior and posterior portions? frontal
Which plane divides the body into inferior and superior portions? transverse
Which plane divides the body into right and left portions? sagittal
Which term means rapid breathing? tachypnea
Which tissue is located in the brain and the spinal cord? nervous
Which type of tissue covers the body and most organs? epithelial
Which type of tissue is able to contract and relax? muscle
Bones are directionally positioned __________ to the skin. deep
The directional position above or close to the head is which of the following terms? superior
Cellulitis is an inflammation of connective tissues in skin caused by __________. bacteria
Hair follicles are designated by the letter __________ in the figure. E
In the figure of the skin, the sebaceous gland is indicated by the letter __________. D
In which layer of skin are keratinocyte cells located? epidermis
Melanin, which helps protect underlying layers of skin from UV radiation, is deposited throughout the __________. epidermis
Pediculosis, which comes in three forms, is caused by which of the following? lice
Signs and symptoms listed in the ABCDE rule would apply to which condition? melanoma
Sweat glands are found in the __________. dermis
The causes of eczema are __________. mostly unknown
The epidermis is indicated by the letter __________ in the figure of the skin. A
The most aggressive skin cancer is __________. melanoma
The most common skin cancer is __________. basal cell carcinoma
The skin plays a role in regulating body temperature by __________. dilating or constricting blood vessels in the skin
The subcutaneous layer of skin, or hypodermis, is largely made of adipose and loose connective tissue and also contains blood vessels and nerves. It is designated by the letter __________ on the figure. C
When the supply of oxygen in the blood is low, what color would the skin appear? bluish
Which letter indicates the dermis? B
Which of the following are mites that burrow beneath the skin? scabies
Which of the following causes herpes simplex? a virus
Which of the following conditions may require chemotherapy? melanoma
Which of the following is mostly adipose tissue? hypodermis
Which of these skin problems can be caused by excessive rubbing of the skin? folliculitis
Which of these skin problems requires treating the whole family? scabies
Which of these structures or substances in the skin helps prevent UV radiation from damaging deep structures of the skin? melanin
Which skin condition has characteristics of itchy, silvery, scaly lesions? psoriasis
A recommendation to prevent osteoporosis is __________. regular exercise
An enlargement at the end of a bone is called a(n) __________. head
Bone density can be increased by __________. walking
Bone scans can be used to diagnose causes of __________. bone infections
Bones are held together by tough, cord-like structures called __________. ligaments
Bones gradually become thin in __________. osteoporosis
Brittle-bone disease is another name for __________. osteogenesis imperfecta
Cartilaginous joints are __________. slightly moveable
Donald is a 14-year-old patient who is being seen today because of severe pain and swelling in his lower left leg. Which of the following disorders or diseases would the practitioner test for given the patient’s complaints and symptoms? osteosarcoma
Fontanels are __________. tough membranes that connect incompletely developed bones
In adults, which of the following contains yellow marrow, which consists of mostly fat? medullary cavity
In order to maintain healthy dense bones, what advice would be given to patients? Stop smoking.
In which disorder do bones become enlarged, deformed, and weak? Paget's disease
Mrs. Jefferson has visible deformities in the fingers on both hands, Mrs. Jefferson confesses that she does not know much about this disorder and asks what causes it. What should the medical assistant tell her? "Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease; the body's immune system attacks the joints."
One treatment option for scoliosis is __________. braces
Red blood cells need to be replaced every __________. 90 to 120 days
The __________ bones form the prominence of the cheeks. zygomatic
The __________ form the palm of the hand. metacarpals
The __________ forms the lower sides of the skull. temporal bone
The __________ joins the sternum and scapula. clavicle
The __________, or heel bone, is the largest tarsal bone. calcaneus
The condition commonly referred to as humpback is __________. kyphosis
The expanded end of a long bone is the __________. epiphysis
The most important nutrient for bone growth is __________. calcium
The occipital bone is an example of which type of bone? flat
This bone is thin and flat and is also called the shoulder blade. scapula
What is the anterior bone of the cranium called? frontal bone
What is the term for the bones of the toes? phalanges
What lines the holes of spongy bones? red bone marrow
What structures allow the infant's skull to be somewhat moldable to assist with delivery through the birth canal? fontanels
Which bone makes up most of the top and sides of the skull? parietal bone
Which disorder is caused by uric acid deposits in the joints? gout
Which of the following are bones of the wrist? carpals
Which of the following describes synovial joints? They are held together by a fibrous joint capsule.
Which of the following lifestyle changes should be recommended to patients to help them prevent osteoporosis? Stop smoking
Which of the following would a practitioner recommend as a treatment for a patient with gout? reducing meats, fish, and wine in the diet
Which of the following would the medical assistant recommend when educating patients with gout? consume limited quantities of meat, beer, and wine
Which of these covers the epiphyses of long bones? articular cartilage
Which type of bone is the patella (kneecap)? sesamoid
__________ can be used to treat the Ewing sarcoma family of tumors and osteosarcoma. Chemotherapy
An early sign of tetanus is __________. muscle spasm in the jaw and neck
As aging occurs, muscle contractions __________. become slower
As changes occur in the musculoskeletal system due to aging, which of the following is not likely to occur? Endurance of muscle fibers decreases dramatically.
Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion are represented by the numbers __________. 7 and 6
Elysia is a young woman who has just been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. The practitioner asks the medical assistant to provide her with tips to help manage this disorder. The medical assistant should suggest that she __________. seek counseling to help develop better coping skills
In order to get tetanus, a person must have a(n) __________. open wound, usually from a puncture by a contaminated object
Numbers 1 and 2 demonstrate __________. rotation and circumduction
Numbers 1 and 2 on the figure are examples of __________. abduction and adduction
Numbers 3 and 4 on the figure demonstrate __________. protraction and retraction
One common symptom of rhabdomyolysis is __________. dark urine
Referring to the figure, which of the following demonstrate flexion? 4 and 9
Supination and pronation are demonstrated by numbers __________. 3 and 4
The __________ muscle moves the abdominal wall. external oblique
The __________ muscle moves the head. sternocleidomastoid
The number 5 on the figure demonstrates __________. extension
The shoulder is moved by the __________ muscle. trapezius
When muscles have a buildup of lactic acid, this __________. causes muscle fatigue
Which characteristic applies to smooth muscle? It produces peristalsis.
Which of the following are characteristics of cardiac muscle? It has intercalated discs and is self-exciting.
Which of the following attaches muscles to each other? aponeurosis
Which of the following connects muscles to bone? tendon
Which of the following does not apply to skeletal muscle? It has intercalated discs.
Which of the following does not apply to visceral smooth muscle? It is found in blood vessels.
Which of the following is true regarding the cardiac muscle? It is self-exciting.
Which of the following produces body movement? skeletal muscle
Which of the following uses glucose to help make ATP? aerobic respiration
Which of these muscles flexes the foot and is commonly called the calf muscle? gastrocnemius
Which type of connective tissue separates muscles from each other? fascia
Which type of muscle moves contents through hollow organs such as the intestines? Visceral smooth muscle
Which muscles closes the jaw? masseter and temporalis muscles
Which of the following muscles moves the forearm by flexing the arm at the elbow and rotating the hand laterally? biceps brachii
Which of the following muscles moves the thigh? gluteus medius and gluteus minimus
Blood pressure is greatest in the arteries __________. when the ventricles contract
Chest pain caused by __________ generally occurs only during body movements. sore muscles
If chest pain follows a meal and increases when the patient bends over, it is generally due to __________. heartburn
In the clinical setting, blood pressure refers to __________. arterial pressure
The __________ are small vessels that carry oxygenated blood. capillaries
The __________ are small vessels that carry deoxygenated blood. veins
The __________ arteries supply blood to the forearm and hand. ulnar and radial
The __________ vein is the major vein in the legs. saphenous
The purpose of the four valves of the heart is to __________. ensure one-way blood flow
Venules and arterioles are connected by __________. capillaries
What causes a myocardial infarction? obstruction of blood flow to the heart muscle
What is the name of the valve that is also known as the mitral valve? bicuspid
Which artery supplies blood to the thigh? femoral
Which component of the cardiac conduction system is located between the ventricles and splits into left and right branches? bundle of His
Which of following is a membrane that covers the heart? pericardium
Which of the following are the strongest blood vessels that function to carry blood away from the heart? arteries
Which of the following causes chest pain only when someone pushes on the chest? costochondritis
Which of the following causes of chest pain is heart-related? Angina
Which of the following is the thickest layer of the heart, which is made up of muscle? myocardium
Which part of the cardiac conduction system is located in the wall of the right atrium? SA node
Which part of the cardiac conduction system is known as the pacemaker of the heart? SA node
Which part of the cardiac conduction system is located in the walls of the ventricles and cause the ventricles to contract? Purkinje fibers
Which part of the cardiac conduction system receives the impulse from the SA node? AV node
Which valve is between the left atrium and left ventricle? bicuspid
In which condition does inflammation cause an obstruction in the tubes of the bronchial tree? asthma
In which disorder is airflow to the lungs limited and do the alveoli become enlarged? COPD
It is best to position a baby on its back for sleep to decrease the chance of __________. This is especially important for those known to be at risk, those with previous apneic episodes, or those who have lost a sibling. SIDS
Normally, when blood levels of carbon dioxide rise, __________. the rate and depth of breathing increase
Smokers are much more likely to develop __________ than are nonsmokers, and repeated episodes increase a person's chance of eventually developing lung cancer. bronchitis
The __________ are the part of the respiratory tree to which the alveoli are attached. bronchioles
The __________ is the total amount of air that the lungs can hold. total lung capacity
The amount of air that moves in or out of the lungs during a normal breath is the __________. tidal volume
The nasal cavity is divided by the __________. nasal septum
What is the medical term for the opening between the vocal cords? glottis
Which of the following can normally cause an increased respiratory rate and depth? increased carbon dioxide levels in the blood
Which of the following exerts control on the respiratory rhythm? medulla oblongata
Which of the following is a relatively new respiratory disease caused by a virus that is very contagious and sometimes fatal? SARS
Which of the following is an acute type of bacterial pneumonia caused by bacteria found in air conditioning systems? Legionnaire's disease
Which of the following is caused by a virus and lasts 5–10 days? influenza
Which of the following is caused by smoking or by exposure to radon, asbestos, or industrial carcinogens? lung cancer
Which of the following lines the nasal cavity and helps remove pathogens? cilia
Which of the following prevents food from entering the airway during swallowing? epiglottis
Which of these are tiny air sacs surrounded by capillaries where gas exchange occurs? alveoli
Created by: evelynlarios1
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