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Space within a blood vessel through which the blood flows lumen
Platelet thrombocyte
Pertaining to blood vessels vascular
When taking a BP what does the 1st heart sound represent and how is it reported? systole top number
State the function for each of the 3 major types of blood vessels arteries- carries oxygen rich blood away from heart to capillaries capillaries-allow exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients between blood and tissue cells veins- carries oxygen poor blood, carbon dioxide and waste products to the heart
Leukocytes- how many per mL and their purpose 4,500-11,000 per mL provides immunity
Name the leukocytes and their functions T-lymphs- recognizes foreign antigens Eosinophils- increased in allergies Neutrophils- phagocytizes bacteria Monocyte-becomes a macrophage B-lymphs-produces antibodies Basophils-releases antihistamines
Blood vessel carrying deoxygenated blood from the tissues to the heart vein
Most common site to check a BP brachial artery
Name a disorder in which FDP's are elevated DIC
Erythrocytes How many per mL, life span, purpose 4.5-6 million per mL 120 days transports oxygen and carbon dioxide
3 formed elements of the blood and state the function WBC's- aids immunity RBC's- transports oxygen and carbon dioxide Platelets- clotting
Vein that carries oxygenated blood pulmonary vein
3 layers of the heart epicardium. myocardium, endocardium
Name 2 coag pathways and a test used to monitor each pathway Intrinsic- ATTP Extrinsic- PT
Where is the saphenous vein? Leg
Deficiency of RBC's anemia
Abnormal increase in the # of normal leukocytes in the circulating blood leukocytosis
Contraction phase of the heart systole
One of 2 lower chambers of the heart ventricle
Resting phase of the heart diastole
When you take a pulse you are looking for? rate, rhythm, and volume
Quality of blood pumped by the heart ventricle in one minute and how many liters is it usually Cardiac output 5 liters
Small vein leading from a capillary to a vein venule
Why do veins contain valves? to keep blood flowing in one direction; prevent backflow
Marked abnormal increase of WBC's in marrow and circulating blood leukemia
Thrombocytes- how many mLs, life span, purpose 140,000-440,000 per mL, 9-12 days, clotting
Chamber of the heart that recieves blood from the venae cavae Right atrium
Small arterial branches leading to capillaries arteriole
Blood vessel carrying oxygenated blood from the heart to tissues arteries
One of two upper chambers of the heart atrium
3 stages of blood coag and the primary process taking place Primary hemostasis-forms a temporary platelet plug Secondary hemostasis-converts the primary platelet plug to a stable fibrin clot Fibrinolysis- breakdown/ removal of a clot
Pacemaker of the heart SA node
Small blood vessel containing arteries and veins that allows the exchange of gases between the cells and the blood capillaries
How does the heart muscle recieve oxygen and nutrients coronary arteries
Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels cardiovascular
RBC erythrocyte
Common site used to take a pulse radial artery
WBC leukocyte
Trace the blood flow venae cavae right atrium tricuspid right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve pulmonary artery lungs pulmonary vein left atrium mitral valve left ventricle aortic valve aorta
Created by: amoodywife
Popular Medical sets




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