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respiratory review
Term | Definition |
functions | Provide body with oxygen & eliminate carbon dioxide (exchange of O2 & CO2), breathing in fresh air/exhaling out old air, pass air over vocal cords to produce sound |
Mouth/Nose (nasal/oral cavity) | air enters the body (warms and filters air) |
Pharynx | throat (only structure that takes in air, food, and liquids) |
Larynx | voice box |
Trachea | windpipe (delivers air to the branch) |
Epiglottis | leaf like structure that covers the layers to keep food from entering into the branches |
External Respiration | exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the atmosphere(outside air) and the alveoli. |
Internal Respiration | gas exchange at the cellular and tissue level. Oxygen is delivered to the cells of the body by the bloodstream. |
1 | nose/mouth |
2 | nasal cavities |
3 | pharynx |
4 | larynx |
5 | trachea |
6 | bronchi |
7 | lungs > bronchioles > alveoli |
8 | oxygen to blood |
Rales:aka (Crackles) | crackling sound heard during auscultation of the lungs. Indicates presences of fluid/mucus in the airway. |
Rhonchi | coarse rattle, snore, or gurgling, wheezing sound heard over the bronchi during lung auscultation. Usually clears after coughing. |
Stridor | high-pitched, crowing sound during respiration that indicates airway obstruction including foreign body. |
Wheeze | whistling musical sound that occurs from inflamed airways of the bronchial tree that are common in asthma. |
Cheyne-Stokes Respiration | unusual breathing pattern alternating periods of apnea then progressively faster respirations. Often called the “death rattle” as it is seen in dying patients. |
Hyperventilation | condition in which breathing is faster than normal. Can be caused by stress/anxiety. |
Orthopnea | breathing is easier when sitting up straight (because the person has dyspnea when lying flat). Often caused by CHF. |
Aspiration | Drawing in of a foreign object during inhalation through, nose, throat, or lungs |
Sputum | Mucus coughed up from the respiratory system |
Sleep apnea | Periods of cessation of breathing during sleep |
Pleural effusion | Leakage of fluid into the pleural cavity |
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease | A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe. |
Emphysema | a condition in which the air sacs of the lungs are damaged and enlarged, causing breathlessness |
Chronic Bronchitis | Long-term inflammation of the bronchi |
Common cold | Inflammation of the respiratory mucous membranes (can also be called nasopharyngitis or rhinopharyngitis) |
Croup | Childhood viral infection characterized by “barking” cough |
Asthma | Often caused by an allergen causes swelling of the airways and spasm of the bronchial tubes characterized by wheezing and dyspnea |
Influenza | Acute, contagious viral respiratory infection. S/S include fever, chills, headache, cough, myalgia, and sore throat |
Pneumonia | Inflammation in the lungs due to infection or irritant |
Cystic Fibrosis | Inherited disease that causes chronic respiratory infections with excessive mucus in the lungs, sweating, and impairment of the digestive system |
two types of COPD | chronic bronchitis and emphysema |
Pulmonary Embolism | (PE) blood clot in the lung |
Tuberculosis (TB) | Contagious bacterial infection in the lungs with scarring & abscesses. Spread through coughing can cause complications with other body systems |
Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs) | Assess level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood |
Polysomnography | Monitoring a patient during sleep to aid in diagnosing sleeping disorders |
Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) | Tests performed to measure airflow in the lungs |
Sweat Test | Aids in diagnosing cystic fibrosis (CF) by measuring the amount of sodium present in sweat |
Tuberculin (TB) Skin Test | Injection of a TB-purified protein derivative (PPD) under the skin to determine whether or not the person has been exposed to TB |
Aerosol Therapy | Inhaled medication; mist delivered by a nebulizer while the patient breathes |
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) | Machine that delivers mild air pressure to keep the airways open. Used for sleep apnea |
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) | Emergency lifesaving treatment given to someone not breathing or heart has stopped |
Thoracentesis | Surgical puncture into chest wall to aspire fluid from the pleural sac |
Tracheostomy | Surgical opening in the trachea to allow patient to breath easier |
Ventilator | Machine that delivers artificial respiration for a patient unable to breath |
Antibiotic | Fights or prevents bacterial infection |
Antihistamine | Blocks the effects of histamines which produce symptoms of allergic reactions |
Antitussive | Suppresses a cough |
Beta-Adrenergic Agonist | Dilates the bronchi |
Bronchodilator | Relaxes muscle spasms in the bronchial tubes |
Decongestant | Reduces congestion |
Expectorant | Produces thinner mucus |
Glucocorticoid | Suppresses inflammation |
Mast Cell Stabilizer | Inhibits release of histamines |
Mucolytic | Loosens mucus |
right lung | 3 lobes |
left lung | 2 lobes |